14 MAY 1904

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Meanwhile Colonel Brander, who had been sent forward with three

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hundred rifles to reconnoitre, found the Karo Pass defended by a thick stone wall and two " sangars," or stone stockades. A frontal attack was next to impossible, and, in fact,...

That strange force which has so often driven the English

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forward against their will appears to be in operation once more. It is certain that neither the British Government nor the British people wished to go to Lhasa, but Mr....

Contiradictory and confused statements have been published all the week

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as to the landings of Japanese forces on the Liaotung Peninsula, and the consequent close investment of Port Arthur. Military experts believe the position of Port Arthur to be...

T HE latest newifrem the front seems to show that a

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great battle is imminent somewhere in the neighbourhood of Liaoyang, Friday's telegrams indicating that a Japanese force is attempting to, turn the Russian right by moving to...

On May 9th Herr Bebel, the " Socialist" leader—he is

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more like an English Radical—fiercely attacked the Government for the failure of its foreign policy, which, he said, " had isolated Germany," and roused a general antipathy ;...

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Page 2

Mr. Balfour, who followed, insisted that Mr. Asquith's views as

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to the effect of the action of the Inland Revenue authorities were unsound, and urged that the grant of the annual license did create a property of a kind which must in equity...

The Congo Supplement to the West African Mail for May

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contains in its correspondence columns an extraordinary letter to the editor, Mr. E. D. Morel, from the Belgian Consul-General in England, in which Mr. Casement's recent Report...

The Pope, it appears, has protested strongly against the visit

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of M. Loubet to Rome, apparently on the ground that such a visit by the head of a Roman Catholic State sanctions the Italian " usurpation " of what the Vatican believes to be...

On Wednesday night Mr. Asquith opposed the Bill in a.

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studiously moderate speech. He showed that the custom of the Inland Revenue authorities to charge Death-duties on the value of a license did not in any way create a property in...

On Monday in the House of Lords the Bishop of

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St. Asaph asked leave to introduce his much-talked-of Education Bill. The Bill is an extension of the principle of the Act of 1902, and as the former Act made the provision of...

During the past week Parliament has been chiefly occupied with

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the second reading of the Licensing Bill. On Monday night the leading speech of the debate was that by Mr. Alfred Lyttelton, who defended the withdrawal from Petty Sessions of...

Page 3

We regret to record the death of Sir H. M.

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Stanley, the well-known African explorer, which took place in London on Tuesday. Sir Henry Stanley's first great exploit was the discovery of Livingstone, a work which he...

On Thursday in the Birmingham Town Hall Mr. Chamber- lain

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addressed a mass meeting consisting of the Grand Com- mittee of the Birmingham, Aston, and Handsworth Liberal Unionist Associations. As all Free-traders who were not blind to...

In other words, we first make a valuable annual present,

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and then provide means for giving the recipient handsome compensation if we shoed ever stop the present. Our proper course would obviously be to pay the so•called compensation...

We are not among those who think that it is

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a crime to drink or to sell intoxicants, and hold it per se to be as moral to drink a glass of beer as a glass of milk. We greatly dislike, therefore, the extreme temperance...

We deal elsewhere with those passages in Mr. Balfour's speech

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at the Albert Hall yesterday week in which he referred to the Macedonian and Chinese labour questions. We may notice here, however, the strange inconsistency of his attitude...

We have dwelt on the lessons of the speech for

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Free-trade Unionists elsewhere, and can only find space here to note one other point. In spite of Mr. Chamberlain's bold words and generally aggressive tone, there was...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.

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Consols (29 per cent.) were on Friday 901,

Page 4

THE SURPRISE OF THE CONTINENT. defeat by " the Black

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Flags " in 1883 is forgotten, and Indo-China seems to the world to have been acquired without any serious fighting. Lastly, the " Boxer " uprising in China was put down without...


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MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S SPEECH. M R. CHAMBERLAIN'S speech at Birmingham dis- poses finally of all the foolish talk about his being willing, nay, anxious, to give up his fiscal...

Page 5

D IFFICULTIES seem to be thickening round the Tibetan Expedition. Colonel

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Younghushand is in the position of a climber in the Andes or the Himalayas who, as he masters one great acclivity, finds another still higher, of which he had scarcely suspected...

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I T is greatly to be hoped that the Government will not much longer allow the fate of the Volunteers to remain in suspense. When, about a fortnight ago, the Press was full of...

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the Albert Hall yesterday week will not be numbered among his successes. He began by doing his best to estrange the sympathies of many who would naturally support his Government...

