9 MARCH 1839, Page 6

'Tbe Vrobintes.

Both parties in North Devonshire are striving vigorously to effect the election of their respective candidate. The nominaeion will take place at Southmolton, on Tuesday next, and the polling on the Friday and Saturday. Sir AN'illiam Moleswortli has addressed the following letter to one of his tenants' explaining his reasons for declining to support the Whig candidate, Mr. James Buller—

"79, Eaton Square.

" sty dear Sir -Mv reason rig writing to you at the present moment is to explain to you. very slim fly. wily I feel it iny 'Lay, as n Iterormer, nit to vote ror Mr. Boller, untess deolan. Milken' in in ittr a the illokt, and or an amendment or the Rerorm

11111. 1 write to you i SW the independence avian. mind, and that y.ai are

ha:11611.1y eloirn..ter Wvil illat I wish merely to appenl to pair ,antgilieet, and II 1 4., exl.rviso ally or that sr.,,•ies hootiord elm exercise IL his te:.mit.- whielf I liar, miii will nevi r rest satisfied till I slY 741:11% 1.111Wr Buller is aware of' 110' Of intimidation. or he is out. If he he not a w...r• or its i•xi (ii van t, lie his out. of the must hi: is rtint questi..fis that his, cmi LUS- 11,11,011 lie 1:151 '-il SI, :11A llo.rellire is unlit to 110 oor Itepresentath 0. If Ii,, he aware, as utation1.1c4ny he is or its ertiel manner in whiell that intlurnei. Is (and il 1111 1,1, I Of 1;i::41::::11 111140,111:111 in the or 1).,r,o.) and if he ,..te hr tlo. Ballot, lie is at iteart no 1(4.14,41114,r or pro1...,! abuses; nod It,forni-rs not to appear in any way to support him The arguments and the sante e,uellision apply to Sin general tineslion a an azionalmout

or the Itolbroi Act. Iteie.ring to Duneuffilm's motion on the Addtess,

Mr. Haller if Finality, or nu Man: It the former, wherein th,e.4 differ 1.11,1a 1 .1),IT, P111....pe in mere profession 1 Ought we to aeltali• coin:elves mid deceive alters hy supporting one, who may call himself a f,iberal, but is really a roe to the I' p:11.ir "fin it J, th,ii the Iiiic.1 yeomanry or North Devon may pat Mi. Buller to the test on these is its, 1 remain, niy.dear Sir, yours truly, " WILMA 1

The Wigan election will take place this day. There have been some nlovemeets with a view to oppose Colonel Thompson to Mr. Ewart ; hut it seems probable that the only candidates will be Messrs. Ewart

Stir] Rearsitiy.

'11,.! 111112 Observer mmtracliets a rumour that Mr. 'Hutt is about to exchange the representation of Hull fig tint of Gateshead.

Mr. NVard being requested by the Radical Association of Sheffield to 51111,ort the l'eople s Charter, wrote to say he could not comply with their reptest, havireg made up his mind to give it his most strenuous opposition.---,S'Ileffielit Iris.

l'hough Mr. Duckworth's appointment to the vacant Mastership has not been officially announced, there is no doubt tut that it will take place ; and lie must then vacate his seat for Leicester.—Lcieestershirc ,lferettry.