8 JUNE 1844, Page 11



A considerable demand for Stock occurred just before the closing of the books for the Dividends ; occasioned by the purchases of persons (technically called Dividend-hunters) who are desirous of assuring themselves of their DI- vidends by their actual receipt at the Bank : and as a consequence of these in- vestments, a rise of per cent took place in the price of the Government Securi- ties at the beginning of the week. A trifling reaction has since occurred ; Consols being today about per cent below the highest recent price. The price of Three per Cent Consols, now quoted in the Stock lists, is without the Dividend now due upon them, which will be payable in July : the quotation today of 94 ex-Dividend is equal to that 100/. with Dividend as the Stock was quoted before the books closed. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been unimportent. All the Di- vidend-paying European Stocks are in demand, in consequence of the rise of the English Funds. Mexican Bonds, which had risen from the same cause, have fallen again, in consequence of the smallness of the remittance (29,000 dollars) received by the last packet on account of the Dividends. Spanish Stock continues to decline, without the occurrence of any transactions of importance. The arrival of the Lisbon mail has proved the falsehood of the reported change in the Portuguese Ministry, received at Bayonne through Spain, and commu- nicated by the French telegraph. It appears that tbe whole report originated in a political squib, by which some of the editors of the Liberal journals in Portugal revenged themselves upon the Minister far recent restrictions upon the press ; the removal of which they celebrated by the promulgation of the aforesaid squib. Some of our speculators, who were induced by the intelli- gence to sell Portuguese Bonds, complain bitterly of the inadvertence by which the falsehood was published as authentic under the authority of the French Government. The sales in question were made between 451 and 46; and, as the price has since risen to 47, the speculators have some ground for dissa- tisfaction.

Nothing of importance has occurred in the Railway Shares. There was a general demand in the beginning of the week; but the market has since flat- tened. The French Shares, though fluctuating, keep up ; and some of the New Lines are in demand ; the Paris and Lyons having risen 1/., in conse- quence of a coalition between two opposing companies, and large purchases made for the Lancashire capitalists, who are very favourably disposed to in- vestment in the French Railways, on account of the economy of their admi- nistration and the comparative lowness of the fares. SATURO kV, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The English Funds are unchanged. The only variation in the Foreign Market is in Spanish Stock ; both varieties of which continue their downward course, and are per cent lower than yesterday. The following bargains have occurred in Shares. Santiago de Cuba. Mining, 24: Railways—Bristol and Exeter, 80i ; Ditto, Gloucester, 48; Great North of England, 101 100; Brighton, 47; Greenwich, 6L ; Midland Counties, 92i; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 46; South-eastern and Dover, 35i ; Ditto, New, 10a SATOH PAY. Two o'canew.

No change of importance has occurred in either the English or Foreign Stocks. Spanish Bonds, of both descriptions, have been per cent below out morning's quotations, but have recovered again.

The following bargains have occurred in Shares, in addition to those given in the morning. British North American Bank, 42i : General Steam Naviga- tion 28: Railways—Great Western, 122 1; Ditto, Half-Shares, 77i; Ditto, Fifth-Shares, 24; Manchester and Birmingham, 59; Newcastle and Darling- ton Junction, 43; North British 2i ; North Midland, 92; Norwich and Brandon, 8.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Ceut Reduced

34. per Cent Ditto.

New ak per Cents

shut 991 I 985 9 1011 2 shut

Colombian ex Venezuela ...

Danish 3 per Cents ..

Dutch 21 per Ceuta

Ditto 5 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents Consil

134 4 88 9 611 # 1004 4 35 4

Bank Stock

199 200

Ditto Deferred

151 4

Exchequer Bills prem. 71 3 Pot tuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841

461 78

India Stock

shut Russian Spur Cents 118 19 Biazilian 5 per Cents

804 14 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 224 4 Belgian a per tents

103 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 :,311 i Chi Han 6 per Cents . 102 4 Venezuela Active 38 40

The usual monthly return of the circulation of the United Kingdom, for the four weeks ending 25th ultimo, exhibits a trifling increase in the aggregate cir- culation; while the amount of bullion in store in the Bank of England has decreased 272,000/. These returns are now of importance. as forming part of the averages which are to regulate the future circulation of the country under the new act for the renewal of the Bank Charter. The present average of the whole circulation of the country appears to be about 5,000,000/. above that of the year 1843; and that of the Bank of England circulation nearly 2,000,000/. above the same average. A reaction appears to have commenced as far as relates to the accumulation of bullion, the amount of which appears now to be gradually decreasing.