25 NOVEMBER 1871

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The Spectator

T IIE Prince of Wales is lying ill at Sandringham with typhoid fever. Ile had been suffering for ten days from feverish symptoms and a whitlow on his finger, and on the 20th the...

A story is circulated in Paris that on the opening

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of the Assem- bly a proposal will be made to make M. `niers President for life, and renew the Chamber gradually by one-fourth every year. The first proposition is unwise, as M....

Lord Russell has not yet finished writing letters intended to

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embarrass his political allies. Last year he wrote from San Remo to Mr. Forster, suggesting that Churchmen would be certain to have a majority on every School board, that where...

It is stated that Rowel, the ablest officer who joined

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the Com- mune, the writer who framed the plan for the reorganization of the French Army recently reviewed in our columns, and the only officer who desired to continue the War of...

"I": The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


The Liberals have been beaten at Plymouth. Mr. Rooker, the

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Liberal candidate, a local solicitor, polled only 1,511 votes, against 1,753 for the Tory candidate, Mr. Bates. At the last election the poll stood thus :- Sir R. Collier (L.)...

The French Press is adopting the American practice of "in-

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terviewing," which though vulgar has its conveniences, and the Dilbats has interviewed M. Thiers about the Pope. M. Thiers declares that France CM express no opinion about the...

It is formally announced that we are to have Mr.

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Bright back in Parliament next Session,—an event to which almost the whole Press looks forward with pleasure, for Mr. Bright's presence is apt to infuse a certain amount of sap...

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It is evident that within no long time a day's

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labour for a. skilled artizan will, in England, mean nine hours. The engineers have carried their point, and at a meeting of delegates from the Trade Societies, held on Saturday...

Meetings on the Licensing question are becoming more frequent as

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it is felt that the political importance of the dispute increases. from day to day. As yet, however, those who attend them seem to shrink from supporting or proposing any...

The Anti.State Church Society (inconveniently and pedantically called the Society

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for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control) held a conference last Monday, at which the members were a good deal exercised by the lukewarmness of...

Sir Charles Dilke made another speech at Leeds on Thursday,

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which was reported by telegraph in the Tintes. A row had been expected, but he was, on the whole, patiently heard by an enor- mous crowd, part only of thousands who could not...

Baron Kellersperg has failed to form a Ministry in Austria,

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and the task has been confided to Count Auersperg, who has succeeded in filling his Cabinet with notabilities most of whom, Herr Plener excepted, are unknown to the outside...

There is a perfect mania for Railway Amalgamations just now.

The Spectator

The London and North-Western have agreed to amalgamate with the Yorkshire and Lancashire, and the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire with the Midland, while it is believed...

There has been a Ministerial crisis in Spain of a

The Spectator

curious kind. The party which wants to expel the Ministry at any price, partly because it desires power, partly because it dislikes the plunder threatened against the foreign...

The Solicitors' Journal seems to say that the place in

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the Judi- cial Committee of the Privy Council reserved for Sir Robert Collier was certainly not first offered to some of the ablest of the Judges,—in other words, that the...

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A most formidable prospect for journalists is raised by a

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hearing in the Queen's Bench in Banco yesterday week, at which Mr. -Justice Hannen, Mr. Justice Mellor, and Mr. Justice Lush were present, and it was decided by the two former...

The Bavarian Government appears to he moving the Imperial Parliament

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of Germany to act against the new encroachments of the Roman Church on civil life. It proposed last week to the Imperial Council (the Council of Princes) to submit a Bill to...

The Westminster Working-Men's Constitutional Association 'held a banquet yesterday week,

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at which Colonel Hogg, Lord .John Manners, Lord Dartmouth, Mr. Cecil Raikes, Mr. W. IL Smith, and other Conservative Members, fired off Constitutional speeches of no great...

A correspondence has been going on in the Times about

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the pieuvre, the Devil Fish introduced to us by Victor Hugo. Mr. W. A. Lloyd, who has specimens of the fish in the aquarium at the Crystal Palace, is quite angry with the...

The proceedings of a meeting summoned by Archdeacon Denison to

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consider (of course in a sense very hostile towards undenominational education) the proposal of the Endowed Schools' Commission to devote the surplus of the Iluish Charity to a...

We should not wonder if the Dublin jury were right

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after all in acquitting Kelly for the murder of Talbot. It seems clear from a letter published by a juror that the jury had before them proof not produced in Court that the...

Consols were on Friday 93 7-16ths to 93 9-16ths.

The Spectator

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The Spectator

THE POPE AT PAU. T HE conversation of M. Thiers with the reporter of the De'bats, as reported by Reuter on Tuesday, is of itself sufficient to prove that a departure of the...

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T HE Conservatives are very naturally, and not unjustifiably, elated by the result of the Plymouth election, which no doubt bears a certain amount of real testimony to the...

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T HE prospects of the Republic in France are evidently improving. All accounts agree in the assertion that the Monarchist Members of the Assembly are returning from the...

