8 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 1

The Spanish Ministry is nearly in the same state of

dis- organization as the French. MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA, who is suffering from a severe pulmonary complaint, has tendered his resignation to the Queen Regent; and TORENO has been com- missioned to form a new Administration. There seems, however, to be no hurry in making the new arrangements ; probably be- cause MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA. has agreed to continue in his pre- sent post until they shall be completed. The mixed Committee of Proceres and Procuradores on the Foreign Debt have agreed to report against the recognition of the Guebhard Loan; with the innocent salvo that there is nothing to prevent its future recognition, should the Cortes determine upon it. The plan of the Proceres for making the passive debt active by twelve annual transfers, has been adopted by the Committee. Skirmishing goes on as usual in Navarre; and ZUMALACAR- REGUY has made a foraging expedition into Castile, and carried off horses, provisions, clothing, &c. from the plundered inhabi- tants. It does not appear that MINA. has yet actually assumed the command of the Queen's troops. He is probably waiting for money ; which he will hardly obtain until the new loan has been effected in London or Paris. The person who was some time ago mistaken for Don MIGUEL, turns out to be the Baron BERGEN, an Austrian officer. He has made his way back to Bayonne, not- withstanding the efforts of the Queen's friends to arrest him; for it was fairly concluded that his errand could not have been a favourable one to their party.