8 FEBRUARY 1851, Page 8

It is said that efforts are in progress at Liverpool

to establish a new company to run screw-steamers from that port to Calcutta. The proposal is to build iron boats for the service, of 2500 or 3000 tons, with 600-horsepower.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne bids fair to outstrip all competitors in the mat of iron shipbuilding. Some time ago, the Newcturtle Journal pointed out the special advantages of the Tyne's shores for this branch of industry, and expressed a well-grounded expectation that this business would become as much one of the staple trades of the district as the coal or iron trade. The Journal now exultingly reports progress " One of the largest and most eminent firms in London (Messrs. Miller, Ravenhill, and Co.) have established an iron shipbuilding-yard here, an are now busy building a magnificent screw steamer, and it is understood are likely to have four more large steamers on hand before long. Messrs. Couttsand Parkinson are now building three snore East Indiamen of the largest size, being about 1000 tons each ; two of which are for eminent shipowners, who are fully convinced of the enormous advantages possessed by iron ships over wooden ones in point of strength, lightness, capacity, safety, speed, durability., and economy, not only in the first cost, but also in keeping them in repair ; and what is more striking and remarkable is, that these gentlemen are Clyde shipowners,—a fact which speaks highly for the science and workmanship of this establishment. Mr, Toward has launched a great num her of steam-vessels for the Continental trade, and has only one difficulty to contend with,—which is, to get the vessels built quickly enough to supply the demand. Mr. Robson of Gateshead and Mr. Marshall of Shields are also very full of work ; indeed, the prospects of this trade are such as bid fair to more than realize our most sanguine expectations, orders and inquiries flowing in daily from all quarters, and very many from the Mediterranean, the Baltic, and other parts of Europe."