9 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 10


On the 9th May. at Valparaiso, Mrs. Pgratt. Kist:, of a .stillborn son.

On the 1st inst., ut the Rookery, Roehampton, the Lady of the lion. GEORGE Mossr.v., or a datightor. On the 4th inst., at Hammers-Milk the I.orly of Attrutta WA Lynam Esq., of a son. On the 31st tilt.. at No. 9, Moray Place, Eilinbargh, the Lady of Sir Jonst P. Oanz, Mart, of a daughter. . At Acrthlate. ffindshire, the Lady of Sir T. F. Borrour.v, Bart., of a daughter. On the 5th inst., at North End !louse, Hants, tho Lady of Major IL D. CAMPBELL, of a :laughter.


At Croydon, Tarot:Col. Vow GRAEVET.L. 7th Prussian Lancers, tci#RANCES. daughter of the Rev. J. L. Chirol. King's Chaplain. • At Mawgan, near Ilelston. JOHN DAVEY and James DAVEY. brothers, to HARRIET and LOUISA Itattry.s•r. sisters; and ions. liawmwr, brother to the brides, to Susaw DAVEY, sister or mItil hii.t...gromos. On the tith inst., at Ippoilitts, Lieut..Col. SRAWE, of the Coldstream Hoards, to JArNE GRACE, second daughter of Peter I larvey Lovell, Esq., of Cole Park, Wilts, and Ippollitts. Herts. On the 3Ist ult., at Marclitield, Gloucestershire, THOMAS AIIRTR, Esq., of 11111 House, Ilambledon. Thuds. and the College. lialstrode Park. to MATILDA. second :laughter of the late John Denison, Esq., M.P., 0,ington Park, Notts, and Portmau Square. On the 2■1 inst.. at Itridlim;ton, in Yorkshire, I•11:;:R? Bovx.rox. Esq., eldest son of Sir Oenry Boynton, Bart., or Burt A tios.. in that count y, to LOUISA, youngest daughter or waner strict:Lout. Esq.. i.f Coket horpe Park, OxIiirdshire. On the 7th hint. R ren ;:n Rn,rrsua. Esq.. to JOSEPHA MARY. eldest daughter of the Rev. William St. Andrew Vincent, Prebend of Chichester, and Vicar of Boluey.


On the Eith. t'Williamfiehl, near Edinburgh, in his 86th year, WILLIAM Gomm Esq.. nicote of sir T. S. Gooch. On Om 30th ult., ;lt. Veattior, Isle of Wh%lit, the Rev COURTUOPE Stns. M.D., in his 38th year. oaly sou of ticJohn Sims, B. I)., formerly of Wimpole ndon. On the gil lust.,nt (;%‘...•ins• I los,' ii the county of Essex, in her 80th year, MARY, Pella or the late I loin, ?l•Irs.esk!r, Esq. On the let hist., at Mr. nix. in the Valley of Montmorenci, in France. ALEXANDER . WRI.:HT, Esq., late of the Hun. East India Company's Bengal Civil Service, in his I 67th year. On the 1st inst.. at lIoluthush, JAME.: Fox BitoAnwoon, and on the 3d inst., AT.EXI ANDER ALFRED BROADWOI/D, SOUS Of Thomas Broadwood, Esq. On the 1st inst., :It Ralf House. Elthant. Kent, in her 82t1 year. MILDRED WARNER, relict of William Warner, Esq of Hatton Garden Estate. Dominica. At Winehmore 11111, Mrs. SARAH 1,Awcirrr, in her 80th year. At Oporto, J. OrttLVIE. EST. M.D.

In India, Lieutenant J. C. Ross, 48thRegiment, son of the late Colonel Ross, 28th Regiinent.

At Edinburgh. in Ids 70th year, .1, FERGUSON, Esq., son of the celebrated astronomer. On the 8th ult.. suddenly, at Greenwich, JAMES Jarrisintos, Esq. He was the author " Jennings's Family Cycloptedia." " Ortsithologia," " History of Cookery" (on (completing which lie was e.:gaged at the time of his decease), antimony other works. On the 7th inst., after a few itav's illness, Mr. JOHN Woxrxra, keeper of his Ma

jesty's Gaol of Newgate, in his 50th year.
