13 MAY 1972

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The Spectator

The public continually finds it difficult to understand, as one wage dispute follows another, and as one set of familiar televised disputants gives way to a new set of...

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The Spectator

Coming to terms with Europe? Lionel Gelber The Spectator has served notice that while the case against Britain joining the European Community may still be argued in its pages,...

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The Spectator

The sports front Dennis Hackett There is no doubt that on newspapers, sports departments have a life of their own, looking askance at all the trivia around them — the strikes,...

Page 15

"r St lessons Ofl Hornblower 9 of Western Education Vol I:

The Spectator

The p e re -4.9 5) nt World John Bowen (Methuen Thr o „ inew;g 11 °1-it this book the name of Plato of ‘ :;ahlY, and ri g htly, recurs. The h isto r y hea-,estern education is,...

Workers' man

The Spectator

Lord Robens My Generation Will Paynter (Allen and Unwin, £5) The aftermath of the first world war, with its terrible poverty and massive unemployment swun g a g reat many people...

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SPectator, May 13, 1972 Oil taSite °ti tanlind Ch ristopher Hudson La nderground

The Spectator

Dictionary, Eugene E. rid Y (MacGibbon and Kee, £1.50) a l ba first thing, when you've pumped up n , t anaged not to hit a roller, is to shoot bi n i u nk. Then you wait to feel...


The Spectator

The departure of Brian Thompson, John Boothe, William Miller and Ken Banerji from Granada Publishing represents the most influential mass resignation from a company since Lord...

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Sir: "The whole-hearted consent of Parliament and the people.' Those

The Spectator

words mean just what they say. There is no redundancy expressed or implied. The people will not be driven, they require to be trusted and led, therefore in due course, possibly...

Sir: It seems odd that while Marketeers resist any idea

The Spectator

for a referendum about EEC entry — anti-Marketeers and free traders want a referendum to consult the nation and have a clear Yes, or No, as to whether the present proposed terms...

Ulster integration

The Spectator

From Brigadier Michael Calvert Sir: Some soldiers who had returned from Ulster told me, "The thing we dislike most is the hatred of the children. They are taught at school to...

Salisbury's nobility

The Spectator

Sir: In his review of Lord Salisbury on Politics (April 15) Professor J. Vincent omits any reference to that strain of nobility which motivated Lord Salisbury's political...

Advertised bias

The Spectator

Sir: Richard West's lashing of the New Statesman, which I hope they will print when space allows, contained the accusation that advertisers influence the editorial. Included in...

UNCTAD initiative

The Spectator

Sir: Your call for " a political and psychological break with the past" to be made at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development now meeting at Santiago and, above...

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Aching honeymoons

The Spectator

Sir: It was magnanimous of John Rowan Wilson to tell the story against himself of how as a surgical registrar he once tried to send a girl with backache on her honeymoon in a...

Bombing N. Vietnam

The Spectator

Sir: Having worked for the past three and a half years in Vietnam with an Anglo-American Quaker medical team in one of the most devastered north-eastern provinces of South...

National museums

The Spectator

Sir: In answer to Lord Montagu's letter (April 22) one can say the Commission on Museums and Galleries appear to have little appeal to the present Government, and it is...

File on the Tsar

The Spectator

Sir: Sir Thomas Preston in his letter (March 11) about the mas. sacre at Ekaterinburg gets the equally horrible murder of the Rornanovs at Alapaevsk wrong. Princess Elena was...

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Will Waspe's Whispers

The Spectator

For quite illogical reasons my hackles tend to rise a bit when I hear of Americans using London theatres for " pre Broadway " try-outs, rather as West End managements might use...

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The Spectator

Gardeners tend to come in one of two kinds, I have noticed. Either they are content to restrict their efforts to the general encouragement of nature along the lines she is...

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The Spectator

THE DEPARTURE of Lord Windlesham from the Home Office to the Northern Ireland Department creates a rather serious hiatus in social services provision by the Government. It will...

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The Spectator

Volunteers Jef Smith The last stage of the Government's reshuffle, delayed for a week or two after the news of the major moves, is now accomplished with the appointment of...