8 FEBRUARY 1902, Page 16



Sin,—In your article on the above-named subject in the Spectator of January 25th you imply that the practice is absolutely contrary to English law. Is the fact really so P A London physician once told me that there was still on our statute-books an untepe.aled statute of, I think, Edward IL, according to which, in the case of painful and incurable disease, the physician was empowered to end life in some painless manner, provided that the patient and one member of his or her family consented, and that the act was performed in the presence of a Magistrate. I have heard the same statement more recently, but have never been able to secure any certain corroboration of its truth. Perhaps some of your readers may be able to tell me whether my informant was accurate or not.—I am, Sir, &c., H. GEO. BURDEN. Penzance.