9 AUGUST 1919, Page 2

When every boy passes through a period of training be

is bound to come under the careful scrutiny of the doctors. If he is too weak, he is excused from service ; but if he is capable of service, his physique is scientifically built up in every-possible way. Mr. Baker must have noticed, as we have all noticed, the positively astounding improvement in young men who have been subjected to the regular life, the healthy exercise, and the good feeding of a military training. From the democratic point of view there is just as much to be said as from that of the physical health of the nation. We hope that the time will soon be past when a self-respecting nation will regard it as tolerable that men who themselves have no obligation to fight should be allowed to stir up international anger and hound others on to fight while they keep their own skins in safety. So light an obligation as is proposed in America, and has-beenlong practised In Switzerland, is quite unlike what we know as Conscription.