9 FEBRUARY 1833, Page 13



moved to the same spot by land, received orders from the Emperor not to sttr. Thus, after some severe fighting, the I4edroites were obliged place for the landing of stores and men. But Admiral SARTORIUS, who was to have cooperated by sea, was prevented from doing so by the mutiny of his men ; and General BRIT% who NSIIS also to have and failed. The object was to take the hill of Castro, s.n.1 the Castel de Quejo, to the right of the lighthouse, and thus secure a favourable General SOLIGNAC has made the long-expected sortie from Oporto, to retire, with a loss of two hundred men.

Another note from the Dutch Minister for Foreign Affidrs was presented to Lord PALMERSTON by the Baron ZUYLEN on Thursday. It is like all the rest.

Letters from Paris affirm that the retirement of Sot:LT is certain, and that DUNN will be President of the Council of Ministers.