10 MAY 1963

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The Spectator

T HE Labour Party is getting into deeper water over British nuclear weapons. Ever since the cancellation of Blue Streak in 1960, Mr. Brown and Mr. Gordon Walker have been saying...

Portrait of the Week —

The Spectator

HIE PROPOSED THREE-DAY rail-strike hung in the balance while the NUR and Dr. Beeching played out their war of nerves: meanwhile, as Mr. .Marples claimed that the Beeching Plan...

The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 7037 Es tablished 1828 FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1963

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Little Africas

The Spectator

T HE outlook for the meeting of the African Heads of State at Addis Ababa is not bright. Though there will be much talk, and theoretical agreement, about President Nkrumah's...

Co-Op Democracy

The Spectator

By STEPHEN FAY M R. JOHN STONEHOUSE's bid to weaken the power of the majority on the management committee of the London Co-operative Society has failed miserably. The 1960...

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Men of Steel

The Spectator

From SARAH GAINHAM T EiE German steel strike could raise no blood pressure in an economy as strike-prone as the British, but it seems very serious to the G ermans, who have the...

Among School Children

The Spectator

From MURRAY KEMPTON BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Police Commissioner Eugene (Bull) Connor stood in the middle of the main street leading to the downtown area directing traffic. The...

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Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

M Y colleague Queequeg tells me that the Anglo-American conference at Ditchley Park this week talked mainly of the impasse into which President Kennedy's Grand Design has got...

To Double Think

The Spectator

Even odder is the fact that people have not yet learnt that they cannot accept at face value the Communist account of any political case whatever. Over the years, trial after...

Taking the Prize

The Spectator

Mr. Vance Packard would probably call them 'planned irrelevancies': Dr. Daniel Boorstin, author of The image, created the phrase 'pseudo - events' to describe trivia inflated...

From Double Standards

The Spectator

The canting element in the British left is having a field day. It has been suggested that a future Labour government would lead a boycott against Spain because of the Grimau...

Small Planning New Zealand House, which the Queen for- mally

The Spectator

opened on Thursday, is by any standards an impressive building, despite a rather glass - eye quality of coldness. It is also an evidendY thoughtful piece of work. The regulation...

What's to Become of Harris? What's to Become of Harris?

The Spectator

Mr. Stuart Harris, whose Nude Reclining 19 63 in the Summer Exhibition at the Academy was' singled out by the art critic of The Times ,as 'perhaps the most striking of the...

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Exorcising the Trauma

The Spectator

By JOHN TERRAINE* T THoucirr I knew a good deal about the . lemotions and hysteria which the name of Haig is capable of arousing after nearly fifty years. I was sadly wrong;...

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An Order of Loving

The Spectator

By ROBIN DENNISTON Mlle study of ethics has been underrated. In I philosophy schools it always comes second to pure philosophy or theory of knowledge. In the Church it has...

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The Spectator

By T. E. UTLEY How the reputations of governments are made and destroyed will always remain, in the last analysis, a mystery. It is certain, however, that from time to time and...

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Burking the Issue Michael Foot, MP Little Europe Sir Tufton

The Spectator

Beamish, MP Facts about CND Peggy Duff Economics of Beeching Michael Lipton Politics and Sex Rev. J. L. Hooper Whose Prep Schools? B. C. Southam Pub Tales F. R. Leavis...

SIR, — Herb Greer ' s letter in last week ' s Spectator also requires detailed

The Spectator

answer. Here are some facts. Arthur Goss and Sheila Jones, who were chair - man and secretary of the National Council for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapon Tests and also mem -...

Sta, —` Men of ability ought to run our democrn,c51 for us,

The Spectator

and provided they do it honestly and ele : ciently, it matters not a fig what their private l ive ", may be. ' Thus Constantine FitzGibbon summing 0,1' his argument in '...

worthless ' owing to its utter confusion of econo mic cannot be

The Spectator

made to pay does not give a prima fa,c'! case, even on the strictest economic grounds, i °` and commercial criteria. In the same place, Sir 11 ; 0 , Harrod points out that ' the...


The Spectator

Sta, — Anthony Hartley ' s article (Spectator, April 19) is the best analysis of this problem I have yet read. I particularly liked the fact that he did not try to suggest...

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SECOND-CLASS SHOCK SIR,—In her letter (Spectator, April 26), Mrs. Picken

The Spectator

expresses furious indignation that in his talk on American TV Mr. Harold Wilson 'should so shamelessly, so gleefully label his country as second- class. . . To me it seems sheer...


The Spectator

Siu,—Mr. MeCrum claims that the preparatory schools flourish because they `provide an education for the nine-to-eleven age group incomparably superior to any provided by the...

