11 FEBRUARY 1871

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The Mar q uis of Westminster, in movin g the Address, made a

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sensible speech, g ritty with facts out of place,—such as the number of beerhouses in En g land,—but clear, and containin g one hint which, if it is inspired, is exceedin g ly...

On the g eneral character of Mr. Disraeli's forei g n-affairs dis- play

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we have commented elsewhere. It was laboured, but pic- tures q ue. He returned a g ain to his favourite notion,—shared, as we believe, by no other soul in the universe, German,...

Mr. Gladstone's reply was, of course, nearly limited to the

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points touched by Mr. Disraeli. He declared the Ministry had no know- led g e of the comin g storm before it broke ; pointed out that the armaments had really been g reatly...


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T HE Queen opened Parliament in person on Thursday. Her Majesty was fairly received durin g the drive from the Palace to Westminster, but not enthusiastically, and did not...

* 4 * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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He, however, brou g ht out Lord Granville, who answered the Duke's

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attack on the two most serious points,—our weakness in the Conference and our relations with America,—by statin g that, on the day after the Conference met, all the Powers...

In the Commons, Major Hamilton, who moved the Address, spoke

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indistinctly, and without much appearance of interestin g even himself, except perhaps on the Army q uestion ; while Mr. Samuel Morley, who looked very q uaint in his Deputy...

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Mr. Martin, the Nationalist member for Meath, has delivered a

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speech, in which he lays down a distinct policy for his party. He would have the Irish electors so organize themselves as to send up none but Nationalist members. These members...

The week has given us nothing definite as to the

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terms of peace. Mr. Gladstone states that Lord Granville formally pressed Count Bismarck to state his terms before the Assembly met, but the Chancellor had not yet complied. The...

Mr. Gladstone is sometimes accused of an indirectness and over-

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subtlety almost amounting to want of candour. A letter from him to Dr. Hampden, the late Bishop of Hereford, published in the memoir of that prelate by his daughter, which has...

The Berlin correspondent of the Times, whose despatches bear an

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impress of German officialism, telegraphs the following message : " Berlin, February 9.—A letter from the King of Sweden to a French officer, prisoner of war in Germany, has...

No official hint has yet been given of the method

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in which the Assembly is to begin its work. The Pattie, however, is supposed to be inspired when it says that the Assembly, as its first act, will appoint three Commissioners to...

It would appear from several contradictory statements in the newspapers

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that Sir Spencer Robinson, Controller of the Navy, has been dismissed, and the matter will shortly be discussed in Parliament.

Up to Friday afternoon very little was definitely known in

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London of the result of the French elections. It appears certain that the Moderate Republican party heads the poll in the arrondissement of Brest, the Department of the North,...

Our Cabinet did a graceful thing in placing on the

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1st of Feb- ruary all the stores of the British Administration at the joint service of the French and German Governments for the parpose•of revictualling Paris. Mr. Gladstone...

The Austrian Cabinet has been dismissed. The new Premier is

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Count Hohenwart, and his programme apparently is the extension of legislative and administrative autonomy to the provinces " so far as is compatible with the unity of the...

M. Gambetta's hasty decree declaring all the Imperialist pre- fects

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and agents ineligible to the National Assembly has been an- nulled by the rest of the Government at Paris, and a deputation sent to Bordeaux to outvote him. For a time it seemed...

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The election of the Oxford City School Board of six,

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has not been a credit to the organization of the Liberals, who are in a large majority in the town. First came the ticket of three Con. servative candidates, neck to neck, with...

A Cape journal publishes an official statement, from which it

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appears that during 1870, 5,661 diamonds were shipped from Port Elizabeth, valued at £125,000, and an estimate giving the total value of the stones shipped from the Cape as...

The Duke d'Aumale has issued an address to the electors

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of France which does not strike us as very effective. As he had no share of responsibility in the war, direct or indirect, he stipulates for " entire liberty of appreciation or...

The correspondent of the Daily News at the Saxon head-

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quarters did a gallant act in calmly riding into Paris the moment the convention for its surrender was signed, undismayed by the hate of the Parisians for English correspondents...

Nor was Mr. Gladstone's course in the case of Mr.

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Maurice himself lees noble, while it was much more hazardous to his own political interests. For when this question about Mr. Maurice's orthodoxy was first raised, Mr. Gladstone...

The most bizarre and horrible railway accident we ever remem-

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ber to have heard of is reported by cable from the Hudson River. A train laden with passengers was going along quite comfortably, when (February 6) it passed a train laded with...

We cannot agree with those who denounce the tendency of

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the Post Office to make profit. On the contrary, we hope to see the interest of the National Debt one day paid out of the profits of the Post, State Telegraph, State Railway,...

Consols were on Friday 911 to 92.

