8 JULY 1848, Page 2

The other centres of great political movement exhibit some important changes.

The newest is a Carlist uprising in Spain, headed by Cabrera ; who has fulminated a proclamation against Queen Christina and her French intrigues, as formidable as it is plainspoken and coarse. The Progresistas hold back ; leaving Legitimists and Moderados to fight it out. In Italy, the general posture of affairs has not materially altered; unless it prove true that Charles Albert has invited Marshal Bugeaud to take the command against Radetzky. The aged Austrian has shown the genius of a military partisan ; but the African commander-in-chief probably possesses greater talent for combined operations. The employment of a foreign general is no novelty in Italy, and must not be confounded with a request for aid from the Government of France.

The venerable Archduke John of Austria has been elected to the provisional chief authority in Germany ; but with powers neither well-defined nor well-secured. The white locks, which may disarm the jealousy of the German Sovereigns, also shake confidence in his personal energies.