22 JULY 1966

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The Measures and the Man

The Spectator

`The economy is getting better. He [the Chancellor] will give an absolutely frank, straight, honest statement tomorrow in the House of Commons and I think that by this time the...

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Old Red River

The Spectator

Some Chinese composers, it is reported, have written to complain of the revolutionary songs that have been ordered in praise of the Red River. They are, they say, 'machine-made,...

The Sad End of Socialism

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY By ALAN WATKINS W HEN Mr Harold Wilson rose in the House on Wednesday, and began to speak in a voice that seemed flatter than ever, my neighbour in the...

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The Devaluation of Mr Wilson

The Spectator

AMERICA From DAVID WATT WASHINGTON T IE American government are still intrigued by Harold Wilson (who isn't?), but they no longer really believe him. This is the nub of...

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Escalation by Trial?

The Spectator

VIETNAM By MALCOLM RUTHERFORD Mire case of the American prisoners in North I Vietnam seems to show Johnsonian dip- lomacy at its most cunning—or most devious. As anyone who...

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Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

RE'S no need to get upset about the Inter- national Court's decision on the South West Africa case simply because Dr Verwoerd, for propaganda reasons, has decided to had it as a...

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The Man Who Killed the TSR2?

The Spectator

AVIATION By PETER THORNEYCROFT W HETHER or not one accepts the blurb on the dust-cover of Mr Worcester's book,* it is expressed with greater clarity than Mr Worcester manages...


The Spectator

THE PRESS By DAVID FROST W HAT to you is the most interesting little 'quiet revolution' currently being surrepti- tiously carried out in Fleet Street? Have you perceived a...

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A New Deal for Spies

The Spectator

By TIBOR SZAMUELY N July 12, 1966, US Lieutenant-Colonel (retd.) William Henry Whalen was arrested by the FBI and charged with having sold to Russia 'information pertaining to...

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Beer, Glorious Beer

The Spectator

AFTERTHOUGHT By JOHN WELLS MY spirits, as I approached the Whitbread Festival Beer Garden on Horseshoe Wharf last Friday night, could hardly have been higher. Sustained by a...


The Spectator

ACROSS x. Where a fresh - air fiend would choose to live? (8) 5. Might he put a feather in his beret? (6) 9. The airy way to paint a picture (8) to. Steamship in time gets...


The Spectator

ACROSS.—x Peradventure. 9 Nightgown. to Flora. it Orders. 12 Claribel. 13 Number. z5 Stag-head. t8 Pointers. 19 Troo ps. 21 Arbalest. 23 Pincer. 26 Elope. 27 Earthwork. 28...

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Decline . . . and Fall?

The Spectator

H Y/II MA (U A SPECIAL SURVEY By LAIN MACLEOD, MP W HEN first I promised to write this piece I planned it as a pensive essay on the Economic State of the Nation. Events have...

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The Spectator

1966, the old adage, 'your money and my brains,' is still the banker's prime preoccupation, there are certain shifts of em- phasis and emerging patterns to the background of his...

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The Band-Wagon Gathers Speed

The Spectator

UNIT TRUSTS By OLIVER STUTCHBURY E l OR some years the mutual fund industry in the United States has looked upon itself as the fastest-growing industry in that fast-growing...

More Carrot—Less Stick

The Spectator

INCENTIVES By CHARLES CLORE M osT, if not all, of our economic problems could be solved if only we could increase our productivity. This, I think, is beyond dis- pute. But how...

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`Wily Crooked Joe,' they say in unison, is offering 500,000

The Spectator

South Sea Bubble Units today to yield 15 per cent per annum. Looks tempting to me!'—and leave it at that. Afterwards some of them will moan that the industry should im- prove...

Industrial Checkers

The Spectator

— But Who Wins? TAXATION By ARTHUR COCKFIELD N o government has ever been more prolific than the present one in producing tax legislation. Many of the changes made are based...

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Investing Under Labour

The Spectator

THE STOCK EXCHANGE By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT I N theory, investing under a Labour govern- ; ment should have been as easy as clockwork. When a Tory government practised...

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Companies Feel the Squeeze

The Spectator

INDUSTRY By JOHN BULL O NLY twice in the past decade has the Govern- ment kicked the unemployment figures sharply upwards. Mr Selwyn Lloyd did it. That was five years ago this...

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Objectives in Vietnam

The Spectator

Sm,—Mr Nigel Lawson, in his article 'Objectives in Vietnam' (July 8), betrays a fondness for the words 'escalate' and 'escalation,' neither of which appears in my dictionary,...

Britain and South Africa

The Spectator

Sue,—I was glad to have Mr Crozier's compliments in his letter about Britain and South Africa. I do assure him, however, that the views expressed in the book are entirely my...

The Abortion Bill

The Spectator

oxzrEn2n m Enuiron From: Christopher Hollis, Mrs M. R. Vaughan, Mrs Anna Chaiaway, Colm Brogan, S. Brykczysiski, C. R. A. Swynnerton, David West, Dennis Austin, D. V....

