8 JULY 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, July 4.


Jones and Co. New York, merchants; as far as regards Gibson and Ord-Jones and

Co. New York, merchants; as far as regards Jones-Jones and Co. Manchester. merchants • as far as regards Jones-Fuller and Cook, Heaton, cabriolet proprietore-Hyde and 13.4tou, Liverpool, ship-brokers-J. and J. S. Garnett, Liverpool. merchantsHunt and Harris, Bristol, iron-merchantsCockshott and Co. Pernambuco; as far as regards Eyton-Howell and Wyatt. Upper Hyde Park Street, builders-Rathbone and Co. Liverpool, merchants; as far as regards Powell-Suowdon and Browulow, Liverpool, tea-dealers -Schutz° and Moller, Essex Street, Strati& commissiou agentsHamer and Hardiker. Liverpool, plumbers-Girling and Ryder, Southwark Bridge Road, wheelwrights-De Combo and Cozhead. Clerkeuwell, engine. turners -Ryan and Charrington, City, wine-merchants -Anderdon and Co.; as far as reQrds Anders dou-Oelrielis and Co. Baltimore. merchaans ; as far as regards Oelriebs -Handley and Co. Westleigh, Lancashire, coal masters ; as far as regards J. and T. Smethurst-proven and Alhanelli, Manchester, merchants-LS. and J. F. Sabertou, Chatteris, Isle of Ely, farmers-Hicks and Porter. Birmingham, surgeons-Sherwood and Smit11, Stockton, Durham. ironmongers -Cormack and Oliver, New Cross, nurserymen-S. and T. R. Farrar, Halifax, wine-merchants Moses aud Co. City, slopsellets ; as far as regards Moses-E. and W. Men, North Place, Kiugslaud Road, timber.merchantsJ. and F. Simpson, Newington, china dealers -Viet and Fairly, Sunderland. chemists -S. and E. Lovegrove. City, tavern keepers -Brackenridge sod Gibson. Liverpool, curu meichautsStead and Plaits Leeds. w hitesrniths-Drew and Co. Manchester, thread-manufacturers; as far as regards Drew-Livingston and Cu. Liverpool-Caporn and Hance:. Coventry. ribbon.mauurocturers -Green and Robberds. City, coal-merchants -Halhead and Co. Lit erpool, timber-merchants; as far as regards FletcherBury and Allen, High Beech, Essex. luuatic-asylion-proprietors-Clowther and Co.

Leeds, stone.merchants. BANKaupTCIZA ANNULLED.

KING. WILLIAM Hems, Heresy. and DAVID, Old Street Road, coach-builders. WHEELER, Jong, Princes Street, Hanover Square. tailor.


Sharp, Bradford. Yorkshire, innkeeper -Cook. Sheffield, scissor-forger-Beal, Manchester. druggist-Raabe, Camden Town, hatter-Moorhy, Skipton, Yorkshire. tailor -Rainbird, Norwich. carpenter-Maguire, Liverpool, victualler-Williams, Ipswich, grocer-Hutchinson, Cowling. Yorkshire, beer-seller -Wiseham, Sheffield. warehouseman-Wood. Bury. quarryman-Ashall. Bolton le.Moors, clockmaker-Lee, Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, boat builder-Whittaker, Skiptou, Yorkshire, victualler-Thorpe. Quarndon, Derbyshire, schoolmaster.

Botrawx, HENRY. Walsingham, Durham, scrivener. to surrender July 17, Aug. 14: solicitors, Messrs. Nicholls and Doyle, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Ion; and Mr. Thompson Durham; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon.Tyne. Thomp

son, JOSEpa. Piccadilly. publican, July 10. Aug. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Parkinsotr and Hayton, Gray's Inn ; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

BRITT0N. SOHN, Darlington, Durham, innkeeper, July 14, Aug. 22: solicitors, Mr.. Burn, Doctors' Commons; unit Mr. Stevenson, Darlington ; official assignee. Mr.. Baker, Newcastleupon-Tyne.

CLETERLEY, GEORGE, Caine, Wiltshire, builder, July 13, Au. 18: solicitors, Messrs.. Jones and Blaxlaud, London ; and Messrs. Timbrell and Cu. Bradford. Wilts; official. assignee, Mr. Acraratel. Bristol.

CLisice, Jens, Hammersmith, omnibus proprietor, July 12, Aug. 9: solicitor. Mi. Jennings, Carey Street ; official assignee, Mr. Lackingtou Coleman Street Buildings.

