8 MARCH 1851, Page 2

The new Indian Commander-in-chief has issued an order on the

subject of debt, in which the views of his predecessor are adopted and complimented. This is strong confirmation of what Sir Charles Napier has said of the denioralization that prevails among the officers of the Indian Army ; a demoralization, according to the same authority, still more prevalent in the civil service. Recent revelations respecting the gross corruption of the police force and magistracy, and extensive frauds in various local banks, speak loudly, for an inquiry into the state of British India, before the act for the government of that great dependency shall be renewed. The affairs of the Nizam's country are in a state little short of absolute anarchy. The term peremptorily fixed for the payment of the Nizam's debt to the 13ritish Government has expired, but no ulterior measures have been adopted. Any semblance of legal order in his territories is maintained solely by the exertions of the British contingent.

On the Scinde frontier a small detachment of our troops has been cut off, in consequence of want of caution in the pursuit of ma- rauders.