9 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 9



The Money Market has been very firm during the week ; and a much greater disposition for investment has existed, for the last few days, than has occurred fur some time. Money Stock of all descriptions has become scarce, and Consols for money at one period of yesterday were dearer than fur the Account; to.day a supply of Stock has been thrown on the market, money to a large amount having been borrowed on Consols at 2§ per cent, till the Account (27th Nov.). India and Bank Stock are both higher ; the former is 243, and the latter 212. A large sale of Exchequer Bills took place in the beginning of the week ; the price of these securities has not been depressed. The boisterous weather of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, by precluding the arrival of the Dutch and French mails, and consequent intelligence of the transactions on the Exchanges of Amsterdam and Paris, has left us little to remark on the business of the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has maintained its price, and Belgian Bonds antinue more_ in demand. The last payment-20 pr e..t on 11:e new Greek .it—was u.S.d . on the 1st instant, ami the price of toe Ilmids is no* 105i itte. The Bonds 'of each guarantee are now purchased *irately; the ptietv of the English portioti is 116118, of the Russian 99 it, tvid!e the Frctich ptrtion is at 101 101i. • The intelligence received this morning flint: Lisbon, has.not produced much leff..cton P1,1tgue Sseariti:s. The price of the Rtgency Bonds has been as low aw601, but it has sittce improved to 61. This S,tock has heroine much more an object of investment during the last few days, than at any former period. P5eveta1 investment: have been mad in the course of the week ; and though the amoeba if each individual littrchase has not been large, the aggregate quactity 4,1 Stork taken has been sufficient to give considerable firmness to the market. .kanish Stuck has fluctuated considerably ; the extreme quotations being 24:1 and 23.'T. the latter being the closing price. Intelligence has to-day been received from Mexico. The cholera was still thiiiimitting frightful ravages in the interior ; the hostile armies of SANTA ANNA and his opponent being reduced to complete inaction by this dreadful Scourge. At Vera Cruz the disease had been succeeded by the yellow fever, which was described as very Malignant. A large amount of dollars had arrived, of which 15,0%1 are on account of the over-due Dividends. A considerable quantity of specie was also colleeted in the city of Mexico ; but the unsettled state of the country had prevented the contlat•tu taking its departure fur the coast. • SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCE.

Very little business has been transacted this morning ; prices .gonerally are itther lower thaw yesterday, in consequence of a trifling decline having occurred in the French Funds, on Thursday, ht Paris. We are without any further intelligence from Lisbon. Spanish Stock is lower ; the price beinob 221 23. 2 rer Cent. ream& 88 I Belgian 5 per Cents. 94 4 Niesicau6 per Cents.. 31 5 Ditto lb: Acomut SS ; Br azilian 5 p. Cts. G6 Portitguese 5 p. Cm.... I New ac pt Cent. Ann. Mit Dautsh 3 per Cent s.. 73 4 Do. Regeue.ltd .5p.Ct.. 604 I

Dank Stock far Acct — Dutch per Ce1t5..49+50 Erussian(1818)5p. CI

Inditi Stuck — Freneli 3 per Cents. 71 75 Ross. (1822) 5p. Ct.. 103 +

Michenher Ri1i 42 40 Greek (1825)5 p.Cts.26 8 Spauish(1821)8p.Ct. 2923