27 JULY 1867

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The Duke of Ar g yll made a lon g , and in parts

The Spectator

a fine, but a somewhat undecided speech. He described the Bill as a sur- render of every principle held by Conservatives, declared that the suffra g e clause was copied...

After Lord Grey came the Earl of Carnarvon, whose speech

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was, as re g ards Reform itself, far more moderate and less alarmist than Lord Cranborne's in the Lower House, but even more scornful towards the ter g iversation of the...

Lord Derby's two speeches were not e q ual to his reputation.

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There was neither thou g ht nor statesmanship in either of them. The first, which opened the debate, was mainly a statement of his un- willin g ness to be constantlyMinister of...

Tw( fiercely contested elections have been ended this week, and

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in bo. the Liberals have triumphed. At Birmin g ham the Tories made eat effort to seat their nominee, Mr. Lloyd, a Conserva- tive-I very popular, very rich, and supported by...

Lord Grey's speech, which was expec ted to be a g reat

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one, was exceedin g ly poor. He did not finish it, and the portion which reached the public was really only an ar g ument in favour of further consideration—after these weary...


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n IIR g uests have all g one away, let us hope contented. The Viceroy departed on Saturday, the Bel g ians on Monday, the Sultan on Tuesday, and the streets are q uiet a g ain....

The Reform Bill passed its second readin g in the Lords

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on Tues- day, after two ni g hts of debate, without a division. Lord Grey did not withdraw his resolution, but Earl Russell opposin g it, no divi- sion was demanded. It is...

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to the Bill itself, Lord Granville admitted his preference for

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who took upon himself to declare in that island, apropos of our excluding " the residuum " from the borough franchise, but still Chief Justice's recent charge, that Chief...

Mr. Johnson does not seem to have even yet made

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up his mind to abandon the struggle with Congress. Both Houses passed the Bill we mentioned last week, forbidding the removal of the Southern district military commanders...

On Thursday the House of Lords rejected the Bill which

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opens the highest degrees and a place in Convocation to Dissenters or Catholic students of the two national Universities, by a majority of 28,-74 against, to 46 for it. The Earl...

Lord Granville made a humorous, and no doubt unnecessarily modest

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speech in French to the Belgian Volunteers at Miss Bur- dett Coutts' fete yesterday week. " Elle me charge," said Lord Granville modestly, in reference to Miss Burdett Coutts, "...

Lord Granville followed Earl Beauchamp,—who, by the way, was as

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fatiguingly partisan as usual, and who ascribed to the counties a growing Liberalism, and to the great towns a growing Conser- vatism, a hypothetical fact which the noble Earl...

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Jamaica re infectei, and that the House of Lords have

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severely tended that any half-way house would have been only temporary ; but he did not explain why more temporary than either a rate- snubbed both Viscount Melville and Lord...

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The second reading of the Bill to make public meetings

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in the parks illegal and punishable by fine passed on Monday, but the measure will be furiously resisted in Committee. The Govern- ment is decidedly imprudent in this matter,...

Mr. Meal has written a letter to the Times to

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express his opinion of the coming harvest. He thinks that on heavy land it will be 20 per cent. short, owing to the rotting of the roots from over moisture, and observes that a...

The Admiralty has fallen, apparently, into civilized hands. It has

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been the custom, it seems, to flog Naval Cadets, who are sup- posed in theory to be officers, and who are certainly not mere boys to their own consciousness, with the birch, "...

We have given elsewhere some reasons for believing that France

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is arming, and wish here to call attention to the astonishing glut of unemployed capital in Western Europe. There are more than fifty- seven matrons in the two State Banks, and...

Mr. Ayrton intends to propose, apropos of the Indian budget,

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that no expenditure be sanctioned by the India House in Eng- -land without a parliamentary vote, and that Bengal be raised from a Lieutenant-Governorship into a Presidency, with...

The almost complete suppression of the Cretan rebellion is once

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more reported this week, and on official authority. The brave islanders who have resisted the Turkish hordes with such tenacity are yielding in every direction, and but for...

The India House Ball on Friday was a great success,

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though enarked by a most lamentable incident—the death of Madame Musurus on the floor from heart disease. The India House has taught the British Government how to give an...

We understand that the Cretan question will be brought for-

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ward for a charitable purpose on Monday next by Mr. H. Skinner, who has recently returned from the insurgent districts of the island. It is Mr. Skinner's intention to deliver an...

Two murders of interest are reported this week. In the

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first case, a Mr. Britten, a farmer living near Fronae, murdered his wife and burnt her body, carrying it to a malthouse near his own pre- mises, and then setting the building...

The closing prices of the leading Foreign Securities yesterday and

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on Friday week are subjoined :— Friday, July 19. Friday, July 25. Mexican Spanish Passives .. Do. Certificates .. Turkish 0 per Cents., 1853 , 1862 Unite! States 5. 20's . •...

The dealings in National Securities during the week have been

The Spectator

very limited, and prices , Itave further given way. On Monday, Consols, for delivery, were done at 94k, t1- ; yesterday, the Three per Cents. closed at 94 to k for transfer, and...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading British Railways left

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off at the annexed quotations :-- Friday, July 19. Friday, July 23. Great Eastern Great Northern Great Western.. Lancashire and Yorkshire .. London and Brighton Loudon and...

The third reading of the Church Rates Abolition Bill was

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carried the same day by a majority of 30 in a rather small House, —129 for to 99 against it.