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T EE world seems greatly disposed to make a bugbear of the International Society ; to believe that because its language is audacious and, its aims gigantic, therefore its power...

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MR. LYULPH STANLEY'S ADVICE TO DISESTAB- • deprecated compliance with

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his advice. They thought that the would not be repelled by the confined intellectual air and campaign could be fought at more advantage as a religious cam- narrow moral limits...

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TAINE has, as far as we know, made no study of Arch- ITI deacon Denison. Yet he would, we think, have found in that dignitary of the Anglican Church a very much more typical...

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p RINCE BISMARCK has just delivered to the German Par- liament a long and very amusing sermon upon a text which is always of interest to Englishmen, and is just now the subject...

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W ITH an opera-glass—possibly with the naked eye—there can now be seen each evening towards the west one of the most remarkable Comets known to astronomers. It is not, indeed,...

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THE ENDOWED SCHOOLS' COMMISSIONERS. A CORRECTION. [TO TRIO EDITOR OF TRB "BPROTATOR."3 'SIR,—In the letter which you did me the honour to insert in the last issue of the...


The Spectator

[TO TIIR EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I shall not attempt to discuss the Rev. J. Jenkyn Brown's curious numerical calculations about the Churchmen and Tories who are on...

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[To MR EDITOR Of TRU "SPROTATOR.") SIR,—In your article last week on Mr. Lowe's memorandum, you advert to his objection that if he were bound to coin all the silver that anyone...


The Spectator

Ole TOR "SPECTAT0R:1 Srn,—There seems room for a word, if you can find space for it, in reply to " Philozooist," not so much in the way of argument as of history, in reference...

rro TOR EDITOR, Ole TON "SPROTATOR.1 Sin,—The exception taken by

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the Dissenters in your columns and -elsewhere to the action of the Endowed Schools' Commission in placing the rector or incumbent of the parish ex officio on the managing body...

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The Spectator

SKETC HE'S AND STUDIES OF THE WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY. Tim question asked in these columns last May—whether all favours derived to Artists from the highest fountain of honour must...

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The Spectator

M. JULES FAVRE'S CONFESSIONS.* 4 4 Mucts bruit and little fruit" might be the motto of the volume in which M. Jules Favre has contrived to shock the diplomatic world, and yet...

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"E. V. B.'s".pictures are always original and striking, and the splendid volume in which she has illustrated a few of the most fascinating of Andersen's stories contains some of...

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these two bulky tomes may well lay claim to some experience of the subject which he treats, for he tells us that he has been connected with the Press nearly all his life, has...

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'Dion who want to see the case for " Revision " fairly stated by a Biblical scholar whose learning, scholarship, and sound judg- ment invest hiin with the highest authority,...

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Tills is the brightest book we have read for some thno, and has much the same effect among the novels of the season as a piquant anecdote told by a pretty woman in the rapid...

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The Wild Garden. By W. Robinson. (Murray.) — We are glad to welcome this handy and practical little volume as one more sign of the reaction which has in some small degree set In...

AN AMERICAN IN EUROPE.* Wr look vainly through this book

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for traces of the typical American traveller. Mr. Guild is much more quiet than some of his countrymen ; he neither glorifies his own land, nor makes invidious comparisons...

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The Old Colonel and the Ohl Corps. By Lioulonant - Colonel C.

The Spectator

E. S. Gloig. (Chapman and Hall.)—"Theoretically," so runs the first sen- tence of the first chapter, "the administrative unit is in our own Army, as it is in 'Om Prussian, the...

The Belgravia Annual. Edited by H. E. Braddon.—M188 Braddon sends

The Spectator

out her shooting star well in advance of the usual Christmas- shower. The composition of those bodios is now pretty well known, and we find the usual elements in the apeeimon...

Jeremiah ilfobbob. By Rowland Lloyd. 2 vols. (Newby.)—Mr. Lloyd dedicates

The Spectator

his hook to his " grandfather, Thomas Jones, who, in his earlier days, was distinguished as a Welsh poet." It would be rash to infer that a man can write Welsh poetry from the...

The. Lovells of Arden. By the Author of "Lady Audlay'a

The Spectator

Secret." 3 *cols. (Maxwe)l.)—Miss Braddon makes one of her characters speak of "the general predilection for somebody else's wife which provailed in those days [the days of the...

PORTItY.—Song-Tide, and other Poems. By Philip Bourke Marston. (Ellis and

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Grean.)—Song-Tide is a series of between fifty and sixty sonnets, in which the poet describes the varying phases of an unrequited love. The copiousness of fancy, for it is fancy...

Prophecy Interpreted by History. By John W. Birchrnore. (Now York

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: Dutton; London : Triihnor.)—This is another attempt of the kind typified by Mr. Elliott's Ilorre Apocalyptim, to fit together the statomonts of the book of Daniel and tho...

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Mr. T. W. Allies complains, in a letter of which

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we quote the essential part, of our notice of his wogs, St. _Peter, lie's Name and His Office :— " You ask, ' Is it an established interpretation among Roman Oathelie...