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The International Congress of Working-Men at Lausanne and the Peace

The Spectator

Congress at Geneva seem to have been singularly futile , and useless,—perhaps, almost as much so as the Pan-Anglican Synod of the week after next promises to be. The former...

The Geneva Congress has been still more incoherent. AsSem- bled

The Spectator

to promote universal peace, it seems to have been chiefly successful in eliciting speeches showing what needs destruction before peace can begin. Garibaldi, on arriving there on...


The Spectator

T HE week, so far as the United Kingdom can be said to have had one, has passed chiefly at Dundee, where the British Associa- tion has contrived a brisk succession of rather...

The King of Prussia met the first North German Parliament

The Spectator

summoned under the new Federal Constitution on Tuesday last, and addressed it with remarkable reticence. Last week—on Thursday week—the Grand Duke of Baden, the most liberal of...

King William's speech to his first Federal Parliament was a

The Spectator

model of reticence. He did not even glance at the appearance of foreign dictation. He did not so much as suggest that a time might come when the Main would cease to be even the...

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An amusing correspondence, the political meaning of which we have

The Spectator

elsewhere discussed, has been published this week, between President Johnson and General Grant, on the removal of General Sheridan. Mr. Johnson orders his removal, and asks...

Mr. Johnson has not only dismissed General Sheridan and General

The Spectator

Sickles for their Radical policy, but has dismissed General Howard,—the Havelock of the American War, but a man of less stern and perhaps sweeter religious nature than Havelock,...

Who, except naturalists, had ever heard, before the meeting of

The Spectator

the British Association on Tuesday, that British estates are in great danger of suffering seriously in value from the agency of voles? One accomplished man in our hearing,—no...

Encouraged by this admirable and success . ful paper, Sir John

The Spectator

Lubbock's friends and admirers were unwise enough to hold a private meeting at Dundee to support his claims as candidate for the University of London,—only one elector of that...

The Archbishop of Canterbury—or some one else—has already sketched out

The Spectator

for the Pan-Anglican Synod, which is to meet at Lam- beth on the 24th. 25th, and 2Gth of September, a programme of pro- ceedings. The first day the Bishop of Illinois is to...

Perhaps the most interesting paper of the Dundee meeting to

The Spectator

unscientific men was Sir John Lubbock's on the early condition of man, being intended to answer Archbishop Whately's argu- ment that no community ever did or could emerge...

There has been one strictly literary discussion in the British

The Spectator

Association on the genuineness of a correspondence which has been discovered or invented, or more probably first invented and then discovered, between Newton and Pascal, and...

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An English working-man--one of the many enabled by Mr. Hodgson's

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Pratt's thoughtful and benevolent plan to see the manu- factures of the Paris Exhibition critically, —sends to the Times of yesterday a report, which seems to us more able and...

Mr. W. E. Forster has been speaking to his constituents

The Spectator

at Bradford, on occasion of laying the first stone of the Tradesmen's Benevolent Association there. Of course it was not an oppor- tunity for a party speech, and Mr. Forster...

A very amusing letter in yesterday's Pall Mall, from "

The Spectator

A Lady of a Certain Age," describes a new dodge for getting timid women to buy " specifics," for effecting nothing, at an enormous cost. The lady went, according to her own...

We learn from the Dundee Adeertizer that the Anthropological 'Society,

The Spectator

which for some years back has been striving to make up for the absence of scientific names from its list of members by creating unscientific disturbances at meetings of the...

The President chosen for next year is one of the

The Spectator

most eminent of living botanists, Dr. Hooker, of Kew ; and Norwich is to be the place of meeting, Dr. Dalrymple urging its claims on the ground of its deep barbarism, which...

Lopez has given his explanation of the treachery with which

The Spectator

he has been charged in betraying Maximilian to the Liberals. His assertion is, in effect, that the Emperor's casa was desperate ; that the Emperor had asked for a free pass for...

Ou Tuesday night there was a great Liberal Reform meeting

The Spectator

.at Carlisle, where the speakers, Mr. Edmund Potter, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, &c., exhibited that not perhaps unnatural embarrassment which the Liberal party all over the kingdom...

The closing prices of the leading Foreign Securities yesterday and

The Spectator

on Friday week are subjoined:— Mexican Spanish Passives Do. Certificates Turkish 0 per Cents., 1853 .. 1862 .. United States 5 .20's • • Friday, Sept. 6. 151 194 151 so 69...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railways left

The Spectator

off at the annexed quotations :— Great Eastern Great Northern • • ■■• 'Friday, Sept. 6. Friday, Sept. 13. .. 301 .. 301 — 113 ic. d... 112 Great Western.. .. • a •• .....

Considerable inactivity has prevailed in the market for all National

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Securities this week ; nevertheless, scarcely any change has taken place in the quotations. Yesterday, Consols for money left off at 941 1 ; ditto, for account, 911 ; Reduced...

