9 AUGUST 1834, Page 9

A case of singular hardship, arising out of the absurdity

and obscurity of the law, has been communicated to us by Mr. John Epps, who resides at 1.57, Holborn. He has been fined 20/. at Bow Street, on the information of the notorious Byers, for selling beer without a licence. He keeps an eating-house ; and the other day, procured some beer fora customer from a public-house, and afterwards received payment for the beer along with the provisions he had sold himself. By so doing, he rendered himself liable to the penalty for selling beer without a licence. Had his customer given him the money for the beer, thus paying for it BEFone it was brought, Mr. Epps would have escaped ; his ignorance of this technicality has cost him twenty pounds. As there are, doubtless, many persons in the same business equally ignorant of the law, this statement will serve them as a warning.