9 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 9



On the .1.! inst., at Sandwell, in statfordshire, the Countess of Dawraottrit, of a Ott the !‘oh inst., the Lady of GE0ROIA WEBsTER, Esq.. of Ohl Palace Yard, of a son. On the 4th inst., the Lady of Dr. A. C. WOon, of Brampton Crescent, of a son. Os the 5!It inst., tit Ilatamerstnith, the I.•uly of Aaritere WAI.FORD, Esq., of a daugle cr.

On the 5ilt inst., the Lady of the Rev A r.virs:n PENNELL, of Ipswich, of a daughter. On the 27,11 ult., at Dundalk, the Laity of Capt. ScHONsWAR, King's Dragoon Guard... slit daughter.

On the 17th tilt., in Wharton Street, Mr. II. it nrisr, of a daughter.

Oh it' • 31s: Ii.,at Arneliffe, near Skiptou, t lig Lady uf the Rev. Wit.r.lAm BOYD, of it still-Isati e!iil I.

At fi las gni% , t he Vire of S .rgeant I I trrro e, 0th Lancers, of a son and two daughters. Lel cite halt named Adam, Ellen. and V elm


Oti It ult., at the British Legation. at Munich, JANit.: Iii:xne C OTt. 5 N;,,It ENii,..ltro,gfortli, to the IlomtANIE E it•IVNE. ,..oatigest daughter or tee eight Its. Lind Er-1,:ai, her Majeoty's Euvoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleeipotentiary at the Court of Bat aria. Oh i the 2.1 hist.. at Highgate, II Aline. youni,e,t Suit of Sir Robert Chester, to ANNA MARIA, only child of the late Robert Islieriveol, Esq. On the 2ii inst., at Old Charlton. FREDERICK CHARLES EDWARD LOTiTER CUFTON, tO ASIAN, second daughter of Capt. William White, of Old Charlton, in Kent, and of Oodmancliester, Huntingdonshire. At Witicanton, the Rev. THOMAS MARMOT, Rector of Stowell, to ELIZABETH, daughter a the Rev. T. Phelps, Rector of Id aperton atilt Weston Bamfield. A liensingham, MARK HILDESLEY QUAYLE, Esq.,of Douglas, Isle°, Man, to MART. daughter of Major Sledding. of Summer Grove.


On the 2d Inst., at Richmond, Rear-Admiral ClIARLES FIELDING, in his 57th year. On the 2.1 inst., Itienaen Briton, Esq., Rear-Admiral of the White, CM.

At the Vicarage, Cardington. the Hon. JANE Lady littomman, Relict of Sir Gonville Brornhead, Bart,,

At Lochnell House, Argyllshire. ARcntsArm CAMP:IEEE, Esq. Al sea, Lieut.-Col. W. S. BEAISON, 7th Light Cavalry, late Co nmissary-Gencral, Bengal. On the 7th ult., of fever. at Santa 'Mama. iu the Ionian !slaw's, Ensign n.II.D'Ort.Y. Of the leth Regiment, eldest surviving bon of the Rev. Dr. D'Oyly, Rector of Lambeth. At Sudbury, ANNA, Relict of Christopher Finch. Esq., in her 55th year. At Chelsea, Mrs. Mane Corrssorite formerly of Dover Street, Piccadilly. in her th


At Bristol, of the thrush, after a short illness, in his 90th year. Mr. A zr oar. w HABER. /TELL This old gentleman lived during the reigns of four Kings and our s outbid
