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The War on U-Boats

The Spectator

The task imposed on us by the German U-boat campaign in this war is greater even than that which proved so great a menace in 1917. 'We have no longer to watch only the exits...


The Spectator

A S the campaigning-season in Russia wears to its close the miracle of the defence of Stalingrad continues. In the street- fighting houses and whole blocks are constantly...

he Indian Argument

The Spectator

The discussions on the Indian situation in the Council of State u Delhi have not done much to clear the political sky. Various Private members have attacked the Government, and...

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Colonials in Britain

The Spectator

Lord Cranborne, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, has taken a wise step in appointing an advisory committee on the welfare of colonial people in the United Kingdom. Lord...

A Study of Poverty

The Spectator

Valuable lessons are to be learnt from the survey of infant and maternal mortality conducted by 'Mrs. C. M. Burns, in the county of Durham. The inquiry was made in the period...

The Coal Crisis

The Spectator

For some time propaganda has been at full blast to make the country fuel-conscious, but until the cold of autumn makes itself felt we shall not know how far voluntary saving is...

The Compulsionists' Case

The Spectator

The authorg of the report of the Conservative Association's su committee which advocates compulsion for youth after school-ag in peace as in war have rallied vigorously against...

The Tobruk Raid

The Spectator

The raid on Tobruk on the night of September 13th may in some respects be compared with the raid on Dieppe, though doubt- less it was on a much smaller scale. It was a combined...

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The Spectator

ITHIN the last few days two British Ambassadors of Cabinet rank, both of them, indeed, former Foreign Secretaries, Ix made speeches that well deserve attention on the present d...

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The Spectator

I CONFESS to considerable concern at the strictures passed by Paul Winterton, Moscow correspondent of the News Chronicle, on the weekly propaganda journal Britanski Soyusnik...

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The Spectator

By STRATEGICUS OR some months now it has been impossible to take seriously any operations outside Russia. There, no one could fail to ealise, was deployed the might of Germany,...

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The Spectator

By SIR CHARLES BRESSEY T WO world-wide wars have branded on the minds of Britons as never before a deep consciousness of the smallness of their homeland and its priceless...

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The Spectator

By PETER MASEFIELD W ILL the Luftwaffe return to bomb Great Britain in force this winter? Probably not even the German High Command knows.the answeryet. But we should be...

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The Spectator

By PROFESSOR E. ALLISON PEERS T HOUGH the recent dismissal of Senor Serrano Stiller and two of his Cabinet colleagues is due entirely to internal causes, it may at any time be...

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The Spectator

By H. G. LYALL HE problem of the physically handicapped is a growing one. Although modern surgery, medicine and hygiene have done uch to reduce the crippling effects of disease...


The Spectator

Tins was Guildhall, lord of the City's mile. What echoes did its crusted vaulting hold? Through the great hall the purple and the gold Of English life flashed in their passing,...

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The Spectator

NICOLSON By HAROLD Here, for instance, was a cabinet photograph of the Prince of Wales in a brown bowler, with the great signature " Albert Edward" scrawled underneath. It was...

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The Spectator

"la This Our Life." At Warner's.—" This Above All." At the Empire. ON the eve of her wedding to a decent young lawyer Stanley Timber- lake elopes instead with her sister's...


The Spectator

The Belle of New York." At the Coliseum. " Claudia." At the St. Martin's. To those who are not in a position to indulge in nostalgic memories of Edna May and that whole halcyon...


The Spectator

I sAw the dawn and swiftly swung the gate, And all the garden of my heart was there, Where only I had walked in virgin state ; Shyly I felt the sun upon my hair, Shyly I felt...

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Sm,—One important fact with regard to the Indian political situation

The Spectator

has been passed over. A communiqué issued by the Madras Government states that, from information in their possession, it is clear that the respon- sibility for the numerous acts...


The Spectator

Sta,—May I be permitted to strongly express the view that your note in last week's issue on the Trade Disputes Act was a departure from the refreshingly well-balanced comments...


The Spectator

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SIR, -It is generally admitted that war conditions made necessary inter- ferences by the State in the lives of individuals and in the conduct of...