ISLAND ON THE RUN SIR,—Your editorial 'Island on the Run'

The Spectator

(May 3) is most encouraging and reassuring. Due to various suppressive practices employed by the Ceylon Government, a great many people outside Ceylon are unaware not only of...

S‘,111,—Maureen O'Connor writes (Spectator, May 3): 'Yet, being objective, one

The Spectator

has to admit that the Prehistory charted by Dr. Leavis.' io uldn't, the given kind of smear being in question, j ustify the confidence with which she lends herself Origins of...


The Spectator

SIR,—Evelyn Waugh, as might be expected, offers no evidence for his ex cathedra assertion that 'jejune' means 'empty, feeble, thin.' It is flattering of him to suggest that my...

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The Spectator

Cloaked Collusion By BAMBER GASCOIGNE Magnyfycence. (Tower Theatre, Canonbury.)—I Must Be Talking to My Friends. (Aldwych.) PLorrtiNG, in the non-theatrical sense of the word,...

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The Spectator

Comedy of Horrors By ISABEL QUIGLY Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (Warner and general release; ' X ' certificate.) Baby Jane was once a child star who sang songs addressed...

Why Was Sylvia?

The Spectator

WHILE the larger section of the Royal Ballet appears unexpectedly to be having a some- what choppy passage with the New York critics at the Metropolitan Opera House, the...


The Spectator

The Profession By DAVID CAIRNS DOWN in the College some- thing stirs. One does not under- estimate the Augean task of the Director, Keith Faulkner; but there are healthy...

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The Spectator

Double-Decker By TERENCE BENDIXSON DESIGNING a building to satisfy the needs of a community is to an architect roughly what writing a symphony is to a composer. For the one...


The Spectator

The Hard Stuff By CLIFFORD HAN LEY EXPERIENCE has made me sus- picious of the wild swings 10 my old love-hate passion for television, especially when . 1 keep forgetting what...

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The Spectator

The Wounds of Judgment BY RONALD BRYDEN I N A,pgust, 1883, Henry James sailed back to Europe from Boston. It was his eighth east- ward crossing, and not his last, but in some...

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Smartening Up

The Spectator

A Group Anthology. Edited by Edward Lucie- and Kegan Paul, 21s.) Notes on Cafés and Bedrooms. By Rosemary Tonks. (Putnam, 8s. 6d.) Sailing to an Island. By Richard Murphy....

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Home Run Genius. By Patrick Dennis. (Barker, 18s.) The Hotel

The Spectator

Room. By Agnar Mykle. Translated 18s.) Electra. By Henry Treece. (Bodley Head, 18s.) PRESUMABLY Bernard Malamud's first novel has been kept from us for ten years on the...

Freedom's Outpost

The Spectator

THE value of this post-war history of Berlin, whose unhappily chosen title should not put readers off, is its objectivity, which is sometimes startling and always lucid. To...

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A Changing of Houses

The Spectator

On the dark porches that are sweetly strange, We stand a little while and try to see Into the yard we shall be calling home. But it is night; the edges of the trees Are all we...

Student of Man

The Spectator

EssaYs in Social Anthropology. By E. E. Evans- Pritchard. (Faber, 30s.) Tins is a collection of essays written between 1 932 and 1961 by the most influential English social...

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Spines Chilled

The Spectator

Margin of Safety. By John Rowan Wilson. (Collins, 21s.) Life magazine has just run an article on 'The Great New Dream of Dr. Salk': prefaced by a picture which shows him...

Gratitude and Politics

The Spectator

Britain and the United States. By H. G. Nicholas. (Chatto and Windus, 21s.) THERE is an American joke about the wealthy refugee garment manufacturer who refuses to save a family...

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An Insult to the Taxpayer

The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT IT is a good thing that Mr. Maudling is presenting the White Paper on the reform of the Exchequer Accounts (Cmd. 2014) as a basis for discussion, for the...

Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS A PAUSE in the upward course of the equitY LA share markets is not unwelcome. It gives the investor time to collect his thoughts. It must be clear to him by now that...

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Company Notes

The Spectator

By LOTHBURY T 116 chairman of Bampton Property Group kept shareholders fully informed during 1962 of new acquisitions. These have been reflected in the balance sheet by almost...

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Consuming Interest

The Spectator

The Queen's Apricots By ELIZABETH DAVID NEVER shall I tire of reading Dorothy Hart- ley's Food in England.* This book is by far and away the most intelli- gent and convincing...

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Just the Ordinary

The Spectator

By . LESLIE ADRIAN In recent weeks, however, a number of friends have told me about how poorly they had been looked after by Polyfoto. As it happened, they had all been to the...