8 OCTOBER 1853, Page 9


erects Exclusion. FRIDAY Arrzaaoow.

close of last week, has since on several occasions exhibited strong signs of repe- The panic in Government Securities, which had partly been arrested at the

tition. Consols closed officially on Monday with a firm appearance at 931 1, upon information that the Conference at Vienna was likely to be renewed. On Tuesday they declined to 911, on the intelligence that the Grand Council of Turkey had advised the Sultan to issue a declaration of war : later in the day, it was asserted that a telegraphic despatch from Vienna had arrived convey- ing information that the Sultan had acted upon such advice ; Consols tnen fell to 901; closing about • higher. On Wednesday, several fluctuations occurred, at prices ranging between 901 and 911. Yesterday they rallied to 92; declined. subsequently 1 per cent, a variety of reports being in circula- tion; and closed at 911 I. Stock is becoming very scarce, and the public continue to purchase upon every fall. The shipments of specie to Malta, Alexandria, and India, have amounted this week to 501,750/. On the other band, the amount brought by the West India packet on Monday was about 540,0001. Owing to recent arrivals of gold from Australia, an improvement in the Bank-returns is shortly expected. Several of the Continental banks have raised their rate of interest 1 per cent, including Sardinia Prussia, Warsaw, and France. Money has been easy this week in the Stock Exchange, and out of doors. From a return of New Stocks issued by the Bank of England on Monday, it appears that 5000/. Three-and-a-half per Cents were accepted that day ; supposed to be on account of parties residing abroad, who are not aware of the present priests of the Funds. Owing to the Turkish news via England, French Three per Cents declined on Wednesday to 72 50; from which they have only slightly rallied. Today, our Funds have undergone great fluctuations : Consols have ranged between 911 and 921, closing at 921 for Money and Account : speculative sales and money purchases have pre- vailed to a large extent. India Stock has improved 1 per cent since Satur- day, and Exchequer Bills Is. Foreign Stocks have been very flat, owing to the prevailing gloom in other Markets. A depression has occurred this week in the following-Danish Three, Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Sardinian, 2; Belgian, Danish Five, Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents, Peruvian Deferred, Portuguese Four, and Russian Five per Cents, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, and Deferred,1 ; Granada Deferred, /. Mexican improved 1 on Monday, having advanced to 251; owing to the arrival of the packet with 117,125 dollars on account of the Bondholders. About 200,000 dollars more are wanted to make up a dividend. Mr. Falconnet would leave Mexico on his return to this country by the October packet. The Minister of Finance has resigned, and Softer Sierra y Remo has succeeded him. The improvement in the stock has not been maintained it closes today at 231 41. Foreign Stocks have been very flat, owing to the prevailing gloom in other Markets. A depression has occurred this week in the following-Danish Three, Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Sardinian, 2; Belgian, Danish Five, Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents, Peruvian Deferred, Portuguese Four, and Russian Five per Cents, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, and Deferred,1 ; Granada Deferred, /. Mexican improved 1 on Monday, having advanced to 251; owing to the arrival of the packet with 117,125 dollars on account of the Bondholders. About 200,000 dollars more are wanted to make up a dividend. Mr. Falconnet would leave Mexico on his return to this country by the October packet. The Minister of Finance has resigned, and Softer Sierra y Remo has succeeded him. The improvement in the stock has not been maintained it closes today at 231 41.

Railways have been very sensitive; every movement in Consols having an influence. On Tuesday a decline of 11. to 31. occurred in the leading lines. Some of them have since slightly rallied, and at the close yesterday the difference compared with Saturday last was to the following extent. Increase-Bristol and Exeter, 41.; Norfolk, 21.; Lancaster and Carlisle, 11. Decrease-Edinburgh and Glasgow, 31.; York and North Midland, 21. 10s.; East Lancashire, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 21.; Caledonian, and London and North-western, 11. 10,.; Aberdeen, Great Northern, Great Western, Mid- land, North British, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and South- eastern, 11. • London and South-western, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 109. The decline in Foreign Shares has been-Paris and Orleans, and Paris and Strasbourg, 2/. ; Northern of France, 11. 10s. ; Paris and Lyons, 1/. 5s.; Paris and Rouen, and Western of France, 1/. ; Sambre and Meuse, 10s.; Great Central of France, 78. &I. Today, English and Foreign Shares are better, but the highest points have not been maintained.


The English Funds are at the closing quotations of yesterday ; Consols for Money and Account are 92 1: they opened lower, the news by telegraph confirming the previous intimation that on the 26th ultimo the Sultan de- clared war against Russia. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows only a small decrease compared with last week-68,221l. Exchequer Bills 12 7 discount. In Foreign Stocks, Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, Peruvian Deferred, and Russian Five per Cents, are I better. Railways are steady ; only a few descriptions have been dealt in at present. London and North-western, 1031; Midland, 591; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 621; Ditto Extension, 11. SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx. The English Funds close much the same as they were in the morning ; Consols for Money and Account are 92/ 1; at one period they were I higher. A great rise has taken place in Exchequer Bills, the interest on which has been raised to 2d. : they close at 6 10 premium. The business transacted in them has been at 11 dis. 5 pm. 2 pm. India Stock has improved 2 per cent. The only alteration in Foreign Stocks is a rise of 1 in Danish Five per Cents, which are now 101 3.

In Railways there has been no particular movement, the latest bargains have been in the following-Bristol and Exeter, 93; Caledonian, 50; Ches- ter and Holyhead, 151; East Anglian, 41 ; Eastern Counties, 111; East Lancashire, 63; Great Northern, 74; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 49; Great Western 801- Lancashire and Yorkshire, 631; Ditto Fifths, 10/ ; London and Blaokwall, 71 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 94; Lon- don and North-western, 1031; London and South-western, 76; Midland, 60; Scottish Central, 8n; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 621; South-eastern, 1; York, Newcastle,- and Berwick, 621; Ditto Extension, 101; York and Norgss_llidland, 46j; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1191; Lanca- shire and -Yorkshire 6 per Cent Stock., 140; London and Brighton New Guarai*d 6 per. Cent,133.;,islidland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham 6sper 135; Yak, Newcastle, and Berwick, 4 per Cent Preference, 97 Namur' nd Liege, (with interest,) ; Northern of France, 321; Paris and R°.liees '391; Paris and Strasbourg, 351 ; Zealand;-81.-Mine-Agua Fria, 11. j Joint Sleek Bank-Australasian, 71. Miscellaneous-Australian Agricul- tural, 33; Crystal Palace, 61; General Steam Navigation, 29, Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 691; Peel River Land and Mineral, 4/.

3 per Ceat Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

921 i

92 shut Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents... Ditto 4 per Cents

81 4 ex d.

62 4 92 4 ex d.

31 per Cents shut Mexican 3 per Cents 231 41 Long Annuities shut Peruvian 41 per Cents 69 71 Bank Stock shut Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents .. 49 CI Exchequer Bills 5 10 pm Portuguese 4 perCents 41 3 IndiaStock 245 7 Russians per Cents 112 14 Austrian 5 per Cents 94 6 Ditto 41 per Cents 96 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 97 9 ex d Spanish 3 per Cents 441 51 Belgian 41 per Cents 96 8 Ditto Deferred 211 I (Malian 6 per Cents 99 111 ex d Sardinian 5 per Cents 90 2 Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Swedish 4 per Cents 91 3