THE INDIAN SITUATION - Sm,—Mr. Bardsley misunderstands me. He refers

The Spectator

to the times when Mr. Gandhi declared and later called off campaigns of civil dis- obedience. I spoke only of the present one. We have been told that Mr. Gandhi said beforehand...

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Slit, May I comment on your Note on this subject?

The Spectator

The Act was ,passed to prevent a repetition of the General Strike. Is it wise to put the weapon of a General Strike back again in the hands of the T.U.C.? You say that since the...


The Spectator

SIR, —Your trenchant criticism of the Conservative Sub-committee's re- port on the 14-18 age group (The Spectator, September 18th) is based on false argument in claiming that...


The Spectator

Sm,—Travelling for pleasure is frowned upon by the authorities, but some rail travel remains essential. With the existing restricted train services no journey can possibly be...


The Spectator

Sta,—I perceived one lone shaft of brightness in last week's gloomy reading. A letter in The Spectator fiom Mr. B. J. Francis Picton burst like a bomb and dissipated my own...

SIR,—The note on " Compulsion for Youth? " in your

The Spectator

issue .of Septem- ber 18th will be welcomed by every lover of liberty. Conservatives are too often willing to sacrifice liberty for the sake of what they call "discipline " and...

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The Spectator

AN almost accidental experiment in the production of food from barren land may be worth the notice of more serious students than the research Worker himself. It was of this...

SALVAGE SUNDAY SIR,—" Janus " writes: " If the churches

The Spectator

choose to make themselves submissive adjuncts to the Government publicity machine . . . " I find this sentence, with its contemptuous reference to Church and State alike, deeply...

THE VICTORIAN AGE SIR,—I have read the usual cry from

The Spectator

one of your correspondents against the Victorian Age, " for whose foibles and complacency we are still paying." We are paying, however, for the foibles and complacency of a...

SIR,—" Janus " has raised what appears to me to

The Spectator

be a matter of great importance in his references to the Church and Government Propaganda. In December, 1940, I received a communication from the Ministry of Agriculture and...

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News from Paris

The Spectator

THOSE who may be contented, as I was, after reading the first few chapters of this book to see in it merely the gentlemanly and leisurely diary of a wealthy young man about the...


The Spectator

Peace Plans in Detail PROFESSOR KEETON is known to a wider public as the director of the Commonwealth Institute, Dr. Schlesinger is an economist with a wide personal knowledge...

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The Village Carpenter

The Spectator

" ... The land no longer supports its people. The labour formerly expended on the soil has drifted to other occupations: the youth who in the old days would have taken his place...

Young Writers

The Spectator

• MR. LEHMANN has taken a logical step in amalgamating his new venture, Daylight, with New Writing, now six years old. The first volume of Daylight, in which almost all the...

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An Anglo-Arab Accomplishment

The Spectator

Arab Command. By Major C. S. Jarvis. (Hutchinson. 18s.) THE almost land-locked State of Trans-Jordan, which is bordered by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Palestine, is in the...


The Spectator

Night Work. By John Stuart Arey. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 9s.) Grace Before Meat. By Winifred Blazey. (Michael Joseph. 8s. 6d.) Ariadne Spinning. By Eleanor Green. (Cape. 7s....

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Christopher's Book. By Mevula Salaman. (The Cresset Press. 6s.1

The Spectator

ANY child would enjoy this book, but it will appeal especially , to the four to nine-year-olds. Its primary purpose is obviously to delight, but it also gives combined...

Shorter Notices

The Spectator

The Complete Poems of Emily Jane Brontë. (Columbia University Press and Milford. as. 6d.) THIS is the most complete and scholarly edition of Emily Bronte's poems. It has been...

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The Spectator

SOLUTION ON OCTOBER 9th The winner of Crossword No. 183 is LT.-Cot. H. P. GARWOOD, 2, Sussex House, Raymond Road, S.W.19.

THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 185 [A Book Token for

The Spectator

one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. Envelopes should be received not later...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS IN the wake of the series of brewing debenture conversions we shall soon be witnessing similar operations affecting a number of well-known commercial concerns....