25 OCTOBER 1873

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Mr. Bright was re-elected for Birmingham without opposition this day

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week. On Wednesday evening last he addressed in Bingley Hall a monster meeting of his constituents, amounting to over twelve thousand persons, and spoke for an hour and ten...

Marshal MacMahon has made an address to several Deputies -which

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makes his position quite clear. He will serve as President till the vote is taken, say 12th November. If the vote is Mon- archical, he will obey the Monarch. If it is...

The news from Spain is very slight, nothing beyond a

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few skirmishes, in which the Carlists claim a victory, worthless unless the Comte de Chambord mounts the throne of France. A real battle between the Intransigente fleet and the...


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• • flpHE chances of the Comte de Chambord appear to be diminish- ing. In the first place, the premature convocation of the Assembly has been abandoned ; that body will...

As regards other topics, Mr. Bright, after remarking justly and

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eloquently on the great example which Birmin& ham had set during his illness of the generosity and for- bearance with which a great popular constituency can treat its...

The latest news from India is very serious. The rainfall

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in Bengal and Behar has been barely half the usual average, and. famine is beginning to make its appearance in the granary of India. Fortunately it does not extend to the...

* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscnpt in any

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One of the most serious and annoying dangers with which

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Rus- sian statesmen have to contend is the chalice that their capital may some fine day disappear altogether. It is well known to the Govern- ment that St. Petersburg is...

We regret to observe that the project of bringing frozen

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meat from Australia has failed. The meat became bad a few weeks after leaving Australia, and was all destroyed. The failure is. said to be due to defective mechanical...

Archbishop Manning has had a controversy this week with the-

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Times on the subject of the Prussian ecclesiastical legislation, in which he has got much the best of the battle. On one point, indeed; his denial, apparently, of the right of...

The efforts of the Turkish Government to Snd money are

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really more sensible than we imagined. While taxing all Vacouf lands, the Sultan offers their owners a " Parliamentary title,"—a most valuable compensation. The tobacco regie,...

A shower of letters from the Gold Coast were received

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in London on Thursday, but they contain little news of importance. Sir Garnet. Wolseley had arrived (September 27), and his Staff was immediately dispersed to raise native...

The Irish Catholic Bishops have plucked up courage to put

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their shoulders to the wheel, and help on the higher education of the country without that State-aid which. they render difficult by demanding such impossible conditions. After...

Mr. Cardwell has appointed the Royal Commission for Officers' compensation,

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which is to inquire fully into all grievances alleged by officers as arising out of the abolition of Purchase. It is specially ordered that they are to inquire into grievances...

Lord Airlie on Tuesday fired off an angry letter in

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the Times, comphtirring that Mr. Beesly had misrepaesented his evidence on the Game Laws in two articles in the. Fortnightly Review.. He accused him of suppressing all' evidence...

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Hull has returned a Conservative by a very small majority,

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—279. Colonel Pease received 6,873 votes, against 6,594 given for Mr. Reed. Colonel Pease polled within one vote of Mr. Clay's poll in 1868, but Mr. Norwood obtained 400 odd...

The question of spurious or injurious tea seems to be

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growing important. The Chinese have discovered that tea-leaves mixed with dung, iron filings, and other substances, all powdered fine, suits the English market, and are sending...

Mr. C. Thompson writes us two letters, in the first

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of which he calls our recent paper on the Taunton election "rubbish," and in the second denies specifically that he received £1,000 for his expenses from any lady, alleges that...

The Oxford Union Debating Society celebrated their Jubilee on Wednesday

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at Oxford, when Ministers of State, a Lord Chancellor, Archbishops, and other great dignitaries recalled those struggles of youth over which a glory of recollection is shed that...

Mr. Knight, of Dundee, has been badgered out of the

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Free Church, by the galling character of the fetters with which it seeks to enforce freedom, — and his congregation appears to be unanimous in following him. At the last stage...

Mr. M"Cullagh Torrens has invented a new form of address

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to constituents,--a kind of royal message. Finsbury, he says, is too populous to address personally, so he sends Finsbury a message on polities, very carefully polished, and...

Console were on Friday 92j to 921.

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MR. BRIGHT AT BIRMINGHAM. ATR. BRIGHT'S great speech at Birmingham on Wednesday will give quite a new popular impulse to the Govern- ment of which he is now a member,—not the...

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T HE English people are scarcely yet awake to the unusual depth of political profligacy involved in the Restoration of the French Monarchy in the manner now proposed. This...

