9 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 9

A correspondent of the Morning Herald, who dates from Constanti..

nople, states that the Sultan himself offered to close the Dardanelles against the vessels of all foreign nations except Russia ; and that the treaty between Russia and Turkey became known in Constantinople the very day that the King of England's speech on the prorogation of Parliament arrived there. " It afforded," he adds, "no little amusement to those who compared the two documents, to contrast the words which Ministers had put into the King's mouth about the conservation of Turkish independence, with the treaty and secret articles by which that independence was annihilated: the English Ministers may continue to watch over the independence of Turkey, but they are watching the stable after the steed is stolen." MEHEMET ALI has refused to pay the forty millions of piastres (about 400,0000, which are due to the Sultan for arrears of tribute, and which were to have been paid over to Russia in part discharge of her demand upon the Turkish treasury. Instead of money, Al EllEMET has sent long letters to the Sultan, reproaching hint for concluding a treaty with Russia so derogatory to the dignity of the Ottoman empire, and urging him to put additional territory under his government, in order that they may act together more effectually to repel Russian aggression. These letters are said to have put the Sultan into a towering passion.