9 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 10


How Lord Melbourne's Cabinet has been kept together, amid the hatred of the Tories and the loss of confidence of the country, it is difficult to explain ; but a combination of circumstances appears to sustain it. In the first place, anxious as Sir Hobert Peel and his party are ffir tlte possession of place, they are convinced that, from the decided opposition they would receive lions both 'Whigs and Reformers, not only in the 'louse of Commons but throughout the country, the attempt to govern must be productive of failure. They do not attentpt, therefore, to seize the reins, but they do that which iv of next importance to them, they direct the Alinistry concerning the roait along which the State machine is to be driven. The Reformers, on the other band, under the apprehension that matters would be worse were the open enemies to improvement permitted to take office, continue to give an occasional assistance and a general countenance to the doings of the Whigs, though it is evident that that essistance is daily becoming less willing, and is threatened wills a speedy termination. The Whigs are very properly blamed by both parties, because they do not act wp to their own iwinciples ; they profess to acknowledge the rights of the people, yet they refuse to listen to the expression of the wishes of the community ; they talk of Rifbrut, but they practice Conservatism. They are therefore losing the confideoce of the country; and their career must inevitably close very soon, in spite of the smiles of the Sovereign and the unpopularity of their Tory opponents, if they do not adopt a decided and a more liberal course.

Extensive changes have taken place in the Cabinet, and certain remarks in the London Norning (Amid& would lead us to believe that these have been effected wills a view to Liberalize the C merriment. We earnestly hope that such may be the case; yet we confess that we cannot rid ourselves of the feeling, that nothing will be pined by the friends of improvement, except by the pressure from without. -We have the declaration of the Colonial Gazette constantly ringing in our ears—" Help yourselves and Heaven will help you ; " nod again, "People of Canada, to make yourselves respected by the Imperial Cabinet, you must make yourselves feared." These declarations, We say, press themselves upon our minds with the force of inspiration, and teach us that our dependence must not be placed upon our rulers, but upon onrselves ; for, if the Whigs have hitherto succumbed to Sir Robert Peel and his party, and have avoided the reform of glaring evils in matters Which immediately surrounded them, in order to purchase the indirect support of their Tory opponents, what prospect is there that they will address themselves with energy to the removal of caw grievances, opposed as they would be, not only by the enemies to improvement in the Imperial Legislature, but also by the whole array. of Colonial officials and their paid supporters, and by the prejudiced and narrow-minded adherent a to misrule within this province. It is true that Sir John Colborne is about to retire in favour of Poulett Thomson—a soldier for a senator; in itself no bad exchange : it is trio: that the latter has always declared himself' to be a friend to liberal measuses; is an advocate for the Ballot and an extension of the suffrage, (two TCfir1111,,, 11111111 LIM 11111C11 needed at home, though not of importance here); and has al s professed to be of, and dependent upon, the people : it is also true that Vy'ye and Shell, both decided Liberals, have been added to the Ministry, and. that Lord Clarendon and Mr. '1'. B. :Macaulay are promised to us: these cheeses would once have filled us with delight, and would have been takes by us as an earnest of improvement, us a pledge that Reform principles were henceliwth to be practically enforced : but, alas ! our confide nee in public men is shaken; we were deceived by Sir George Arthur; we thought him sincere in his expressed desire to govern the Province impartially and with an eye to the public good; we have found him—what we will not say : we have witnessed the happiness and prosperity of the hillabitants of these Provinces, and the integrity of the country-, exposed to the caprice or malice of its ene mies : 1■111'12 e elm these things done by men who called themselves Reformers—how then can we lupe? We call once more then upon you, the people of Upper Canada, to help yourselves; we warn you not to rely upon the promises of officials, but to be prepared to act : we would ask you to extend to Mr. Thomson an impartial judgment, neither to oppose (Sr to lean upon hint, but to assist him when he is fishCling those prombies of liberal measures Nvhich he has so often made, and to oppose him wailfully and thterminedly if he suffers himself to be led astray by the specious rhetoric of our enemies. We would say, make yourselves respected by mee;se eoursekes fiared. And how are you to do this? By public meetings; ty mid rtsses ; by ORGAtilzATIoN ; by the appointment of delegates, for the limpet: of mei bteructing the efforts of the wily Chief Justice (who is paid by the people fey I,ln opposition to their wishes); in a word, by Agitation! ACITATION AGITATMN !!! Bern:din-di there is I10 1.1011C of tranquillizing the ministry but by agitation ! The struggle between the placeholders (the public defaulters) end the people must stow take place ; and we feel assured that the only mode of fighting the battle constitutionally and peaceably is by organization and agitation.

Prepare then, we say, to express your sentiments ; declare your determination to support Lord Durham's principles, and call upon his Lordship to support you ; do not spare your energies, your time, or, if necessary, your money ; give all freely now as the only meths of preserving your property hereafter. By these measures you may still hope to overcome your enemies, and

persuade your your rulers to act as you would wish. The Imperial Government is composed of Reformers ; it is already favourable in principle, it only "sett pressure ; bear upon it, then, and you may yet. restore peace and prosperity to your country."—Hamilton Journal, Upper Canada, Sept. 27.