Page 8

W E have lately read an enlightening article on South London

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by Mr. Charles Masterman. It appears, among others, in a book called " The Religious Life of London," edited by R. Mudie-Smith (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 6s.) The book as a...

Page 9

I T was a coincidence that the publication of the latest

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volume of the Westminster Gazette cartoons should have been almost immediately followed by a dinner to Mr. F. C. Gould, given by the New Reform Club, at which Sir Robert Reid...

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Those writers and artists who produce such a large selection

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of so-called children's books might be thought to command an easy success. As a matter of fact, they do not, though pretti- ness is an almost invariable accompaniment of such...

Page 11

[To THE EDITOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—In your first leading

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article in the Spectator of May 7th you severely criticise the Unionist Premier for dealing with a Compensation Bill before a Redistribution Bill. Might I point out that the...

Page 12

SIR,-I venture to offer a scheme for the adjustment of

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the representation of Ireland. The average constituency would be 10,547, and the total representation 66. To the scheme itself I do not think any reasonable Home-ruler could...

SIR,-I have read your article in the Spectator of May

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7th on " The German Emperor's Speeches" with interest and profit, and I should not trouble you with any comment were it not that you appear to have omitted an important factor...

Sin,-Twolrecent articles in the Berlin Press deserve, I think, some

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attention from your readers. The first is an attempt on the part of the Conservative Beichsbote to show that an increase in the German Fleet is not, or rather would not be, a...

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Slit,—Are not the apprehensions you express in your article on

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" The Battle of the Yalu " in the Spectator of May 7th largely discounted by the thoughtful review of Captain Brinkley's great work on Japan which you publish in the same issue...

Silk—Not many years ago Bradford was known as the town

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where plain fabrics of cotton and coarse, strong wool were produced. These goods required no technical skill to manu- facture. They were cheaply dyed, and exported to all parts...


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Sin,—Following up the letter printed in the Spectator of April 23rd, I hear from one of the largest Scottish manu- facturers that " we could make out a good case of the same...

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SIR,—In your article on the above subject in the Spectator of April 30th you rightly lay emphasis on the necessity of boys being taught the rudiments of military drill and...

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Referring to the letter

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in your issue of May 7th relative to the Jews in Limerick, I wish to say that if Judge Adams merely alluded to assaults on the Jews in the streets of the city when he stated...

SIR,—I am honoured by your long editorial note appended to

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my letter on the above subject in last week's issue. I may say that I have read several Lives of Oliver Cromwell, and am fairly well acquainted with Milton's career; also I know...

SIR,—All schoolboys, and most men, whether schoolmasters or otherwise, who

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have to do with schoolboys, will acknowledge that they owe the Spectator a deep debt of gratitude for the very able and large-minded article under the above heading in your...

SIR,—Truly, calumny dies bard. For the hundred and tenth time

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you have riddled the old Tory description, the Cavalier lampoon of Puritanism : yet, though it has been exploded and disposed of, one would think effectually enough, by...

Page 15

Sra,—We believe that the friends of the late Sir Leslie

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Stephen would wish to give some outward expression of their affection and regard for him. It has been suggested that in the first instance an engraving should be made of the...

SIR,—It may interest your readers to know that the sole

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surviving descendant of Sir Hudson Lowe has lately passed away. Miss Clara Lowe, who was born at St. Helena in 1819, has lived a very quiet life for many years at Upper Tooting,...

[TO TRY EDITOR OF T111 "SPECTATOR "] SIR,—The paper on "

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Youth and Age " which I enclose was written by Miss Frances Power Cobbe, and given to me by her a few months prior to her death. I cannot help thinking it may interest some of...

Page 16

SIR,—I have just been reading the delightful article in the

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Spectator of January 16th under the above heading, and living as I am close to the foot of the eastern slopes of Ruwenzori, the paragraph suggesting that range as a likely spot...

The annals of modern music are full of splendid examples

The Spectator

of "from log cabin to White House" : indeed, there is no calling in which a career is more open to talent; and after Verdi, there is no more striking example of a rise from...


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" TOLLUNT AULAEA BRITANNI." * Lo! the funereal casket reappears ; Hid not a yard from light two thousand years, Where boyish feet tread daily, unexplored. Mark them (strange...

Page 18

IT is no reflection on the energy and devotion which

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Professor Dowden has brought to his task to hazard the conjecture that the conditions under which he performed it cannot have been altogether congenial. The methods demanded for...

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VANISHING LONDON.* THE London of the Stuarts has two great

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claims on the attention of all who possess the historical temper of mind,— namely, an absorbing political interest on account of its pro- longed duel with the two Charleses,...

