8 NOVEMBER 1873, Page 23

NEW Enrrioss.—We have to notice a reissue of Passages of

a Work- ing Life, by Charles Knight, 3 vols. (Knight and Co.), to which Mr. James Thorne, F.S.A., prefixes an interesting note, describing the literary activity of Mr. Knight's last years. The "Passages" was published when he had nearly completed his seventy-fourth year. " Shadows of the Old Booksellers" was completed in less than nine months afterwards ; little more than another year sufficed for "Half- hours with the best Lotter-writers and Autobiographers." The following four months were given to an historical romance, which was finished on the author's seventy-sixth birthday. Ho was in his seventy-eighth year when he finished his last work, a second series of "Half-hours with the best L3tter-writers and Autobiographers." Such activity at such an age has seldom been seen.—Mr. Lepel H. Griffin's elaborate work, The Rajas of the Punjab, being the History of the Principal States in the Punjab, and their Political Relations with the British Government, appears in a second edition (Triibner).—We have also to notice new editions of A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Anti- quities, by Anthony Rich (Longmans) ; National Finance and Currency. by Edward Norton (Longmans); The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated, by John Henry Newman, D.D. (Pickering); The Constitutional History of England (Warne), a volume pieced together out of Hallam's "Constitutional History" and De Lolmo's "Constitution of England." The Character of St. Paul, by J. S. Howson, D.D., Doan of Chester (Strahan) ; The Four Georges, by W. M. Thackeray (Smith and Elder); The Realities of Irish Life, by W. Steuart Trench (Longmans); and The Cricket Field, by tho Rev. James Pycroft (Virtue).—.--W0 gladly welcome, as indicating a demand which does credit to the taste of the public, a reissue of Professor Plumptro's Tragedies of -,Eschylus (Strahan), and The Red Flag, and other Poems, by the Hon. Roden Noel (Strahan).—In Fiction, we have Abel Drake's Wife, by John Saunders (H. S. King and Co.); Never Again, by W. S. Mayo; and Under the Red Dragon, by James Grant (Routledge).