21 APRIL 1855

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The Spectator

THE Emperor of the French seems to have conferred a holiday on the English people wherever he went. The week has been a fes- THE Emperor of the French seems to have conferred a...

The impromptu holiday has reduced Parliamentary proceedings to nothing, with

The Spectator

the exception of the Budget, brought before the House of Commons last night, and the Loan, which had preceded the Chancellor of the Exchequer's financial statement. The Budget...

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t luau null Vrartzlitugn iii Varliamtut.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Room! Of LORDS. Monday, April 16. Charitable Trusts; the Lord Chancellor's Bill read a second time. Tuesday, April 17. Excommunication in aid...

Vienna and Sebastopol both send us reports which torture ex-

The Spectator

pectation without assuaging it. The renewed bombardment has become a fact ; the assault is still an implied promise. The - vast preparations throughout the winter—tons of shot...

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The Spectator

The imperial guests from France duly arrived at Dover on Monday, although not at the hour nor with the amount of display anticipated. The weather was remarkably fine ashore, but...

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The Spectator

On Monday nigh; the Lord Mayor entertained the Prefect of the Seine, and other gentlemen connected with the Municipality of Paris, at the Mansionhouse. The Prefect, and some of...

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The Spectator

At a meeting of the Edinburgh Town-Council, on Monday, an address to the Emperor of the French was voted, expressing satisfaction at the alliance between Great Britain and...

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The Spectator

Fivaex.—On Sunday morning, the Emperor received the members of the Legislative Body at the Tuileries, and addressed them before his de- parture for Calais. "Messieurs mes...


The Spectator

The Provinces have played their part in the visit of the French Em- peror, by giving public exprespion to their sentiments of welcome and strong satisfaction at this strfting...


The Spectator

The Earl of Carlisle held his firstlevee on Wednesday. It is remarked that it was "beyond all dispute the moat numerously attended ceremonial of the kind (the Queen's excepted)...

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The Spectator

Lord Panmure was " slightly indisposed" last week, but transacted busi - ness every day at his residence in Belgrave Square. His health is now - much improved. Earl Granville...

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The Spectator

SATIIRDLY. The House of Commons was last night chiefly occupied, sitting as a Committee of Ways and Means, in listening to the Chancellor of the Exchequer's financial...


The Spectator

On the Sth April, at Ashburnham Place, the Countess of Ashburnham, of a son. On the 14th, in Portland Place, the Lady Charlotte Watson Taylor, of twin daughters. On the 14th,...

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The conference at Vienna, on Thursday, lasted three hours, and

The Spectator

led to no result. It is stated by the Morning Post that the next conference will be held on Monday ; when Prince Gortschakoff will give his final answer on the third point—the...

The Emperor and Empress of the French left Buckingham Palace

The Spectator

this morning at ten o'clock ; they arrived at Dover a little after one ; and after taking luncheon, they went on board the steamer bound for Calais. On their departure from...

#tatrtg nub Mugu.

The Spectator

During the past week the non-lyrical theatres have presented a perfect blank in the way of production. In the first place, the whole stock of available novelty had been thrown...

The impresario at the Royal Italian Operahonse has had better

The Spectator

per- formances of fine music than that of Thursday night ; but the music be- came secondary to the great state visit. The spectacle was such as no manager could have got up...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANOR, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The public were made acquainted on Monday last with the particulars and conditions of the new Loan of 16,000,0001. The tenders to be opened at...

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The Spectator

16th April 1855. Sirs—I am rejoiced to learn from the first page of your current number, that "many, including some who are in a position to possess high influence and to...

Theta have been several concerts this week, At the Philharmonic,

The Spectator

on Monday, the most interesting incident was the admirable performance, by Mr. Lindsay Sloper, of an early concerto of Beethoven, hitherto un- aoconntably overlooked in this...


The Spectator

London, 17th April 1855. SUE- -When leading MeMbera of the Legislature are honestly trying to do something to promote an object so important as the Education of the People, —and...

Drury Lane Theatre—alias " the Royal Opera "—opened on Monday,

The Spectator

after so many postponements that it began to be doubted whether it was going to open at all, especially when it was remembered how abruptly its season came to a doge last year....

refits to tilt thitut.

The Spectator

ST. PAUL'S KNIGHTSBRIDGE. Sin—The remarks which you have made on the proceedings of the Vestry of St. Paul's Knightsbridge are founded on the assumption that the teach- Mg and...


The Spectator

The play of Is _Demi-Monde which is drawing both halves of the world to the Gymnase, and is rendering its author, the younger M. Dumas, the dramatic lion of the day, has...

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The Spectator

THE VISIT. THE Emperor's visit has passed like a dream in its pageantry and its popular excitement, but not like a dream in its practical import or consequences. It has been at...

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The Spectator

GOVEBITMENT asks for a loan, and lays down the plan upon whioh contractors must propose to give it. The bidders may state the rate of their biddings, but the mode of making them...

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The Spectator

WHAT an immense amount of thought and trouble would be sated to our statesmen and others who help to conduct the legislative business of the country, if only today were as...

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The Spectator

A coanssposrmar whose position entitles him to attention invites us to reconsider our remarks of last week on the subject of the scenes in St. Paul's Knightsbridge ; and he...


The Spectator

WATERLOO is a name not to be effaced only from a room in Wind- sor Castle, but from English history, as it has hitherto stood there. Our estimate of the battle as a national...

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The Spectator

TIIIINERELLI'S KNOWLEDGE OF THE EMPEROR NICHOLAS AND FAMILY" A nEsmExcE of sixteen years in Russia, some personal patronage from the Imperial Family, and a sort of " distant "...

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The Spectator

THE first volume of this work, containing the youth and early manhood of James Silk Buckingham, is pleasant reading, though a little discursive and diffuse, and more than a...

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NEW NOTELS. * A WEEK or two has brought together five

The Spectator

new novels, of no very particular mark. The best, or at least the most interesting, is the American importation, A Long Look Ahead, by A. S. Roe. The interest arises less from...

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The Spectator

Flaxen poetry has never become naturalized in England ; not only has it not been popular—cela va sans dire of every foreign litera- ture—but it has never established itself as a...


The Spectator

Booms. .01 Veto Months in _dmerica : containing Remarks on some of its In- dustrial and Commercial Interests. By James Robertson. Willy Reilly and his dear Odeon .Bawn : a...

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The Spectator

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, April 16.-Ordnance Medical Department-Acting Assist.- Burg. R. Webb to be Aasist.-Surg. vice Fasson, promoted.


The Spectator

Tuesday, April 17. PARTNERSHIPS Dissocven.-Atcheson and Cottrell, Manchester, wine-merchants- Jones and Darby, Oldbury, Worcestershire, coal-masters -Falmer and Carter, Wat-...

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The Spectator

Wheat, R.N 81 to 72 Fine 78— 0 Old 0 0 White 0— 0 Fine 0— 0 Super. N 75 —81 SHARES. during the Week ending Friday Evening.) BAWER- - Australasian 691 British North American...