Gaavre, NICHuLAS, Rahere Street. St. Luke's tailor, July 20, Aug. 12: solicitor, Mr. Auderson. Cornhill; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. HARRIS, ABRAHAM, Sharp's Buildings, Tower Hill, slopseller. July 12. Aug. 15: solicitor, Lewis, Arundel St. Strand; official assignee. Ttwquand, Old Jewry Chambers. Howes. Janes, Wolverhampton, stock lock.maker. July 13. Aug. 10: solicitor, Mr.. Pinchard, Wolverhampton; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore Birmingham. KENRICK, THDAENB, oxford Street, horse-dealer, July 11, Aug. 9; solicitor, Mr. Foster, Jermvu Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. PuLAK;SAMUEL, Newport, Monmouthshire. woollen-draper, July 12. Aug 9; Bonettots, Reed and Shaw, Friday Street ; official Asiguee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Street.

Stumm-. CBARLEs, Walsall, sadlers'-iroumonger, July 19. Aug. 1 l : solicitors, Maltby and Haskesford. Wolverhampton; official assiguee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.

Went, HuRATIO, Newington Causeway, tailor, July 10, Aug. 15: solicitors, SO"' and Atkins, Serjeant's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchiu Lane.


1/111/ 27.Whitmarsb, Tunbridge Wells. hotel-keeper-July 25, Clark and Farrow, King William Street, wine merchants-July 27. Saunders and Co. Basiogball Street, woollen.mattufacturers-July 27, Winter. Chesham. Iluekingbameldre. brewer-July 27, Oates, Glossop. Derbyshire. inukeeper -July 27, Dickenson, Manchester, dyer July 27, LB. and W. Itobinsou. Marelesfield. iroumougers-July 27, Williamson, Salford. grocer-Aug. 7. Howarth and Williams. Manchester. drys:liters-Aug. 3, Travell. Sheffield. taller -July 26. Hyatt, Sheplon Mallet. scrivener -July 28. Cooper, Keel's. Staffordshire, tailor-July 25. Smith. Haselor, Warwickshire, dealer-July 25, Jeffreys, Much Wenlock, miller-July 28, Dunn, Culuwick, Staff...rdshire, inkceper-July 27, Honeyborue, Kingswinford, coal-dealer.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on theft of meeting.

July 26. Ellis, Haverhill, Suffolk. draper -July 25. Fairtnaner, Farnham, shopkeeper-July 25, Whitmarsh. Toubridge Wells, hotel keeper -July 25, Senior, St. Swithin's Lane. harclwareman -Aug. 11. Pratt. Adelaide Stied. Strand, surgeon --Aug. 11, Tanner. Stepney, master mariner -July 25. Crow. Fulham, victualler -July 28, Lewis. Llandovery. draper-July 28. Wicks. Trowbridge, clothierJuly 28. Chard, Bristol. corn factor Aug. 1. Thompson, Bristol. saddler-July 31, Bennett, Manchester, calico.printer -July 27. Dublevie. Liverpool, corn-factor-July 31. Jones, Ltanrsvst, Denbighshire, druggist-July 24, Newmarch, Nottingham, furrier-July 27 Moses. Ripon, inkeeper-July 27. Iluldsworth, Bradford. Yorkshire, uorsted spinner -July 27, Jones, S'afford. bookseller.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before July 25. Clapham, Leeds, victualler-Cress and Spoil. Colebester. merchants-Spencer, Newcastle upon-Tyne, scrivener -Warne, Leeds. woolstapler-Flussey. Nether Knots. ford, Cheshire, baker-Morley, Sunderland. iron manufacturer-Walker. Poulton inthe Fylde. Lancashire, grocer -Nicholsou. Mark Lane, corn-dealer -Evans. Liverpool. coal-dealer-Weldon, Kidderminster, feather merchant -EvaLs, Torquay, ironmonger -Bose, Sutton Valence, Kent, grocer-Steel, Stockport, cotton-spinner.


Aeer.rvalio. S., Manchester, merchant-first div. of 5s..9d.. July 6, and any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Putt. Manchester.-Baarrow. J., Drayton in-Hales, Shropshire, farmer-div. of Is. 8d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy. Birmingham.-CLAPHAPa, H.. Liverpool, woollendraper--;lie. of 5s.. July 10, and any subsequent Monday ;. Mr. Turner, Liverpool.-Jorns, W., Wolverhampton, mercerfirst dir. of 2s. 9d., any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, ItirmIngham-NORMAN, J., Wadebridge, Cornwall. grocer div. of 4s., July 14, and any subsequent day ; Mr. Hernaman, Exeter-Rose, J., Monkwearraouth Shore. grocer-second and final div. of 1s. 8d.. July 8. and any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne. -Simmons, J., Atherstune, ironmonger-first div. of 2s. 7d.. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.-Tuomesors and RuSE, Moukwearmouth Shore. grocers-second dir. of 2s. 41d., July 8, and any subsequent Saturday ; Mi. Baker, Neweastle-upon Tyne.WHITESIDE, J., Whilehaven, merchant-first and final die. of Ilid. and 7Min Lf a farthing. July 8, and any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


