9 AUGUST 1879, Page 1

Lord Chelmsford has resigned his command, and received leave to

return home. Sir Garnet Wolseley has disbanded some of the expensive irregular cavalry, and though again send- ing forward some of the force beyond Ulundi, until the poli- tical result of Cetewayo's defeat is more clearly seen, Sir Garnet still appears to think it safe to begin sending home troops. Sir Evelyn Wood, the best soldier of the war, is coming home invalided, for much needed rest. Mr. Forbes says that General Crealock's failure has been one of the greatest failures in the recent war,—that he had the opportunity of taking and burning Ulundi long before Lord Chelmsford was near it, but that he held persistently to his base on the Tugela, for over two months, and would risk nothing. Mr. Forbes distri- butes his praise and blame much more freely than the Com- mander-in-Chief, and we are not sure that—whether equally just or not—it will not be more valued and more feared.