8 MAY 1830, Page 7



Quantity of Copper Ore sold last week at Redratb,3543 tons. Amount of Money, 18,5661. 68. 68. Average Price, 51, 51. 6d, Standard, 1071, as, Produce, h. Quantity of Fine Copper, 264 tons 2 cwt. CORN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, MAY 7.

Though the arrival of Wheat this week is far from large, the trade is exceedingly dull, and the few sales made are on rather worse terms. In Barley, Beans, and Peas, there is no alteration in value. Oats, though heavy in sale, are not cheaper.

Return Price of Grain on board ship, per Quarter, asunder :-

5. . . 5. 8. S. S. 8. 8.

Wheat, Essex, Old, .— to — Maple, ..35 to 36 Oats, Feed, 22 to 25 Red, .... 48 to 58 Rye,. ... 30 — 34 White, .32 —38 Fine, ... 26 — 27 Fine, . ... 60 —66 Barley, ..., 24 — 30 Boilers, ..i38 — 42 Poland, .. 23 — 26 Old, a — — Fine, .... 32 — 36 Beans, sma11,34 —38 Fine, .... 27 — 29 White,. 54 —63 Malt, 50— 56 Ticks 27 — 32 Potato, ..27 —29

Fine, .. .. 64 — 70 Fine, .... 58 — 60 Harrow, 33 — 36 Fine, ...30 —Si Superfine. 74 — 76 Peas, Hog,.. 32 —34 Old,.. 36 — 40 GRAIN (Quarters) arrived from April 27 to May 1, both inclusive. 1 Wheat I Barley I Malt I Oats I Rye I Beans I Peas 1 Flour English 8338 7619 9497 12323 7 1825 283 10985sks.

Irish — — — 8159 — — — 200

Porten 13948 — — 48 150 — — 2091 bls.

GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE of CORN, Per Quarter ( mperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending April 30. Wheat, ...... 65s.11d. 1 Oats .... ..... ..... 24s. 2d. 1 Beans,— ..... . 353.11d.

Barley, . ... 31 10 I Rye, .... ...... ..... 36 4 f Peas, . ......... 35 10 AGGREGATE AVERAGE OF THE LAST SIX WEEKS. .

Wheat, . . ... . 65s. 5d. 1 Oats, ..... ... ..... 23s. 3d. I Beans, . 33s .1 I d.

Barley,.. ... . . 31 3 I Rye .. . ..... . ... 35 3 / Peas,. .. ....... 35 10


Wheat 21s. 8d. I Oats 12s. 3d. I Beans ]9s. 9d. Barley .......... 15 4 I Rye 16 9 I Peas ............ 16 9

QUANTITIES and PRICES of BRITISH CORN, &e. Sold in this Market during the week ending Tuesday, April 27, from the Returns to the Inspector by the Corn Factors.—Imperial Measure.

Quars. Auer. Quars. Aver. guars. Aver.

Wheat .. 5143 .. 68s. 5d. i Oats 19738 .. 25s. 6d. I Beans 1353 .. 34s. 3d. Barley .. 6142.. 32 I I Rye ...... 62 .. 35 2 I Peas 439 .. 34 11



Hay, 70s.to 95s. Hay, .. .. 40s. to 90s. Hay, ........ 80s.to 100a. Clover, 90-100 Clover, .... . 50 —110 Clover,.. ...70 — 165

Straw, 48 54 Straw, 46 54 Straw, ...... 50 — 54

PRICE OF SUGAR. . The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ending May 4, is 25s. Id. per cwt.

SMITHFIELD, THURSDAY, MAY 6. The sales in Beef to-day have not been numerous, but we have no alteration to make in our figures, nothing going beyond last Monday's quotation of 3s. 6d. Mutton is dearer than on that day by 28. per atone, 3s. 108. being the value of good Downs. Veal is steady at the terms of last market. Lamb goes off well at 7s. 8d.

Beef 3s. Od. to 3s. 4d. to 3s. 6d. j Veal.. .....3s. 4d. to 9s. Od. to 5s. 05,. Mutton 3s. Od. to Sr. 4d. to 3s. 10d, 3s. Od. to 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. Lamb ..... Os. Od. to 7s. 8d.

Head of Cattle this day. ...... I Beasts, 493 I Sheep, 7200 Calves, 190 1 Pigs, 180 Head of Cattle on Monday... . Beasts, 27581 Sheep, 19,050 I Calves, 142 I Pigs, 230

NEWGATE and LEADENHALL—By the Carcase. Beef, 2s. 4d. to 3s. 2d. I Veal, . 3s. Od. to 4s. 8d.

Mutton,— 2s. 8d. to 3s. 8d. I Pork, ..... ..2s. 8d. to 45. Od.


Best Wall's End ... . Sls. Od. to 348.0d.

Other sorts ........... ..... 25 0 28 0