8 MAY 1830, Page 5



THE DRAW Loom.—The Glasgow papers announce an important sim- plification of this machine, from which highly useful results are anticipated. The inventor is a common weaver, named 'William Waddel.

MANNA IN THE WILDERNESS.—A circurnstanceoccurred at Mr. Roths.. child's a few days ago, which is curious in itself, and has given rise to much conjecture in the City with respect to its real history. An individual in the garb of a ticket-porter was observed to enter the front door of the office in New Court, with a small box under his arm • which, as it afterwards ap.. peared, he deposited in the doorway, and effected his retreat with much pre- cipitation. The box, which was addressed to Mr. Rothschild, was conveyed as soon as found to that gentleman ; and on opening it, it was found to contain 20904 all in sovereigns. With it was a short note, containing some vague expressions of gratitude to Mr. Rothschild for certain advantages obtained through him by the writer, in return for which he begged to offer him the gold which the box contained. He requested that an acknowledgment might be given by an advertisement in a newspaper of its having safely reached him. No signature was attached to the note, nor is it all known either who the writer is, or what his motives were in sending such a super. fluity of money to such a quarter...-. Times.,