9 MARCH 1839, Page 8



The usual monthly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England exhibits a decrease in the amount of the deposits of 319,000/., and in the bullion of 813,000/. The decrease of the deposits may be attributed to the recent success of the Joint Stock Banks, which are gradually with- drawing business from the Bank of Englund ; and the diminution in the amount of bullion will not surprise those who have attended to our reports of the exportation of the precious metals. The English Stock Market is firmer ; Consols, both for Money and Account, having advanced There is, however, very little business doing. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same, and the transactions few and unimportant.

Consols close 93 for Money, and 93 h . sellers, for the Account. The busi- ness of the afternoon has been quite unimportant. All the Foreign Funds close at the morning's price. Great fears are entertained for the safety of the Upton Castle East Indian:an, and 45 guineas premium have been given for her insurance at Lloyd's this morning: she left Calcutta on the 4th of September, was spoken with a fee- days' sail from the Cape of Good Hope, the 15th Decem-


The Duke of WELLINGTON'S discovery of the state of peaceful war in which the country is at present, caused a heaviness in the Money Market at the open- ing of business ; and Consols, for Money, were done at ; but the market soon recovered its tone, amid it now appears that the Duke's discovery is not of any importance. All descriptions of Stock have been languid during the week, and. the apparent tendency at present is downwards. Gold is still in demand for export to Paris ; and the quantity that has been sent there daily

during the week, has varied from 20,000/. to 40,000/. The defeat of the

French Ministry in the elections is regarded as likely to cuCOUTage the war party in Belgium ; and by protracting the settlement of the question, to in-

crease the commercial embarrassments by which France mid the Low Coun-

tries are at present oppressed ; as long Di these continue, the drain upon the Bank for gold must go on. Monev is more in demand than it has been ; and the rate of discount forfirst-rate 'hills may be quoted at from 34 to 4 per cent. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has fallen ; 2d. June Bills were yester- day as low as 63, and advertised 61 ; but a purchase to the extent of 35,000/. gave firmness to the market, and the 2d. Bills have been done to-day at 66, and the others at 63. The favourable state of the affairs of the London anti West.

minster Bank, as communicated to proprietors at the annual general meeting, held en Wednesday, has giveu rise to a demand for the Shares in that under- taking, which have been done at 25, being a prem. of 5/. per Share, it appears

from the report, that after paying all the expenses of the year, and making an

ample allowance for any loss that may be anticipated in the settlement or out- standing claims,. the Directors are enabled to declare a dividend of 5 per cent,

upon the capital stock of the Company, out of the profits of the year ; and to increase the guarantee fund by upwards of 17,000/. from the same source. In addition to the demand thus created for the Shares of the Bank in question, the publication of this report has directed the public attention to the subject of Joint Stock Banks generally; and the Shares of several of these undertakings, especially those of the London Union Bank, are sought for with avidity. The various Securities of the United States of America, current here, have been in fair demand during the week; and a new variety, being a loan for the State of Michigan, has made its appearauce in the mallet. The rate of interest is 6 per cent., and the Bonds are in two series—one in pounds sterling the divi- dends upon which are payable at Messrs. Rcausenmo's, at the fixedexchange of 4s. Id. per dollar ; and the other in dollars. A large amount of the Sterling Bonds has been done at ninety-three. The transactions of the FOreigu Market have been almost entirely confined to Spanish Stock ; which has 'fluctuated between 19i and 20i. The specu- lators are all alive at the prospect opened to them by the defeat of the French Ministry, and the anticipated return of M. TRIERS to the Cabinet of Lours PHILIPPE ; but the market is kept down by the weight of Stock pressiugupon it, and as yet has only risen to react. Brazilian Bonds are heavier; a i s s the Scrip of the New Loan, both being ft per cent. lower than last week. The refusal of the Portuguese Government to accede to the Treaty for the sup- pression of the Slave-trade, has caused a decline of nearly 1 per cent. in the . Portuguese Bonds ; but the business transacted has been unimportant, and the Stock has now risen almost to the whole extent of the previous depression. The Portuguese Bonds of the Loan of 1823, known as Old Portuguese, are in request, and have been done at 75.1f ; it being anticipated that the purchases for the Sinking Fund will be resumed, as the Government of Rio Janeiro, who are the grantees of this loan, will be in funds from the receipts of the new Brazi- lian .Loan. The other South American Securities are heavy, with little doing. The transactions in the Dutch' Belgian, and other Northern Stocks, have been few and unimportant ; the markets are, however, firin. The markets for Railway Shares are generally depressed ; and the desire for speculation iu this description of security does not appear to be at all on the increase ; most of the current description of Shares are lower than last week. The Brighton have experienced a decline of nearly 1/. to-day, and have been as low as 5i din., or per Share. A report is prevalent, on the authority of the Brighton Guardian, that the works at Balcombe and Claydon have been suspended, on account of an out-break of the land springs ; but though this re- port has been orally contradicted by some of the Directors, the market has not improved.


ber, and has not since been heard of.

3 per Cent. Consuls 935 Ditto for Account 935 4 3 per Cent. Reduced shut

New 35 per Cent. Antis 1005 f

Batik Stock shut

India Stuck _

.Ditto Bonds 66 Exchequer Bills 6466pm

ilelgiau5p en Dental 1015 2

Brazilian i per Cents

Danish 6 per Cent. Dutch 24 per Cent.

805 761 t 555 t

Portuguese Regency Spar etc.


5 Ditto 3 per Cent.

211 2

Ruisailtu (1829) 5 per Cent


Spanish i (1535) 5 par Cout

Deferred Stock 195 81 204, 9

Passive Ditto 41 5