11 MARCH 1871

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Mr. Odo Russell has explained in his own way the

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language which Mr. Gladstone tried to explain away into the mouth of Count Bismarck, and his own way is very explicit. He did use it, and he supposed himself warranted in using...

The French Government's pledge to adhere to a Republic will,

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it is believed, calm Paris, where the Ultras have retained their cannon, are well armed, and threaten insurrection if the Republic is disowned. They hold Belleville and the...

We have explained elsewhere the general drift of Lord Salisbury's

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very weighty speech in the House of Lords on Monday night, in defence of the position that England should either with- draw from her many and very responsible Continental...

It is natural enough, perhaps, that Parisians should be irritated

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with Germans, but the mode they are adopting to express their hatred is at once childish and disgraceful. The clubs, the mer- chants, and the tradesmen are combining to expel...

The Government is rapidly strengthening itself in Paris. The Mobiles,

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who of course had succumbed to the strange fascina- tion of the great city, have been sent to their homes ; 40,000 troops from the Army of the Loire have been brought into Paris...

We have commented elsewhere on the strong probability that M.

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Thiers intends to establish a Republic in France, but must add here that the Journal Officiel of Thursday gives a direct pledge to the people on the subject. "The Government,"...


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T HE German chiefs are rapidly carrying out their side of the Treaty. On the receipt of the official documents proving the ratification of the Treaty by the Assembly, the troops...

• ** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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any case.

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Mr. Disraeli on Tuesday asked Mr. Gladstone if Government were

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aware that a Treaty was negotiated last year between Russia and Prussia referring to the war with France. Mr. Gladstone replied that Government had not been so informed. Lord...

Captain Vivian was rather smart in reply. He quoted a,

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boast of Lord Elcho's that he was the only " unwhipped " mem- ber of the House, and said that that only persuaded him of the truth. of the old adage, "Spare the rod and spoil...

The grand Army debate began on Monday, and rambled terribly.

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The subject, however, was in the main the comparative merit of Purchase and Selection—on which "the Colonels," Mr. Stanley, Lord Derby's heir presumptive, and Mr. C. Buxton...

A party in the American Senate of which Mr. Sumner

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is believed to be the real bead, seems determined to throw obstacles in the way of the Joint Commission. Senator Howard, of Michigan, has expressed its view by moving that the...

The best speakers on the Government side were Mr. Davison

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and Mr. Whitbread, the former of whom stated that the extra prices now paid were growing every day larger, till a man who bought his way up in the Household Cavalry now paid...

On Thursday the debate was resumed by Lord Elcho, who.

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spoke leisurely for two hours with his usual easy and conceited good-nature, drinking water for inspiration almost before he had actually begun, shaking his finger a good deal...

Mr. Rylands made a very able speech of its kind

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against the- proposal to pay the additional £3,000,000 compensation for over- regulation prices, showing that they were paid contrary to law,. indeed under the penalties of a...

No one has asked in this Army debate why, if

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the rich are so , scornful of Army pay and so anxious to buy commissions, they do. not offer to serve without pay at all. Suppose we do not pay Cavalry officers, leaving that...

It has long been a puzzle to understand where the

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Bordeaux Government obtained its supplies of money. It had only ten millions from England. It is now suggested, as far as we can judge from a telegraphic report of a debate in...

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Mr. W. H. Smith this week asked the Attorney-General whether

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the sanction of the Law Officers of the Crown had been given to a Private Bill for enlarging the juris- diction of the Mayor's Court of the City of London. The Attorney-General...

There was a grand fight in the Lords on Tuesday

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about the appointment of a Colonel of Militia by the Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall. Mr. Cardwell had disallowed the appointment, and the question nominally was whether the...

The London School Board after a long debate, have adopted

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Mr. W. H. Smith's motion to read and explain the Bible in the schools, with reserves expressly enjoining that no attempt what- ever shall be made to influence any pupil in the...

Mr. Candlish introduced on Monday a startling motion, "That in

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the opinion of this House it is expedient to make early pro- vision in the Estimates for reducing the Debt not less than 110,000,000 a year," a hard-and-fast line, which did not...

Sir R. Peel made one of his political freebooting raids

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against Lord Lyons yesterday week in a rather thin house, which is getting a little tired even of Sir R. Peel's rather brassy vivacity. He accused Lord Lyons of showing the...