Boss, W.. Kincardine, fiesher. July 10, Aug. 7. CLARK, Edinburgh, spit it-dealer. July 10, Aug. 4. HARDIE. J., Borrowstoness. Liulithgowshire, July 8,29. Porten. Galasbiels, innimonger, July 11, Aug. 8. Sand, J., Nairn. surgeon, July 11. Aug.]. nudism, H., Paisley, ironmonger, July 11. Aug. 1.

Friday, July 7.


Price and Manby, John Street. Adelphi, engineers-Rnesell and Wadsworth, Broad Street. Golden Squnre, surgeons-Parkyn and Co. Manchester. warehousemen-Hanter and Sous, Moorgate Street, upholsterers; as far as regards W. Hunter-Heap and Co. Accrington, Lancashire, engravers to calico printers; as far as regards Bury and Riley-Faster and Taylor. Liverpool, instrument-makers-Vinson aud Emmett. Southgate, butchers Norton and Son, Bishop's Castle, ironmongersOld and Benson, Ratcliffe Cross Dock, shipwrights -Plumley and Perkius. ,Brietol, tea-dealers-Sanderson and Co. Beesteu, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturers; as far as regards Sanderson-Geard and Gibbs, St. Alban's, auctioneers-J. and E. Alcott, Coventry. statuaries-Browu and Davenport, Cobham, surgeons-Wareing and Co. Birmingham, woollendrapers-Crook and Boulger. Bletchingly, surgeons-W. and L. Pretymatt, Poultry, stationers-Wedd and Hitchings. Maidstone. surgeons-Grace and Co. Nottingham. lace.dreesers; as far as regards Marshall-Brook and Co. Huddersfield. stonemasonsF. and T. Wakefield, Mansfield, cotton spinuers-Wright and Co. Kingston. upon-Hull, thip-builders-Gannt and Co. Leek, StaffOrdshire, silk manufacturers; as for as regards J.Gautit -Cruickshank and Wakefield. Gosport. attendee-Broughton and Sou, Bristol, provision-merchants-Jackson and Christie, Hampstead Read, surgeons -II. and J. Earl, Sheffield, iron merchants-Archer and Co. Gerrard Street. Soho. cnrriers -Hest er and Co. Lirerpool, coal-merchauts-E. and It. T. Clay. Bury St. Enraund's. wiue-merellants-Dearlove and Fretted. Leeds, spinners-:E. and C. Bradley, Coe bridge, Glumorganshire, coach-proprietors.


SIMONS, G., King's Square. Goswell Road, watch-manufacturer.


MaasnaLL, G. J., wood Street, woollea-warehousemen.


Clayton, Cawood, Yorkshire. weterman-Glanville, Qt-en Street, Brompton, philosophical instrument maker-Dimond. Bristol, butcher-Bennett. Dalston, unit ot businessPettyter, Oxford. slater-Gardiner. Hastings Street, Burton Crescent, out of employment-Bradford, Kingshridge, Devonshire, Excise officer-Naylor, Birstal, clothier-Allat, Birstal, carts-right-Baron, Rochdale, waste dealer-Harold, West Piece, Islington Green. builder-Williamson, Stockport, out of business-Burnley, Batley. Yorkshire, clothier-Lee, Batley. labourer--Pearson. Liverpool, draper's-assistantHarrison, 1Volverharepton, boree-breaker-Winner, Basing Laue, attorney's clerk-Clay, Holborn. steel-pen manufacturer -Penberth5. Helston, Cornwall, builder-Arnold, Cardiff. ptiuter-Cottrill. Aston, Warwickshire, file-maker -Price,

Blackfriars Road, out of business. BANKRUPTS.

130ULTON, WILLIAM junior. and PALMER, WILLIAM FREDERICIC. Stafford, builders, July

19. Aug. : solicitors, Messrs. Hiern and Ward, Staffurd ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham,

DYER, Wismar.' JOHN. Colchester, plumber, July 17. Aug. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Overton and Hughes. Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street. HARTLEY. Julio, Height. Lancashire, shopkeeper, July 17, Aug. 12: solicitors.

Messrs. Wiglesworili and Co. Gray's Inn Square ; Mr. Hardacre, ; and Messrs. Bennett, Manchester ; Uncial assignee. Mr. Stanway, Manchester.

