9 JANUARY 1841, Page 12


A PARAGRAPH relating an adventure of Lord SYDENHAM, before he was, like Bottom, "translated," is going the round of the pro- vincial newspapers. Mr. P. Tnomsox and some brother sportsmen, it would appear, had halted in the grouse-season at a Highland inn ; and their dogs having been (wisely) shut up in the larder, de- stroyed all the provisions. The landlady, with Highland senti- ment, wept because she had no dinner for the gentleman, and, with Highland pride, refused pecuniary compensation. But she accepted some franks. We have heard before this of similar accidents and similar disinterestedness; though the vulgar souls whose dogs oc- casioned the mischief lowered the high tone of the romance by sending the landlady a new gown or the landlord a " sneeshing- mull." The liberal, embryo Lord, far more refined, soothed his conscience by giving franks. It is clear that he is not infected with Cot:mares heresies regarding the superiority of gold to paper—at least when he has to give or pay.