17 AUGUST 1861

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We note a few fresh facts concerning the lock-out in

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the building trade. Messrs. Allen, one of the larger firms, have conceded th e men's demands, and are now employing about forty masons. Messrs. Waller and Sons also for a time...

The Hungarians have replied to the Imperial rescript by a

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second address, which offered, as it is, to the irritated master of half a mil- lion of soldiers, is a specimen of the purest political courage. Mode- rate in tone, and clear in...


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r E week has been singularly dull, and the cannonade of speeches which usually distinguishes the Parliamentary recess has not yet commenced. Dropping shots are heard...

The Association for the Promotion of Social Science was opened

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at Dublin, on the 13th instant, in a speech from Lord Brougham, 'which traversed almost the whole field of labour, and wandered at the end into a discursive review of European...

The American news received during the week is only important

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in this, that General Beauregard does not intend to assume the offensive. By the latest accounts he was fortifying himself at Fairfax, and bringing his army into thorough...

The Archduke Maximilian was entertained on Wednesday by the town

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of . Southampton, but the Miniskers, although invited, declined to attend. The.most prominent speaker was Mr. Roebuck, who spoke of the Emperor of Austria as "that great monarch...

The condition of Southern Italy appears, from local accounts, to

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be somewhat improved, and, in consequence, the priests, not being able to announce victory, have taken to abusing the extreme severity with which the repression is effected....

The reports of the harvest are generally encouraging, though there

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has been wet weather in the north, and the breadth of land sown everywhere is slightly below the average. In the south and east, however, the farmers are cheerful, the wheat...

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Stahl.—Cialdini continues his measures for the restoration of order in

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Southern Italy. His first object, it would appear, is to conciliate all classes capable of being conciliated, and his second to crush the Bourbonists by aid of all the sections...

Inina.—The new Boulevard "Malesherbes" was opened on Wed- nesday by

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the Emperor in person. It is a magnificent road round the north of Paris, and, like all the new boulevards, is intended to divide Paris into blocks, eat surrounded by broad...

ilitthiff.—The Hungarian Diet has replied to the Imperial rescript. After

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a trenchant reply to the Emperor's allegations—a summary of which will be found in another column—the address concludes by announcing the following resolutions: " We are...

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Ilsossiz.—The good people of Berlin are occupied with a "Turner

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'fest," a grand gathering of all the gymnasts in Germany, and an occasion for a grand holiday. About 5000 "Turners" attended from every part of Germany, and the national...

lrm Ssalanit.—War has recommenced in New Zealand. The na- tives

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are determined to draw their organization closer under a native king, and threatened Auckland, so that on the 21st of May the Go- vernor issued a proclamation, announcing that...

Ssbia.—The latest accounts from India announce a heavy fall in

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the price of opium. Mr. Laing estimated the probable price at 1740 rupees a chest, but it has fallen to 1400 rupees, leaving a de- ficit on his calculation of 1,200,0001. A new...

lurnira.—Our intelligence from America reaches to the 3rd instant. 'The

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accounts of Southern movements are, as usual, very obscure and contradictory, but it appears certain that General Beauregard has occupied and is fortifying Fairfax, 14 miles...

entnif,—The Pasha has recently adopted most rigorous measures of economy.

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His debts amounted, it appears, to about 7,120,0001., besides 2,810,000/. owing to the Canal Company; and he proposed a loan to Messrs. Laffitte. They agreed to furnish one of...

c ur itni.—The British Ambassador, Sir H. Bulwer, has had his au-

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.dience of the Sultan; and expressed in terms most unusually strong the pleasure of her Majesty at his accession, and her confidence " that, ender the auspices of your Imperial...


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MONDAY, AUGUST 12TH. THE following statistics give a startling idea of the vast importance to the prosperity of this country of a wet or dry summer. For the six years, 1854-9,...

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of England, the Mint, the centre nave. The 30th of

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next month is the last day for the recep- Honourable A. Hood, on behalf of the Queer left the Swedish and

strongly to any oil being called paraffin but their own.

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The verdict The Duke de Montebello, General Codrington, and General Willisen was as follows : " That, on the 8th of August, Montmorency Durant are expected here. Stokes did die...

