8 JUNE 1844, Page 19


WAR-OFF/GE, June 7.—ht Dragoon Guards.—Lient. G. W. C. Jackson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Tumor, who retires; Cornet P. S. Thompson to be 1,,eut. by pux • chase, vice Jackson. 6th Drags.—C. Totter. Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase. Vie. Fitzwygram, promoted. 11th Light Drags.—Capt. I. Jones to be Major, by purchase, vice Rotton, promoted ; Lieut. B. Harrison to be Capt. by purchase, vice Jones ; Cornet G. T. Duncon.be to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Harrison. Lfili Regt. Foot--P. For- teseue. Gent, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Swinburne, appointed to the 834 Foot. 151h Foot—Quartermaster It. Imray, from the 83d Foot, to be Qum termaster, vice Cart- mail, who exchanges. 36th Foot—Capt. W. S. R. Brady, from half pay Unattached. to be Capt. vice Brevet. Major W. 11. Adams, who exchauges; Lieut. P. L. NV Dougall to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brady, who retires ; Ensign J. A. Brockman to be Lieut, by purchase, vice M Dongal ; D. Tom. Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Brock- man. 41st Foot—A. E. Hardinge, Gent, to be Emig., by purchase, vice Wethered. promoted. 561h Foot—Capt. Sir W. Maxwell, Bart., from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice. J. Charlewood, who exchanges ; Lieut. 1.. C. Conrail to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Sir W. Maxwell. who retires; Ensign F. M. Ramsay tube Lieut. by port chase, sire Conran; H. C, Lauame, Gent, to be Eusign, by purchase, vice Ramsay. 61st Foot—Lieut. F. Huson, from the 1st West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice Dobson, who exchanges. 85th Foot —Lieut. D. W. P. Labalmondiere to be Illapt. by purchase, vice Emslie, who retires; Ensign John William Wallington to be Lieuteuaut by purchase, vice Labalmondiere; Ensign John Dennis Swinburne, from the 14th Foot, to be Ensign. vice Wallington ; Ensign and Quartermaster .1. Cadman, from the 15th Foot. to be Quartermaster, vice Imray, who exchanges. 87th Fout—Capt. H. T. Earl of Chichester, from half pay unattached. to be Capt. vice C. T. Graves, who exchauges ; Lient.W. Radcliff to be Capt. by purchase, lice the Earl of Chichester, who retires ; Second Lient. W. II. Taylor to be First Lieut. by purchase. lice Radcliff; .1. Fitzgerald, Gent. to he Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Tat tor. 1st West India Regt.—Lieut. T. J. Dobson, from the 61st Foot, to be Lieut. vice ILI:+01I, who exchanges; J. Ruse, Gent, to be Ensigu, without purchase, vtce Sprat*. who resigns.

Unattached—Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. R. Rotten, from the llth Light Drags. to be Lieut.- Col. by purchase; Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. Crosse, from Major half pay unattached, to be Lient-Col. without purchase; Brevet Lieut.-Col. Sir F. Watson, from Capt. half-pay Portuguese Service, to be Major, without purchase. Hospital Staff—Sorg. IV. W. Bell, M.D. front the 26th Foot, to he Staff-Surg, of the First Class, vice .1. French, M.D. who retires upon half-pay. Brevet—Capt. W. S. R. Brady, of the 36th Foot, to be Major in the Army; Capt. H. T. Earl of Chichester, of the 87th Foot, to be Major in the Army. Memorandum —The date of the commissi u of Ensign R. Machin..., in the 78th Foot, to be 31st May 1843, instead of 8th April 1842. Lieu..Col, M. Dtxon.upou half-pay uuattached. has been allowed to retire from the Army, with the sale of an unattached Lieut.-Colonelcy, he having become a settler in Canada.