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The Spectator

GENEVA AND LAMBETH. I F the white-surpliced and mitred ecclesiastics who are now flocking and fluttering softly, in groups of dove-like movement, towards Lambeth, would but...

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The Spectator

T HE Grand Dake of Baden's speech to his Parliament cer- tainly looks as if the time were coming when what we may now fairly call the Kingdom of North G,ermany would resemble a...

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WORKING-MEN IN PARLTAMFINT. T HERE has been much talk lately about

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the programme of the Liberal party. Statesmen, with more or less vague- ness, and journalists, with more or less dogmatism, have written on the subject. Everywhere we hear the...

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The Spectator

rw - E very remarkable correspondence published this week X between General Giant and President Johnson, on the subject of the President's order removing General Sheridan from...

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BAD J UDGES. T HE qualifications of a good Judge are

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so high that we can- not be surprised at their rarity, and when we remember the way in which many Judges are selected, we can hardly complain that there are such flagrant...

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THE RITUALISTIC HUNGER. T HE evidence given before the Commission on

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Ritualism is very curious reading. It is impossible to conceive wider diver- gences and more random views, even amongst the most earnest adherents of private judgment, than the...

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The Spectator

P ROFESSOR TIEFDENKEN, of Giessen, in his interesting Versuch zu einer Allgemeinen Theorie der Vergleichenden Kochkunst (Attempt at a Universal Theory of Comparative Cookery),...

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The Spectator

I F will not have escaped recollection how the great concert of Catholic symphony which Pius IX. gave himself so much trouble to get up in Rome this summer, was somewhat roughly...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I do not know whether you think it worth while to take any notice of what may be stated in the columns of the Record. Certainly, as a...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Nauders, Tyrol, September 7, 1867. SIR, —Edward is growing a beard. I am sure he wouldn't have done this at Margate, and it is one of the...


The Spectator

THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—To answer, as you do to " W. T.'s " letter in your number of September 7, that " there is no bigotry in assuming a practical centre for a Church's...

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li OOKS.

The Spectator

MARGARET'S ENGAGEMENT.* THERE is a good deal of vivacity and some skill in this story, but why is it that it is so difficult to draw cheerful and saintly old ladies, with their...

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The Spectator

THIS is a more ambitious volume than Mr. Blackburn's Notes on Spain. The octavo is larger and more imposing, the title-page, a model of elegance, is not content with black type,...

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The Spectator

THE production of this bulky volume is no common achievement. Mr. Dircks has undertaken to write the life of a man about whom the public know very little, and even his...

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The Spectator

[FIRST NOTICE.] THE history of Ireland has yet to be written, not what may be called the prehistoric history of that unhappy land, but the I ' The Ltfe, Letters, and Speech's of...

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A suorrr change in this title would remove all those objections to its appropriateness and acv uracy of description which are modestly hinted at in the author's prefatory note....

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On the Boulevards; together with Trips to Normandy and Brittany.

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By W. Blanchard Jerrold. 2 vols. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—It is much to be regretted that Mr. Jerrold has prefaced his valuable and interest- ing sketches of Normandy and Brittany...

A Manual of Marine Insurance. By Manley Hopkins. (Smith and

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Elder.)—This work is practical and clearly written, and contains a great deal of information both on the present state of our law as to marine insurance, the state of the French...

Macmillan's Magazine. September. (Macmillan.)—As this maga- zine escaped us last

The Spectator

week, we mast mention it separately. One of its most notable features is the conclusion of Mr. Henry Kingsley's wild story, " Silcote of Silcotes." Mrs. Norton's " Old Sir...

The Fortnightly Review. September. (Chapman and Hall.)—Two or three papers

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in this number deserve a calmer study and a more lengthened consideration than we have been able to give them. Such are the articles on "The Authenticity of the Works of Plato,"...

this pleasing volume to the memory of Mrs. Browning, and

The Spectator

among the contents are two sonnets to the same person, one dated in 1851 and the other in 1861. And there is much propriety in this dedication, for though Miss Greeuwell's poems...


The Spectator

The Contemporary Review. September. (Strahan.)—This is an un- usually good number, and the papers it contains are equally attractive in their subjects and meritorious in their...

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Circe. By Babington White. 2 vols. (Ward, Lock, and Tyler.)-

The Spectator

We conclude that Circe is Mr. White's first attempt as a writer of fiction. It is a curious specimen of the inflated, grandiloquent kind of composition which very young authors...

0 - Kee - Pa, a Religious Ceremony ; and other Customs of the

The Spectator

Mandan. By George Catlin. (Triibner.)-One of the reasons for republishing this strange and sickening account of superstitious barbarity is that doubts have been thrown on its...