9 JUNE 1883, Page 2

Lord Lytton, Mr. David Plunket, and Lord George Hamilton made

a threefold attack on the Liberal party, at a meeting of the Conservative Association held at Willis's Rooms on Wednesday night. Lord Lytton described the tremendous victory obtained by outraged facts over Liberal principles, and assured his party that "the day of dupes" was drawing to its close. Mr. Plunket declared that "curses, like chickens, came home to roost," and appeared to regard Mr. Bradlaugh as the most homesick of these chickens, as well as the most unwelcome to the Liberal party. Lord George Hamilton dilated on the wickedness of importing emotion and hysteria into party politics, taking great pains to illustrate practically the mischiefs of emotion and. hysteria by his own very violent and very unreasonable speech.. Lord George Hamilton felt sure that Middlesex, which had so long resisted the charms of "eloquent humbug," would be soon backed up by the decision of the constituencies at large. Thetone of all three speakers was that of men gloating over the spoil they are just about to seize upon, and almost "fey " with the delights of their premature anticipations. For them, at least, the day of dupes is not very near its close.