9 MARCH 1839, Page 7

At Newcastle Assizes, on Monday, Mr. Dundas„ who was engaged

as counsel for Balam, charged with the Murder of Millie, in the Sa- yings Bank, moved to postpone the trial till the next Aesizes. Ile did this on the affidavit of the prisoner's solieitnr, that tee prisoner could not have a fitir trial at the present time, on LICCOMIT of public prejudice. The Judges granted the appileatiou. The Grand Jury ignored the bill against Bolam's housekeeper.

The Reverend Joseph Stephens's trial is postpone:hand it is supposed that the prosecution will not he proceeded with. Semliens's prVI!:Iril is [militated. Upwards of 1,000/. has been subs:gill:el to defray the e!:- penses of his defence. He preaches three times every Sunday, to crowdol congregations.

Sir John Peniston Milbanke was tried at Wineheeter on Monday, on the charge of maliciously stabbing Mr. .Pttcock, at a hall-roma. Southampton. The evidence of evil intent being defective, he was

aeni. , • Two young men, Edward Orfbed Sydney Oef.ted. were tri...d tie 'inchester on Tuesday, for chrrying off Ann 1. is ayoiing tIeol* fourteen, from her mother's house at Alton. Mrs. Deed le the it ife of a wealthy East India merchant. She had three dam:leers bore In India, and had resided at Alton two years. tier hus:.tuel re..trned to Cal- cutta in August last, leaving his family at Alton. In hie a:;-aece. three young men, sons of Mr. Grey, a shopkeeper in Alton. beeame intimate with Ilik? Miss Boyds; whose agt'S were then reepeetteel v six- teen, mid fourteen. They ueed to romp tneether t!a2 is' is' and the young men were let into the house at night by tn.. girls. liiellard Grey frequently slept with Ann Boyd. Tile three eire,. on one eeee- skm, eloped with the three brothers; but were '.ronglit home mtgmti : and Mrs. Boyd hired Orford, father of the prisonere, to guard the house from the intrusion of the Greys. Orford st.,o; ids son lidwerd some-

times in his place. This young man. aided his brotiier, inveigh...knit Boyd from home, under the :a:tee:alio:1 of a inee:lea with 'Richard Grey in London; but his re::: ol,jeet was to get eon:: restored Ann Boyd to her mother. The result of eh: trial t...e :. the; the Court sentenced Edward Orford to twelve ett..1 Steleey to Mae months' imprisonment.