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We are glad to learn that Mr. Brian Dillon, one

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of the Fenian prisoners, who was too ill to cross the Atlantic, and had, therefore, refused the pardon conditional on his not returning to Ireland, has been liberated with...

Mr. Gladstone on Friday night replied to a question from

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Mr. Auberon Herbert asking why M. Jules Fevre had not obtained his safe-conduct when it was asked for by England, by stating in effect that Count Bismarck did as he liked. The...

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T HE Queen's Speech is a very good speech. The Ministry- had a very difficult part to play, and they have played' it very well and very honestly besides. It is the hardest thing...


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PEACE OR WAR ? THAT with the vigilance of the Germans in keeping Paris for the present secluded, the prevalence of rumours circulated to deceive, and the disorganized...

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first debates of the Session are chiefly remarkable for negative characteristics. They expressed what we have always regarded as the true feeling of the principal classes of...

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A FTER a noble, tenacious, and brilliant effort to save France, which with a few more M. Gambettas to aid him would almost certainly have succeeded, but for which single-handed...

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IT would be a great mistake to underrate the importance of this agitation against the Dowry to the Princess Louise. That agitation is the first movement commenced by the new...

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W HERE are the rising statesmen ? The question is serious ; for all the men of first-rate ability in the House of Commons were trained in a past generation, and bear the trace...

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HONOUR. T HE Pall Mall and " W. R. G." have

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fallen out not only about the great political question of the day, but about the meaning and obligatory character of honour. " W. R. G." holds apparently; with Dr. Rogers, one...

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REMARKABLE man has died in Hungary. The Baron A Joseph Etitvtis, so long and so favourably known to Englishmen conversant, with the contemporary literary and poli- tical history...

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T HE fortune bequeathed by the late Mr. Brassey, the con- tractor, is probably, as the Observer says, the largest which ever passed the Court of Probate,—for the very few...

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XXI.—MAR Y. I F popular reputation were to be the sole guide of our estimate of a sovereign, Mary Tudor's character would be soon depicted, and in the most uninviting colours....

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MR. FREEMAN'S APOLOGY FOR GERMANY. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Mr. Freeman has stated, in a letter to the Pall Mall Gazette, "the reasons why he holds that...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—May I call attention to a slight technical mistake in your article on "Undignified Democracies." The resolution of " cordial welcome...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I find the following words attributed to me in the Spectator of February 4 :—" The German nation was said to have been seized with a...

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TO M. LEON GAMBETTA, LATE MINISTER OF WAR OF THE GOVERNMENT OP NATIONAL DEFENCE. FALLEN thou art not, though the hopeless crowd Who worship crowns and empire cry thee down ;...


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DR. MAUDSLEY ON BODY AND MIND.* Dn. MAUDSLEY has written a very interesting little volume, which we need hardly say that, in its physiological aspects, we should not presume to...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—If " Anglicanus " had read my letter before answering it, he would have seen that I expressly admitted Tobit and Judith to be unsuited...


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[To THE EDITOE OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR—As you have commented severely upon an adventure de- scribed in my article on Kerry, I must ask you, in justice to Mr. Trench, to...

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THE Value of Fosterstown—as far as this work throws any light on so interesting a question,—seems to have been merely nominal ; that place of uneuphonious name having apparently...

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PROFESSOR STUBBS was appointed to his chair on the unusual ground that he was master of the subject which he was called upon to teach. A critic, therefore, must be endowed with...

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THE fact that a novel is reprinted from Blackwood affords some guarantee of careful workmanship, of the absence of glaring faults, ■ Earl's Dent. By R. E. Francillon. 3 vole....

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Solar Fictions. By A. Freeman. (Seeley.)—This is a clever little

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book, which bears something of a resemblance to Archbishop Whateley's famous "Historic Doubts about the Existence of Napoleon Buonaparte." Mr. Freeman attacks received...

Drawings of Michel Angelo and Raffaello. By J. C. Robinson,

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F.S.A. (The Clarendon Press.)—This is one of the books of which it is needful to say but a few words. The collection, which Mr. Robinson describes and criticizes in detail, that...


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Folia Silvulce. Volunzen Alterum, continens fasciculos iii. , iv. H. A. Holden, LL.D. (Bell.)—Dr. Holden, with the help of a great company of contributors, has given a thick...

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/ma. By the Duke of Argyll. (Strahan.)—The noble proprietor of

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Iona mast be held to discharge in the ablest manner the duties of pro- perty. He preserves the monuments of the island with much care and some success against the tourists—an...

PORTRV.—Peents. By Frederic W. H. Myers. (Macmillan.)—The principal poem in

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this volume "S. Paul" we criticized at length when it appeared : that which ranks next to it in importance "S. John the Bap- tist" we noticed at the time of its publication in...