9 DECEMBER 1837, Page 12



The Consol Market his evinced feebleness, and is an ath per cent, lower than it was on Saturday. There has been, however, very little business transacted. Mousy is more in demand ; but the premium upon India Bonds and Exchequer Bills has increased. Nothing certain has transpired as to the rumoured reduc- tion of the dividend upon Bank Stack: there seems, however, to be a convic- tion that such a measure will, before long, be forced upon the Directors. A great portion of the profits of the Corporation arise from the Terminable Annuity purchased from the Government in 1822, and technically called the Dead-weigl 1; and although the annuity itself will not expire till 1867, its value as one of the " assets" is yearly lessening. The usual weekly meeting of the Directors passed yesterday without any notice of the subject ; and it is said that nothing more will be done till the half-yearly meeting of the Proprietors in April next. The price of the stock has improved during the last few days : the lowest point to which it had declined was 202f, and the quotation of to-day sa '205 and 206.

The Foreign Funds have generally been in a tranquil state ; the Northern Continental Securities being rather flatter in consequence of the depression of the English Funds.

Brazilian Bonds have been steady at between '78 and '79. The markets for these Securities in Holland have acquired firmness; and we have little doubt but the prices here will remain steady, unless the market be agitated by poli- tical intelligence. The Portuguese Securities have evinced symptoms of a reaction; and both the Three and Five per Cent. Bonds are to-day at prices from I to I per cent. above their extreme point of depression. Spanish Active Stock is heavier ; but the transactions have been few. Passive and Deferred Stock ate also lower.

The Mexican Bonds are firm at current quotations; the Five per Cent. Stock being touch in demand for conversion into the New Stock, which main- tains its satue in the Amsterdam market.

The Railway Shares are improving ; and a disposition for this description tf invtatmeut seems about to revive. The demand has been chiefly confined to the Birmiugliam, Great Western, Southampton, and Brighton. S•TCRRA•, TVIELVIC o'Cnoca.

Very little has occurred here this morning, and prices may generally be quoted the same as yesterday. Some transactions have taken place in Brighton Railway Shares, at 22 17s. 6d. the other de.criptious of Railway Shares are unchanged.


So little has been doing this afternoon, that our duty must be confined to the quotation of prices; which are generally the same as in the morning.