24 MAY 1834

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The Spectator

THE House of Commons met again on W e dne s day ; and the Ministers had scarcely time to take their seats before they found themselves outvoted, on a bill introduced by Mr....

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Eleberd nal 3roarttin0 in parliament.

The Spectator

L POOR LAWS AMENDMENT BILL. After some preliminary conversation, the House of Commons went into Committee on this bill last night. The second clause, which re- fers to the...

The news of the capture of Coimbra and Figueiras is

The Spectator

confirmed. Vrt.La FLOR and NAP= have been uniformly active and sue- cessful ; but SALDANHA. who is statiintedwith the main army be- fore Santarem, does nothing. This inaetion is...

The Prussian Minister has received orders to quit Madrid; and

The Spectator

it is said that the Russian and Austrian Governments have signi- fied to the Queen their high displeasure at her dismissal of ZEA Baastunez. The Queen, we should suppose, ought...

There have been fresh arrivals from New York during the

The Spectator

week. The accounts are of the same complexion ris those recently received from the United States. A vehement debate was in pro- gress in the Senate on the question of receiving...

Admiral ROUSSIN has refused to accept the Ministry of Marine

The Spectator

; Which department is therefore confided to the care of an obscure Admiral, named JACOB,—supposed to be an obsequious tool of the real First Lord of the Admiralty, the King. The...

The Grand Duke ALEXANDER, eldest son of the Emperor NI-

The Spectator

esioLss, has taken the oath of allegiance to his Sovereign and father,/ He swore to serve him in all things,even to the last drop of his blood ; and as successor to the throne...

The infant son of King LEOPOLD died on the night

The Spectator

of Friday week, at the palace of Laecken. He was not quite ten months old. Whit Sunday, usually a great holy day in Brussels, was uni- versally observed as a day of mourning for...

France has lost her most distinguished patriot. LAFAYETTE, whose health

The Spectator

had been rapidly declining for some time, expired on Tuesday morning, at his residence in Paris, in his seventy-seventh year. During his last illness, every attention was paid...

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rbe aletrapaTil.

The Spectator

Tile Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious Liberty held their twenty-third anniversary meeting on Saturday, at the City of London Tavern. The large room was well...

rbe Court.

The Spectator

TI1E King and Queen have passed the week at Windsor. On Monday, they visited the Military College at Sandhurst, when the public exami- nation of the Cadets took place. The King...

A meeting of gentlemen connected with the landed interests of

The Spectator

the cowries of Kent, Essex, Stirry, Sussex, and Devon, took place on Weduesday, itt Bross n's (;uffechuuse, Palace Yard, for the purpose of adopt ilig resolutions against Lord...

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The Spectator

Mr. O'Connell has written &letter to the editor of the Dublin Pilot, partly on the subject of the local interests of his constituents, and partly to contradict a false report of...

The journeymen tailors have resolved to return to their work

The Spectator

en Monday. " Wisdom," says the Morniny Chronicle, " conies ssith the lack of food." So numerous are the omnibuses which now run in about Lsndon, that the mileage duty alone...

Els Country.

The Spectator

There was a very stormy meeting of the agriculturists of East Kent on Monday last, at Barham Downs, near Canterbury, for the purpose of petitioning Parliament on the subject of...

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The Synod of Lothian have refused to certify Mr. Home

The Spectator

as an Elder to the Assembly, on the ground of his not observing finnily wor- ship. This new rule is now brought into exercise from the late teal infused into the Church by its...


The Spectator

Sir John Campbell arrived in Edinburgh on Friday the 16th, and on Saturday attended a meeting of the electors, held in the Waterloo Rooms. He was introduced by the Lord Provost...

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The Abli6 de la MENNAIS—despairing of Legitimacy, and hating the

The Spectator

Juste Milieu—is throwing himself into the Republican arms. A short time ago he went to Rome, having been censured by the Pope; but he submitted, and was received into the bosom...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. An individual who saw LAFAYETTE upon his deathbed, and tried to gather from him some of his latest opinions on men and things, states that the dying old General...

It was mentioned some time ago in the House of

The Spectator

Commons, th t French wine might be drunk in England for a shilling a bottle ; at some of the Members brayed. Particular inquiries have been made in consequence in France ; and...

ifif Manta fig.

The Spectator

In a petition debate in the House of Peers, on Thursday, it was openly avowed by the Duke of Wellington and others of his party, that the only true Christianity was that...


