8 OCTOBER 1842, Page 2

The statement of the income of the City of London,

reported to the Court of Common Council some time back, has just been published in the papers. It shows a total of 85,069/. The principal items are, profits of the markets, 9,923/.; groundage on corn, 2,2371.; coal-duties, 48,5211.; metage-duty on corn, 11,920/. ; brokers' rents, 3,8921.; freedoms, 4,518/. The deductions are set down at 80,599/. ;—including salaries to officers, 37,416/.; repairs of public buildings, 5,379/. ; compensation allowances to deputy sea-coal-meters and others for abolished offices, 12,9811.; rentage on the Corporation estate by the Police Act, 2 and 3 Victoria, cap. 94, sec. 57, 9,500/. The "balance of profits" is 4,4701.; the Income-tax on that amount being 130/. 7s.