On the other points, the withdrawal of Mr. Atlee, the

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consul, from Paris, before Lord Lyons' own departure, the withdrawal of Mr. Wodehouse (who took Mr. Atlee's duties) in November, and of Colonel Claremont,—the last British...

Consols were on Friday 911 to 91.

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TOPICS OF THE DAY THE CHANGES IN THE MINISTRY. T HE changes in the Ministry, though apparently well con- sidered and far better than some of the combinations suggested from...


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L ORD SALISBURY'S speech on Monday night in the , House of Lords deserved more serious and, we think, more hearty appreciation from Lord Granville than it obtained. As Lord...

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T HREE parties are now contending for supremacy in France, and not one of the three has a distinct programme. The first in importance for the moment is that of the Moderate...

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T HE friends of Purchase have had two field-nights in the Commons, and have made very little of their case. The single argument they have used of any importance is that any...

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P ROFESSOR FAWCETT is probably the most thorough Radical now in the House. He has obtained a kind of lead of a certain section of the Ultra-Radicals below the gang- way, and...

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the remarkable book which we notice else- 111. where, has explained, or at least partly explained, to his own satisfaction, the striking beauty of the plumage of birds and the...

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I T is very hard to discover either the limits or the final causes of national sensitivenesses, or rather of the sensitivenesses which men betray about their nationality. The...

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T HE reputation of Elizabeth Tudor has experienced nearly as many

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vicissitudes as that of her father, Henry, but the depreciatory estimate appears to be rather in the ascendant at the present time, and there is a disposition to deny to her not...

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THE VOYSEY JUDGMENT. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —I cannot help thinking that some of your correspondents have written on the judgment in Mr. Voysey's case...

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SIR,—The highest Court of appeal in ecclesiastical cases has just ruled that when we read of sacrifice or propitiation being made for us, we are to understand that punishment is...

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SIR,—As your columns of last week were as much crowded with letters on the Voysey Judgment as those of the Guardian with letters on the Purchas Judgment, it may be worth while...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you allow me, through your columns, to state some con- siderations which should be taken into account by Ministers and by...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') Sin,—You and some of your readers may like to know that the author of the ballad "Jim Bludsoe," which you quoted on Saturday, is Mr. John...


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MILLAIS'S " HUGUENOTS." (TO II., PLAYING ONE OF MENDELSSOHN'S " LIEDER OHNE woars."1 YOUR fav'rite picture rises up before me, Whene'er you play that tune. I see two figures...

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MR. DARWIN'S DESCENT OF MAN.. [FIRST NOTICE.] EVEN to readers who are not naturalists, Mr. Darwin's works are full of fascination and instruction. No writer of the day arranges...

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TALES OF OLD JAPAN.* WIIETHER regarded from the outside or

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from the inside, from an artistic or from a literary point of view, this book must be con- sidered one of the most remarkable productions ever submitted to the English reader....

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" ALLow me to make the sermons of a people, and I care not who may make its laws." That is quite as sound a dictum as the say- ing which was quoted by Fletcher of Saltoun, and...

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WHEN an acquaintance is bent upon telling us about)ome friend of his, we are apt to put him at his ease, by saying either honestly or with a reservation, that "we believe we...

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THE joint translators of Tacitus could not have united their forces a second time for a better purpose than that of editing annotated por- tions of the correspondence of...

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MR. BROOKE-LAMBERT ON PAUPERISM.* WHILE Mr. Mackonochie was busily engaged

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in measuring the height to which he could safely elevate the paten, and Mr. Voysey was absorbed in the construction of his speculative lines of defence at the other pole of the...

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The History of the Parochial Chapelry of Goosnargh. By Henry

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Fishwick, F.H. S. (Triibner.)—The county historians of the future, if the future is to have county historians, will find their task much simpli- fied. Again and again they will...

Tales of Humour (Burns and Oates), are apparently, if we

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may judge from one or two indications of style, translated from the French. They are all of fair quality, and two or three of thorn eminently justify the title, that for,...


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Ancient Classics for English Readers: ."Eschylus. By Reginald S. Copleston. (Blackwood.)—The author with whom Mr. Copleston has had to deal exemplifies the advantage of the...

Vacher's Stamp Duties' Digest for 1871. By Gualter C. Griffith.

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(Vacher.)—The value of this work to business men of all classes may be estimated from the fact that, although every effort has been made to obtain conciseness, and despite of...