MILLs, WILLieu FKIDER/CH, Hers Street, Mark Lane, gun-maker, July 21, Aug. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Stevens and Cu. Queen Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch.

MILLER, THumAs, Green Street, Leicester Square, baker, July21. Aug. 19: solicitor. Mr. Pike, Old Burlington Street; official assignee, Mr. Edeards, Old Jewry, PARKER, THOMAS. and Co. Leeds. dyers. July 19, Aug. 8: solicitor, MT. Bond, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Feurne, Leeds. RICHARDS, JAMES. Oxford Street, lherv-stable-keeper. July 21, Aug. 12: solicitor, Mr. Brisley, Temple; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. STEVENS, ROBERT, Stewkley, Buckingh2mshire. farmer. July 20. Aug. 12: solicitor, Mr. Birkit, London Wall ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry. &Arm, JAMES WILLIAM, Oxford. boutmaker, July 19, Aug. IS: solicitor, Mr. Spencer, Gray's lout; official assignee, Mr. Penned, Basinehall Street. Yoowo, JAMES, Shirley, Hampshire, builder July 18. Aug. 18: solicitor, Mr. Cuff, Half Moon Street; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street.


July 28, Ellis. Portsca. timbermerchant -July 28, Hopkins and Drewitt. Arundel, bankers-July 28, Hawkins, Lisson Grove. uphosterer-July 28. Penn, Cauterbury, cabinet maker-July 28, Roberts, Gower Street. North, wine-meichant -July 27. Ellis. Calcutta, merchant-July 26. "Sustenance, Piccadilly. bookseller-July 26. Till. Slur. hey Mills. Hampshire, brewer-July 26. Hopkins. Croydon. grocer-July 26, Biddle, Holborn Hill, fishmonger-Aug. 8. Wilkins, Swansea. liuendraper-Aug. 8, Young, Newport. Monmouthshire. ship-builder-July di, Hartley. Liverpool. batter-July 31. Guest, Chester, tanner-Aug. 4, Thompsou.lHambleton, Lancashire. tanner-Aug. 4, Anderson, Liverpool. merchant-Iuly 31, Biggs, Bath, chemist-Aug. 2. Little, Blackburn, currier-Aug. 8, Cooper. Belfast, Manchester, warehouseman-Aug2, Johnson, Manchester, quilting-manufacturer-Aug. 3. Spivey, Ki.kheaton, Yorkshire, provision-dealer-Aug. 4, Clark, Hutton, Lemolnshire, cotton-winder.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

July 28, Ctindall, Little Dedham, Hertfordshire. innkeeper-Aug. 3, H.,nell. Ans. finfriars. merchant-Aug. F. and U. Szarka New Bond Street, furriers-Aug. 3, Vines, Battersea, miller-July '31, Townsenn. Little Russell Street, pawnbroker-Aug. I, Conduit Street, upholsterer-July 29. Tolson. Huddersfield, cloth-nranufacWeer-Aug'. 2; Burnley, Bintall corn-miller--.July 29, Proctor, Kingston upon-Huld Aug. 3. Jenkins, Leomiuster, lailor-Jnly 28, Goodwin and Griffin. Loscoe, Derbyshire, lime-burners-Aug. 18, Tattersall, Over Darwen, Lancashire, coal-dealer.

To be granted. wsless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before July 28.

Hawkins, Lissom Grove. upholsterer Merge.. Nantwich. watchmaker -Morris. Hall. fax. wire-drawer-Hun% bun. Cambridge, ironmongerLonsdale. Sheffield, grocerEmmerenn, Bishop Auckland, mercer-Norman. Wildebridge. Cornwall. grocer -Graham. Oldham. contractor-Kennedy, Llanhilleth. Monmouthshire, iron-manufacturer -Showell, Birmingham, booksellerJ. and J. Kelly, Rechdale, joiners-Colliuson. Oxford Street, upholsterer-Wharton. Nottiugham. engiueer-Manuiug. Dyer's Buildings. nioney-scrivener-Tagg. Tooley Street, slop dealer.


Cearwarcon and Co. Wigan, cottou.spinnerssecond div. of 31(1.. July 18, and any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester.-11ANNAFIRM, W., Kingsbridge. Devonehire, castle dealer-final div. of 5d.. July 21. and any subsequent day; Mr. HOMO: man, Exeter.-WOODUALL. W. H.. Bishopssate Street Without, woollendraper first div. of 2s. 9d..-July 11, 18,25; Mr. Groom. Abehurch Lane.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. }'INLAY. C., Perth. tailor. July 13. Aug. 11, HEATHER, G.. Edieburgh. timber-merchant, July 13, Aug. 9. LeaLL and SoN. Paisley, poems, July 12, Aug. 2.