8 MARCH 1879, Page 2

It is officially announced that Dr. Newman is to be

one of the Cardinals created at the next Consistory. This is all the more marked on the part of the Pope, that at Dr. New- man's age it is not to be supposed that he can reside in Rome, or take much part in the official business of the Vatican. His creation is really a tribute to the great influence- he has exerted over the religious thought of the world,—more especially of England, Germany, and France,—by his writings on theological and religious subjects. And it is more than a tri- bute to Dr. Newman's greatness,—it is a pledge that, during Leo XIII.'s pontificate at least, the intellectual difficulties of devout Catholics will not be treated in the cavalier fashion in which titra,montanism was disposed to treat them. The new Pope will not regard the Papacy as the appointed instrument for solving difficulties by a dictum, and dispersing doubts by a word of command.