9 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 11


In justice to Sir Joint Scow LmmE, we call attention to a very courteous and temperate

Letter from that gentleman, inserted at page Sir Ions explains, thinthe report on mach tor remarks in the Lunacy case last week were Wooded was incorrect. Want or spine prevents the more ample notice of this sub:ect which we bad in- tended to make. In reply to the question, on what authority we classed Mr. TlioMAS Al-tweet) as !hymn- aide to the Anti-Corn-law movement, we reply-on :he authority or the speech delivered at the Birmingham meeting by Mr. senora:mho; who must be presum,1 to be well acquainted with the real opinion anti feeliog or his colleague on the subject. We have received several communications in reply to Mr. Ommowsm's letter on Polish atitirs. It is quite impassible to lased long papers from correspondents during the sttss:011 or Parliament ; bat we shall endeavour to make room fur some tart o`f those alluded to. The critique on the exhibition °Etta. British hist it mho' is muivoidably postponed.

Two admirable Letters on Army lieform, tram our able Military Correspou lent, are

lying us, 7110.h:ill illSeektil at the earliest opportunity.

Other al ti&e, on various subjects are excluded by want of room.

Eitherrm.--In the Adretti*etnent of a publication by Mr. JANitek; liAnymo, inserted in uor last Number, by a typographical mistake " Tittle" was subAiluted for •• Title :'• the correct reading is Observations on the Title a the Protestant Episcopal Clergy to t:.Irdt Church Temporalities:.