8 MAY 1841, Page 13


OUR readers are probably aware of the extensive fire which last week destroyed Gordon's Hotel, in Albemarle Street. They may not be aware, however, that the fire is attributed to the spontaneous combustion of a box of speeches and sermons, the composition and property of a clerical member of the Nonintrusion deputation of the Kirk of Scotland, which was quartered in the hotel at the time. It is insinuated that Mr. Fox MAIJLE has been heard to sigh, referring to the fruits of his and the Lord Advocate's patronage of the Nonintrusionists, "That is the consequence of admitting such firebrands into a house !" They certainly have helped, with other causes, to bring down an old house about the ears of Ministers in Scotland. As Mr. Fox MAULE has every prospect of an early release from the toils of office, he cannot do better than take up his abode in the ruins of the burnt building in Albemarle Street ; and when any Tory laterateur, sauntering towards Jour; MURRAY'S, looks quizzically at him, apostrophize the intruder in the words of MARIUS sitting amid the ruins of Carthage—" Go, say thou hast seen Fox Maule sitting in the ruins of Gordon's Hotel ! " A subject for HATDON'S next.