The Spectator

III RT HS. On the 15th inst., at Great 'fenny, near Sudbury, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev, CHARLEs DUNDAS, or a daughter. On the thou, Mat., at No. 3, Great Cumberland...

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The Parisians are very indignant at the exposé of M.

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TIGERS'S cor- ruption in taking 25,000 francs out of the 125,000 francs paid for a little job in the shape of a miniature ship of war on the Seine for the fête of July last...

It appears by the Vote-paper delivered this morning, that Mr.

The Spectator

WARD does not intend to move the whole of his resolutions on Tuesday. He has condensed the substance of the first two into one, on which only he proposes to divide the...


The Spectator

SATURDAY MORNING. Arrived—At Gravesend, May 19th. 11.0 .Ships Larkins, Campbell, from China; and 20th, Briton. Parker, from the Cape. Off Ilastings, 23t1, Achilles, Boileau....


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. An exaggerated version of the recall of the Russian Ambassador, and sinister rumours as to another important subject of a domestic nature,...

In our remalks on Sir John Campbell's first speech at

The Spectator

Edinburgh, we have expressed our disappointment at an apparent falling off from the liberal principles and independent tone which he was wont to profess and maintain in the...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE SPECTATOR. Paris, 21st May 1834. SIR — Have you ever witnessed the destruction, the downfal, the death, of the OAK OF TIIE VILLAGE ? Generations passed...

LOUIS PHILIPPE is aping the Despots in every thing. In

The Spectator

the time of Louis the Eighteenth and CHARLES the Tenth, no person was permitted to enter the empty rooms of the Palaces except chapeau bas. This was considered infamous even...

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The Spectator

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. LORD Dimwit stated an undeniable fact the other day, at the Protestant Society's meeting, when he said that the question of the separation of...


The Spectator

THE question of the future appropriation of Irish Church pro- perty will be discussed in the House of Commons on Tuesday next, when Mr. WARD brings forward the resolutions to...

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The Spectator

Tue Times is quite at a loss how to deal with the pamphlet en- titled " Principles of Delegated. Central, and Special Authority, applied to the Poor-Laws Amendment Bill," trout...

170.[CottonTwist. Cham- ber of Deputies.] The first and the most

The Spectator

important measure proposed by go- vernment in the project it laid before you on the ad of last February was relative to taking off the prohibi- tion existing on raw spun cottons...

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The Spectator

WOULD that it were in our power to say that the present com- pany has proved attractive; but the contrary is the fact. On Monday, though the opera was Die ZaubetiliSte, and...


The Spectator

II Don Giovanni was performed on Tuesday night ; but we really derived from it more mortification than pleasure. Very, very few Italians cordially love the music of Moz.1RT; and...

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The Spectator

THE only two benefits we can notice this week, are those of Mr. POTTER and Mr. HERZ. The instrumental compositions of the former should be oftener beard, although he happens to...


The Spectator

SOME improvement on the last concert might have been foretold without endangering any reputation for foresight. Almost any change must have been for the better. The Directors of...

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The Spectator

THE readers of the Daily Papers are too apt to pass over the Advertisements, thinking them barren of amusement. The columns headed "Sales by Auction," would indeed seem to be an...


The Spectator

BUNN has made another downward move : be is determined to beat GYNGELL out of the field. Seeing no novelty on Whit Mon- day, we were applauding his magnanimity in forbearing to...


The Spectator

ON Wednesday evening, M. PERLET, " the real Simon Pure," the veritable original actor of some of Messrs. MATHEWS' and LISTON'S best characters, made "his first appearance these...

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A correspondent of the Times gives the following account of

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the carpets he saw at the late Royal exhibition of French manufactures at Paris- " The carpets are superior to the English, in being made of one piece, and of more solid and...


The Spectator

HERE is an able production of an amiable though somewhat by- gone school. Its disciples do not aim at painting the:manners of a particular class, or at the creation of...


The Spectator

" 1 have at present under my care a man who is nearly incrusted with a reone-like skin, very closely resembling the barnacles of the native oyster, or what is called ' rough...


The Spectator

FICTION, The Captives in India a Talc. A Widow and a Will. By Mrs, Hofland. 3 vols. Bentley. MITiTART ADVENTURRS• The Life of a Soldier. A Narrative of Twenty.seven Years'...

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The Spectator

OUR Field Officer has seen much service, and had a long expe- rience of the British Army under various conditions. He joined it as a Militia ensign in 1793, when barely fifteen,...

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The Spectator

Mn, TYTLER improves as he advances. In the present volume, there may be less display of the curious research of the antiquary, and of the manners and customs of remote times,...