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A S far as we can see, the awkward Irish University question which unseated Mr. Gladstone's Government last spring, and which, so long as it stands in the way, threatens to...


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I is very unjust that Lord Salisbury should have such 1 influence over men's minds, but he has it, and will con- tinue to have it. He seldom says anything that is very new,...

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T HE news from Morpeth deserves, for many reasons, some- what careful study. Sir George Grey, who for some years has been almost out of politics, and has for many years more had...

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TT is practically impossible for Englishmen to understand the 1 importance which, with one voice, Scotchmen assigned to Dr. Candlish. Englishmen may be told of it, and may fancy...

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T HE Oxford. Union Debating Society, which celebrated its Jubilee on Wedneslay night, in a spirit somewhat too formal and solemn,—if we except, at least, the...

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N OTHING would seem so little liable to the influence of imagi- nation as the condition of the Money Market, and nothing iareally much more subject to it. Just at this moment,...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your remarks on the probability of an uneasy conscience obtaining better " absolution " by " confession " to a layman than to an...


The Spectator

OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—You ask what are the hours of agricultural labour in America. I can satisfy you on that point, as I have worked on a farm for over twelve months, in...


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THE CLERGY AND THE AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Stn,—A friend has lately been so good as to send me the Spectator, and through reading its...


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Sia,—Among the many able and thoughtful letters on this subject that have appeared in the Spectator, I have not seen any that have touched upon one view of the case, which I...

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LIGHT. THE night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one, Yet the light of the bright world dies With the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one, Yet...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR, —If you were the clergyman of the country parish in which you have lived for the last ten years, you would not condemn abstract...


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MR. JOHN STUART MILL'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY.* THAT this curious volume delineates, on the whole, a man marked by the most earnest devotion to human good, and the widest in- tellectual...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—The accompanying epitaph, copied by me from a monu- ment in the porch of St. Peter's Church, Wolverhampton, is not the least...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] observe by a letter in the Spectator of September 27, from " The Editor of the Month," that the promoters of the Pilgrimages to...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Srn,—I rejoice to see that one of the reforms on which Mr. Bright dwelt last night with most feeling was that which would put an end to...

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Mn. TRORNBURVE4 Criss-Cross Journeys is an exception to the rule that short papers are seldom worthy of the honours of a reprint. The book, in addition to its pleasant style,...

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A BAD CRAM BOOK.* WE naturally suppose the compiler of

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a dictionary to be at least respectably acquainted with the language with which he deals. A vast amount of the sort of knowledge which goes to make up scholarship must pass in...


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comprehensive, and on the whole, able essays, from which, better than from any book of like size that we could name, the reader may derive information, excellent in quality and...

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AN D.* Tuts third and concluding volume of Mr. Nassau Molesworth's work covers a space of about sixteen years. It begins with the Crimean War in 1854, and it closes with the...

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IT is curious to note the different strata of intellectual life indicated by the romances of particular periods of national history. We forget who it is who has said that "The...

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History of the Royal Artillery. By Captain F. Duncan, M.A.

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Vol. I. To the Peace of 1785. (John Murray.)—" The Royal Regiment of Artillery " had its first beginning in the year 1716. The man who suggested its creation was the Duke of...


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Sermons preached for the most part in Ireland. By Richard Chenevis Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. (Macmillan.)—It is a notable characteristic of those sermons, not...

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Irish Wits and Worthies, including Dr. Lanigan, his Life and

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Times. By W. J. FitzPatrick, LL.D. (Duffy.)—Dr. Lanigan was tho author of a work on the Church History of Ireland, which is favourably known to students of ecclesiastical...

The First Book of Pope's Homer's Iliad translated into Latin

The Spectator

Elegiacs. By the Hon. G. Denman. (Deighton and Bell.)—It is important to note the full title of this book. Outside the description runs thus, "Homer's Iliad, Book L,...

Principles of Animal Mechanics. By the Rev. Samuel Hanghton, F.R.S.

The Spectator

(Longmans.)—One of the mottoes which adorn Professor Haughton's title-page shows the standing-point from which he regards his subject :—''EN1C1 reei . Pra p000 s' sic...

Mottoes for Monuments, or Epitaphs selected for Study or Application.

The Spectator

By F. and 31. A. Pallieer. (Murray.)—A book of this kind ought to be good all through, to contain nothing but what is very fine and perfectly appropriate. Now, it is not too...