8 JANUARY 1876, Page 2

The Cettinje correspondent of the Politische Correspondenz, Vienna, affulits that

Prince Nikita of Montenegro has been induced

to remain quiet by a positive assurance from the Czar that his posi- tion-shall shortly be improved in one direction or another, a promise which he interprets as one of an extension of territory. He can have no extension, except at Turkish cost, and the assurance, if given, must mean that the Russian Government does not intend or believe that the insurgent provinces should ever again be Turkish. There is a reportycnrrent in Belgrade that a plan for a rectifica- tion of frontiers which would give Russia and Austria, Servia and Montenegro all alike an extension of territory, has been carefully considered at St. Petersburg, and the rumour, though probably baseless, shows how completely men believe that Turkey is entering the crucible.