9 OCTOBER 1976, Page 18

Rhodesian referendum

Sir: Rhodesians must be the only naive people left in the world. Who else would trust the nebulous word of the British and American governments to ensure a peaceful future in their country under African majority rule ? What Rhodesians predicted would happen is already beginning, and it is only days since Smith agreed to the Kissinger plan. What we must have now is a black referendum within the country to determine who the real African leaders are. If this is not done, the faction fighting that will ensue in Rhodesia is going to make Angola look like a picnic. Britain must make good her categorical assurance that terrorist fighting will cease and that sanctions are lifted. Smith fulfilled his part of the bargain, now Britain must ensure the African presidents fulfil theirs.

Sally Bown 6 Cardinals Road, PO Chisipite, Salisbury, Rhodesia