9 DECEMBER 1865, Page 3

The Consol market during the whole of the week has

been in a most inactive state, and prices have declined to the extent of one-quarter per cent. The closing quotations on Friday week were 871 4 for delivery, and 871 88 for time ; the latest official prices yesterday being 871 4 and 871 1 for money and time respectively. The Bank of England return is less favourable, the stock of bullion having fallen off to the amount of 159,331/.,—the supply held being 14,469,617/.,—whilst the reserve of notes and coin has been reduced to 8,364,427/., showing a diminution of 192,806/. as compared with the previous statement. The return issued by the Bank of France, however, exhibits favourable alterations, the chief of which are an increase of 890,000/. in the stock of bullion, and a diminution of 2,253,000/. in bills discounted. The mini- mum rate of discount here remains at 6; at Paris, 4 per cent.