Page 20

Fon a hundred years the South African Kaffir has been

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exposed to the study of that portion of the civilised world which is curious about barbarism. Hasty travellers have visited him, politicians have generalised on his vices or his...

Page 21

THERE is an old-fashioned sound about the very name of

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Cowper, especially when it is pronounced like a derivative of • The Correspondence of William Cowper. Arranged in Chronological Order, with Annotations, by Thomas Wright,...

Page 22

IT is one of the most striking proofs of the

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abiding fascination of the East that in novels by English writers where the dramatis personae comprise Orientals as well as Europeans, setting aside a very few exceptions, the...

Page 23

Maureen. By Edward McNulty. (E. Arnold. 8s.)—Here is another disappointment.

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We thought for a while—we might say as long as we were reading the first half of the volume—that we had come upon a genuine Irish story of the old delightful kind. Now and...

Belchamber. By H. 0. Sturgis. (A. Constable and Co. 6s.)—

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This story does not pretend to be anything but a novel of modern society, but in its own line it is extremely clever and successful. It really merits the application of that...

What We Dream. By Frances Harrod. (Duckworth and Co. 6s.)—This

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is a good specimen of the novel of the day, the books that were once written for our pleasure, but now are obviously intended for a penance. We say "good" because it shows much...

Rulers of Kings. By Gertrude Atherton. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—The

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extreme popularity of the "Royal" novel—that is, the novel in which the heroine or hero belongs to one of the Royal houses of Europe—has induced Mrs. Atherton to try a...

The Poet and his Guardian Angel. By Sarah Tytler. (Chatto

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and Winans. 6s.)—This book is not so much a novel as a, description of the life in retirement of the poet Cowper. It is always a difficult task to weave in the history of a...

The Man in. the Wood. By Mary Stuart Boyd. (Chapman

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and Hall. 6s.)—The mistake by which the imbroglio of this book is caused is not quite sufficiently credible to lend the story en- grossing interest. And it must also be...

purports to aim at, not so much "a criticism of

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the verbal medium through which a great Master uttered his heart and mind ; but rather at a survey of the effect which he produced on the thought and action of his age." We must...

Love's Proxy. By Richard Begot. (E. Arnold. 6s.)—Mr. Bagot, abandoning

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stories about either the faith or the city of Rome, gives us in Love's Proxy an ordinary novel of society. There being nothing very new or intricate about the plot, the interest...

Page 24

which, as many of our readers will remember, was begun

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by the volume entitled "Clue." Unwearied industry and remarkable ingenuity, a word which we use honoris cause, distinguish this as they distinguish all Dr. Abbott's work. We...

Other Memories, Old and New. By John Kerr, LL.D. (W.

The Spectator

Black- wood and Sons. 3s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Kerr here gives us a second instal- ment of reminiscences. He need not fear, we think, the common fate of continuations. Books of this...

Thirty Years in Madagascar. By the Rev. T. T. Matthews.

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(R.T.S. 6s.)—The story of Christianity in Madagascar is one of the most eventful in the annals of missionary enterprise. It began with a disaster. Two missionaries, each with...

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Studies from Attic Drama. By Edward George Harman. (Smith, Elder,

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and Co. 5s.)—Mr. Harman has made a bold venture, and has come very well out of it. To construct "a play, after Euripides," as he has done with the Alcestis, is not very...

Letters from England, 1846-1849. By Elizabeth Davis Bancroft. (Smith, Elder,

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and Co. 6s. net.)—Mrs. Bancroft was the wife of the historian George Bancroft, who, after American custom, came as Minister to England in 1846. She wrote these letters during...

Nsw EDITIONS.—In the "Library of English Classics" (Macmillan and Co.,

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3s. 6d. net per vol.), we have Milton's Poetical Works, 2 vols., with a Bibliographical Note by A. W. Pollard. Milton's first printed verse was a copy of Latin verses written at...

English Architecture. By Thomas Denham Atkinson. (Methuen and Co. 3s.

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6d. net.)—Mr. Atkinson gives in his introduction a useful bibliography of his subject, beginning with Thomas Rickman's work published in 1817. A complete collection would be...

In the "Temple Classics" (J. M. Dent and Co.) we

The Spectator

have the Sacrum Coinniercium ; or, Converse of Francis and his Friends with Holy Poverty (ls. and ls. 6d.), translated by Canon Rawnaley, with a Preface by M. Sabatier. The...

them of log-rolling. He might be more accurate. Dr. Driver

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was not an "editor" of "The Dictionary of the Bible" (Hastings). The title-page acknowledges his assistance "chiefly in the reading of proof-sheets." And he seems to be but...