'64r enurt.

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OSBORNE, AUG. 9.—The Queen drove out yesterday, accompanied by the Crown Princess of Prussia, Princess Charles and Princess Anne of Hesse, Prin- cess Alice and Prince Arthur....

pany was 820. r. Woods, from whom the deceased had

The Spectator

bought Subscriptions to the " OvEncatrn FRIEND OF' INDIA," Will be received by air. A. E. Galloway, at 1, Wellington-street, Strand.


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Bankrupts.—Edward Henry Cogswell and George Day, Peterborough, Northamp- tonshire, builders—Thomas Wills, Alverstoke, Hampshire, licensed brewer — Charles Humfrey and Charles...


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STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. THE directors of the Bank of England, yesterday, reduced their rate of discount from 5 to 4} per cent. It was generally anticipated that this...

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CULTIVATED LIBERALS AND POPULAR LIBERALS. T HERE is a superciliousness of thought and demeanour about the dominant Liberalism of the day in treating the old popular notions of...

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won. supplies of men, and the modification of the laws,

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the 1. And first, as to the merits of the'reply. The Emperor, supreme power has belonged to and been exercised by the it will be remembered, never absolutely denied the...

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P ARIS this week has flocked to witness the inauguration of a new and splendid boulevard, and to listen to an inaugural address from the lips of its imperial founder, which was...

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SOCIAL SCIENCE IN IRELAND. T HAT Lord Brougham's first acquaintance with

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Ireland should be made on occasion of a mission to observe and promote the progress of Social Science, is one of the most significant of symptoms of the rapid growth of the...

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TWO remarkable letters have appeared this week on the condition of Southern Italy. The author of one, Sir George Bowyer, is an ultramontanist of the most advanced description, a...

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J UST before the descent of Lopez on Cuba, the American papers were full of allusions to an association called the Order of the Lone Star, said to be organized for the purpose...

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TT is curious, considering the keen interest felt by politicians in 11. Turkish affairs, how little we know of Turkish statesmen. They have histories like other men, and...

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rtttrt tII t4r (ANL

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THE BUILDING STRIKE. Stn,—The question now at issue between the master builders and the workmen on strike seems to me so important that I venture to trouble you with this...

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Fill' 3110.

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A PUGILIST PAINTER. INSTANCES are not wanting to prove that the study of pugilism and a love of the arts are compatible. Byron affectionately refers to his " old friend and...

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THE LIFE OF MAHOMMED. 3 To say that these volumes complete the best life of Mahommed ex- tant in English, is, perhaps, but feeble praise. England has supplied her fair quota of...

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NEITHER of these books indicates any very conspicuous merit. The latter of them is, as Lord John Russell says, conspicuous by its ab- sence, nay, conspicuous by the presence of...

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MR. LUDLOW'S THEOLOGICAL DIALOGUES.* SOME of the deepest things which

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have been said in our own tion on the relation of Doubt, Secular Morality, and Sceptic nem- Philo- * Tracts for Priests and People. No. : A Dialogue on Doubt, by . Ludlow; and...

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as fresh as ever, for it furnishes the key to

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events still recorded in arfin Michna, a butcher, ennobled by Ferdinand for his cruelty, the telegrams of the day. It is the only narrative which explains in popular language...

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AMONG the most noticeable peculiarities of the existing aspect of English literature is, we are inclined to think, the great and daily increasing importance of the position...

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A Histong ofAmerican Manufactures from 1608 to 1860. By J. Leander Bishop, 11i.D. In two volumes. 'VOL I. Philadelphia : Edward Young.—The present volume, which extends only to...

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On the Mb inst., at Canton!, the Lady Louisa Ponsonby, of a daughter. On the 8th inst., at Bedgebury-park, Kent, Ludy Mildred Beresford Hope, prema- turely, of a son. On the...

Cohelelh, commonly called the Book of Ecclesiastes : translated from

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the ori- ginal Hebrew. With a commentary, historical and critical. By Christian D. Ginsburg. (Longman and Co.) Arithmetical Examples for Home and School Use. Part I. Containing...