8 JUNE 1833, Page 13



The upward tendency of time Money Market has continued during the week, with but a slight interruption, caused by the short-lived triumph of the Mignelites in the House of Lords on Monday evening. By the failure of that attack upon the Ministry, confidence has been restored, and Consols have been to-day at 91i, the highest price they have reached since the French Revolution in 1830. In the early part of the week, a demand for money existed, caused by the shutting of the books of the various Stocks previous to the Divi • dends; but that pressure is removed, and money is now nearly as plentiful as before. The decision of the Bank Proprietors on Wednesday, being an almost unanimous adoption of the plan proposed by Government for the renewal of the Charter, the Stock of the Corporation has risen nearly 6 per cent, upon the closing price of last week ; the price to-day being 204 to 205. India Stock has been as high as 242, but is rather lower to-day ; the price for Account (the books being shut) has been as low as 239, and closes at 239 240. It is understood that the proprietors will follow the course adopted by the holders of Bank Stock, and acquiesce in the Ministerial plan, with some slight modifications. The New 3,1 per Cents, are shut, but the price for the opening is 97H. Exchequer Bills are 51 52 prem. Late this afternoon, some large sales were effected both in Foreign and English Stocks, and the markets have been consequently depressed ; Consols for Account closing 12 per cent, lower than the highest quotation of the day,—viz. 904 L. Upon inquiry, we find that these operations are to be traced to the sudden and unexpected recall of M. DEDEL, the Dutch Minister Extraordinary, intelligence of which was by that gentleman communicated this morning to the Foreign Office. It is not believed that this unusual proceeding will be followed up by any hostile demonstration on the part of the Dutch Government ; but his Majesty of Holland has evinced such a disregard of common prudence and common honesty during the whole coarse of the recent negotiations, that there is no certainty that they may not be brought to a close by some act of insanity or folly ; and hence every movement of this Machiavelian court is beheld with jealousy and alarm.

In the Foreign Market, the investments have been unusually large in Dutch Belgian, Russian, and Danish Bonds; and the rise in price, although retarded by the same cause which acted upon the English Funds, has been in most of these stocks very considerable. All of thrum have been at higher quotations this socelethair 1 orsometimepoterthIr Itiglreat"prior of batch n per Cents. has bean 54:t; from which point a decline took place, calmed by the efforts of the amaparty who d epresse1 the Eig F tntis , andthe c sin g prce s,491 One investment in the extent of nearly 100,0001. was made this morning in.Dutch 5 per-Cents., at 901. and ; the price has, however, sincedeclined, in conse quence of very extensive sales, and doses at 90 Belgian Stock has been at 92, and closes this alteration at 901 9/. Brazilian, Bonds have been comparatively steady, not having fluctuated more than 3 per cent, during the week ; the highest price was 69, and the lowest 66.; the dosing quotation of to-day is 671 4. Russian and Danish .Stocks were in steady demand, the former at 1041 and 105, and the latter at 74 ; hut a disposition to sell Russian Bonds was evinced this afternoon, and the priee has declined to 104 L. The recent arrivals from Columbia, have produced a favourable effect on the Stock of the Republic; and the price of the Bonds, which was on Monday 191, has since risen t& 231, and closes at 221 231 Portuguese Bends and Regency Scrip were depressed on Tuesday and Wednesday, the former to 59 and the latter to 24 dis. ; but subsequent political events have raised both these securities to their previous prices; the lad price of the Bonds. being 59 601, and that of the Scrip 2 to 11 dis. Spanish Stock has been in demand, in consequence of letters from Paris stating that the Ex-Minister of Finance had arrived in that city and was expected to visit London. on some financial mission from his. Government : the price, which in the early part of the week was at 19t, is to-dak 191 L. The continued rise of the Spanish 3 per Cents, in the French Market, and the appearance of stability thus given to Spanish credit, will render the hoped-Mr arrangement with the creditors of the Constitutional Government a comparatively easy affair.


The panic of yesterday afternoon has completely subsided this morning; the business transacted has been of very trifling amount, but prices generally are higher than at the close of business yesterday. Consols for Account opened at 901 /, have since been buyers at L, and are now 90/ L. Bank Stock is quoted 204. India Stock is higher, the price for. Account being 2401 241L. Exchequer Bills are 50s. 52s. prem. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has been 491, and is now 49i1 L. This is the only description in which any busiuess of importance has been dune; and for the prices of the others we refer to the list.

SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK The operations of the afternoon have been as unimportant as those of the morning. It will be seen by our quotations that prices generally are higher. We are without any Foreign arrival.

3 per cent. Consols — D itto for Account-89: * New 34 p. Cent. Ann. —

Bank Stock .. 204 India Stock 2404 2414 Exchequer Bills 50 52 Belgian 5 p. Cts. 91

Br trifler] 5 p. Cts. 674 Danish 3 per Cents.. 74 Dutch 21 per Cents. 49: * French 3 per Cents. — G reek (1825) 5 p.0 ts. 39 40 Mexican 6 per Cts. 35 36 Portuguese 5 p. Cts. 60 * Do. Regency Sc.5p.CL2 1* Prussian(1818)5 p.Ct. 104 Russ. (1822) 5 p.Ct. 1049 t Spanish(1921) 5 p.Ct. 194