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criticize and explain. " 0 pitiless destiny Alas for the

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the ten years of grace a seven-pound franchise might have ! alas for the people ! Lo, even gods obey Necessity !" this secured in educating the residuum to the level of its...

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T HE return of Mr. Dixon for Birmingham, which took place on Wednesday, is an event of some importance. The contest is the first which has occurred in a great town since Mr....

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of Lords on Monday, while substantively it was in absolute and almost concerted harmony with Lord Cranborne's speech on the third reading of the Reform Bill in the House of...

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T HE aspect of affairs on the Continent is by no means reassuring. Lord Stanley's patched-up peace will not, we fear, last long. It is very difficult for observers who watch...

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IT is understood that the Government has conferred the vacant Irish Bishopric of Derry on the Rev. William Alexander, Dean of Emly, who so lately contested the Chair of Poetry...

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T HE painful trial, before Mr. Baron Martin last Saturday, of Bacon, for the murder of his wife at Dagenham, in Essex, under circumstances which proved that had the man been one...

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M R. HERMANN VEZIN, lessee of the Princess's Theatre, has made a very audacious experiment. He has ventured, in an era of burlesques, melodramas, and great triumphs of...

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XXXV.—BERKSHIRE, OXFORDSHIRE, AND BUCKINGHAMSHIRE : —GEOGRAPHY. H AVING completed our survey of the counties of the Southern Coast and South-West of England, it seems our most...

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The Spectator

THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,- As your correspondent " A. Recent Traveller in Russia " has written several articles against the Russian Clergy, in special reference to my book Catholic...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] SIR,— The Times' Paris correspondent writes to-day in high praise of an article which appeared in the last number of the Revue des Deux...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you allow me to correct a rumour which you mention as probable, and which on your authority may possibly be taken as a fact by...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The admission of accident into the explanation of natural phenomena is often treated as inconsistent with the ascription of them to an...

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/ - 1 LORD above, Thy wrath is swift and deep !

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I,/ By grace, not works, Thou sanctionest thy sheep, And blest are they who till the day o' doom, Like haddoeks, bear the marking of Thy thumb ; , , , , And curet, in spite of...

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THE APOSTOLIC FATHERS.* This is the first volume of a series of translations, which is to comprise all the extant works of the Ante-Nicene Fathers, except- ing the longer...

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THE great charm of this inimitable little sketch of French:country life seems to be in the graceful childlikeness of the manners of the whole social group it describes. In...

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Tins is a story " with a purpose," and that purpose a good and religious one, but how far the purpose improves the story,—which shows a certain slender, though certainly not...

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in England just the part which jour- nalists are so fond of assigning to the " intelligent foreigner." For more years than he probably cares to count,—for after all allowances...

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TIIESE volumes are worth looking at carefully. We use the words " looking at " deliberately. A few may find reading them through both pleasant and profitable, a far larger class...

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A Fern Book for Everybody, containing all the British Ferns, with the Foreign Species suitable for a Fernery. By M. C. Cooke. (F. Warne and Co.)—This is a clear and interesting...


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THE authoress of the Heir of Redclyffe calls this little book " an Invention,"—to disabuse her readers, we conclude, from the be- ginning, of the notion of its being an...

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Uncle Tom's Cabin. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. With a preface

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by he Right Hon. the Earl of Carlisle. New Edition. (Routledge.)—It is so long since Uncle 7'om's Cabin came into our hands, that we are almost tempted to review it again. But...

The Complete Reader. In Four Books. Book III. — The Exemplar of

The Spectator

Style. By E. T. Stevens and Charles Hole. (Longman.)—A selec- tion from the standard poets and prose writers of England, beginning with Sir Thomas More and coming down to "A. S....

Outline Dictionary for the Use of Missionaries, Explorers, and Students

The Spectator

of Language. With an introduction by Max Muller. (Tritbner.)—The vocabulary consists of words marked by the letter denoting their class, and there is a blank left opposite for...

Mrs. Brown's Visit to the Paris Exhibition. By Arthur Sketchley.

The Spectator

(Routledge.)—Mrs. Brown is rather amusing at first, but there is too much of her, and she is decidedly wanting in variety. This kind of thing has been done very often, and the...

Aristophanes : the Acharnians and the Knights. Edited by W.

The Spectator

C. Green, M.A. (Rivingtons.)—This volume belongs to the series called the Catena Classicorwn, one or two parts of which have already come under our notice. Mr. Green presumes...

The Story of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa. By

The Spectator

the Rev. Henry Rowley. Second Edition. (Saunders and Otley.)—The short space of time which has elapsed since the first edition of this work was published shows that English...

Leslie Tyrrell By Georgiana M. Craik. Two vols. (Hurst and

The Spectator

Blackett.)—This new story of Miss Craik's is much more cheerful than her last, but it is inferior to it in dramatic power, and in all the elements which go to a successful...

Meteors, Aerolites, and Falling Stars. By T. L. Phipson. (Lovell,

The Spectator

Reeve, and Co.)—The star shower of last November found this work almost printed off, but though it did not suggest the book, it will do something towards finding it readers. Mr....

Parkin Jeffcock, Civil and Mining Engineer. A Memoir. By his

The Spectator

Brother, John Thomas Jeffcock. (Bemrose and Lothian.)—The name of Parkin Jeffcock will not have faded from the memory of those who read with painful interest the account of tho...

The Means and the End; or, the Chaplain's Secret. By

The Spectator

Mrs. Henry H. B. Paull. (Houlston and Wright.)—A line on the title-page of this book promises to trace Ritualism and its errors to their source. We confess that on closing the...