The Catholic Marxists

The Spectator

Sm,—Mr Bryden and Miss Lawlor of the Newman Association appear to be disturbed about possible damage to the reputation of Fr Bright. I fail to see why. As far as I know, Fr...

The Consequences of Mr Cousins

The Spectator

Sut,—If Mr Alan Watkins wishes to drag concubines into an article about Mr Cousins (your issue of July 8) he should first verify his references. The 'twenty- two acknowledged...

Snt,—I expect Mr Quentin de la Bedoyere is wish- ing

The Spectator

he had at least postponed his letter for another week. He assures us there cannot be more than 10,000 abortions annually. On that very day, National Opinion Polls publish the...

Sm, — Dr J. A. Bryden and Dr Monica Lawlor have stated

The Spectator

in their letter in last week's number of the SPECTATOR that Fr L. Bright was not a Marxist. I am quite prepared to believe that he does not hold a membership card of any society...

The Nagas

The Spectator

SIR, —Mr Nigel Lawson has taken upon himself the responsibility (Spectator's Notebook,' July 15) of writing about the Nagas lest that 'elusive entity "world opinon" ' forgets...

glady accept Mr de la Bedoyere's challenge to an open

The Spectator

debate on the subject of abortion. If he will suggest a time and place through your corre- spondence columns this will afford an opportunity for SPECTATOR readers to judge for...

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David Hockney

The Spectator

&A"2 LTIUS11HLIs ART By BRYAN ROBERTSON D AVID HockNEY has made a set of engravings and some drawings inspired by poems of Cavafy, also a series of coloured drawings directly...

A BEAstly Journey

The Spectator

Sta,—Some writer will one day compile a horror volume detailing BEA activities, and will doubtless include David Frost's experience. Here is one of mine for book. I flew from...

Home Thoughts from Home

The Spectator

SIR, —It is now two weeks since I returned from a year overseas. The house agent has been charging me 7+ per cent for something hard to distinguish from a total neglect of my...

SIR,—Although I cannot claim to have any hair- raising stories

The Spectator

of BEA ineptitude to tell, probably because I have not travelled by air enough (one would not have to use the airline often to experience some annoyance, by all reports), I have...

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Wren Presiding

The Spectator

MUSIC As we know from well-remembered Festival Hall nights, Giulini has uncommon and deserved prestige as a Messa conductor. To his pull were added those of the New Philharmonia...

Monstre Sacra

The Spectator

BALLET Since then his every appearance has been touched with the same magic, and with an excite- ment quite unconnected with the merits of what he has danced. His particular...

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The Spectator

A Case for Institutions A Child is Waiting. (London Pavilion, 'X' certifi- cate.)—Hands on the City. (Paris-Pullman, 'U' certificate.) T HAT handicapped children often have,...

CHESS by Philidor

The Spectator

No. 292. BLACK 64 men) F. E. GODFREY (xst Prize, Good Companions, 1917) WHITE to play and mate in two moves ; solution next week. Solution to No. 291 (Booth). B—B threat...

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Enemy of Twilight

The Spectator

By ANTHONY BURGESS A ND the mist on the Wicklow hills,' said Louis MacNeice, 'is close, as close as the peasantry were to the landlord, as the Irish to the Anglo- Irish . . .'...

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Hero of Heroes?

The Spectator

Gordon : Martyr and Misfit. By Anthony Nutting. (Constable, 35s.) `ALt_ that the flesh admires is doomed. . . . Cursed is the man who makes the flesh his arm. . . . As...

Turner Unveiled

The Spectator

ONE reason why the solitary and prodigious genius of Turner has been slow to make its full mark can surely, if ironically, be found in the artist's own concern for the wholeness...

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Failure on the Left

The Spectator

WASHINGTON LETTER By ARNOLD BEICHMAN T HE most serious radical intellectual and political writer in America today by far is Irving Howe, literary critic, professor of English at...

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Shades of Kipling

The Spectator

The Jewel in the Crown. By Paul Scott. (Heine- mann, 30s.) A Long Way to Shiloh. By Lionel Davidson. (Gollancz, 25s.) The Margravine. By Leslie Hiscott. (Mac- Donald, 21s.) -...

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The Wide South

The Spectator

CONSUMING INTEREST By LESLIE ADRIAN No one in his right senses goes to the South of France in August. Which only serves to support the view that half the world is mad, for...


The Spectator

The fickleness of things— The shed leaf, and the dropped Banana skin. Things change And we are altered—flat On our backs, looking up At the drilling squadrons Of remote...

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Pas de Quoi

The Spectator

R9D1.[MP - U By STRIX When, almost exactly ten years ago, this diagnosis of our nation's economic ills appeared in the SPECTATOR, nobody had heard of the Gnomes of Zurich;...