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Mr. Hill, the defendant in the Rugby romance, has been

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com- mitted for trial. His counsel, though not rebutting the charge of deserting the child—which was not strictly in court—has hinted at his client's defence. The child, he...

General Cialdini has addressed a letter to the municipality of

The Spectator

Naples urging them to action. He tells them that the nineteenth century cannot wait, and that they must waste no more time over a discus.. sion on language. " Naples has need of...

The Prince de Joinville is in America : according to

The Spectator

one account, to place his child there for education ; according to Paris gossip, hunt- ing Prince Napoleon, whom he long since threatened to call to account for the insults...

The intention to coerce Mexico into decency has been demi-

The Spectator

officially announced. England, France, and Spain have entered into a convention to compel Mexico to place her customs revenue in the hands of the consuls. Fifty per cent. will...

The Imperial Government has recently made another blunder, which produced

The Spectator

no slight irritation. Several journalists in the South were called upon by order from Paris to give in an account of their names, works, places of residence, incomes, and...

The Bishops of London and Rochester have commenced a move-

The Spectator

ment which, if not exaggerated, will be beneficial. The English clergy are taught most things except English, and can do most things except read. The bishops accordingly will...

Some half-dozen speeches have been reported during the week, but

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distinguished politicians are rather tiresome when they talk turnips, and something worse when, like Sir G. Grey, they descend to teetotalism. The best of the agricultural...


The Spectator

S IR Bnlwer Lytton on Tuesday made a bold bid for the Foreign Office. In a speech to the Agricultural Society at Hitchin he contrived to clip and mould Conservative doctrine...

The telegraph reports new outrages in Japan. The Mission-house has

The Spectator

been attacked by armed men, and Messrs. Oliphant and Morrison severely wounded. Two ships of war have been ordered up to Jeddo, and Mr..Aleock is at the capital. Some...

The Prussian review at Dusseldorf has been well attended, and

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the general opinion seems somewhat in this wise : The men are well dressed, well armed, and admirably drilled, but the movements are too slow, and the whole organization of the...

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The agitation against the Revised Code of Education has com-

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pelled Government partially to give way. The code is postponed until Parliament can come to a decision. This concession is only fair, and we hope that, after debate, the...

$ranrr.—M. Dentu, the publisher of the pamphlet rEmpereur, Rome et

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le Rol denies that he knows its author, a statement which is just possible if lie had received the imperial permission to publish it without knowing. That permission, however,...

M. Chevalier is often so English in sentiment that we

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are almost tempted to quote him among English politicians. He has written a letter to M. Dupin, who had attacked him as a theorist, and the treaty with England as a concession...

" WASIITNGTON, Sept. 8, 1861.

The Spectator

" The Russian Minister, M. de Stoeckl, had an audience of the President on Saturday, and read to him the following despatch: Translation.] " ' Sr. PETERSBURG, July 10,1861. "...

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Valaelt—The Poles of Warsaw have circulated an address through- out

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the country, warning all Poles that they cannot yet rise in arms for their rights, but urging them to abstain from expenditure, to wear mourning, to decline Government service,...

instrig.—Another ministerial crisis is reported at Vienna. The conviction appears

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to gain ground that the Emperor wilt make con- cessions, and as M. von Schmerling cannot honourably lend himself to any project of the kind, he will be replaced. The Presse, a...


The Spectator

HIS Royal Highness Prince Alfred sailed for Halifax from Liver- pool in the royal mail steam-ship Niaeura on Saturday, having availed himself of the opportunity to visit some of...

5ilbia.—The Governor-General has published a minute upon the circulation of

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the Nil Die -pun. He considers that Mr. Scton Karr, in circulating the play, erred greatly, exceeded his authority, placed the Government of Bengal in a position of disrespect...

trukr q .—The reports from Montenegro appear to be decidedly en- favourable,

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and the following gives for the first time a really intelli- gible account of the position. The exceptional position of Monte- negro "is due to the expedition of Admiral Jurieu...

Sislq. — The King opened the exhibition at Florence on the 17th

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instant amidst great enthusiasm. The exhibition is rich in manu- faetnred silks, iron, coal, fire-arms, artillery, chinaware, and furni- ture. The iron is said to be equal to...

Erraum. — Prussia has been entirely occupied with the reviews at Dusseldorf,

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which have been attended by more than a hundred foreign officers, including Lord Clyde, General Eyre, and other Englishmen. All officers deputed by their Governments to observe...

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AMERICA. (By Telegram through 3fr. Renter's Office.) Nzw Yozz, Sept. 18. Tim Federal entrenchments at Cheat Mountain have been attacked by General Lee, who was, however,...

i4t Court.

The Spectator

Rummel, SEPT. 19.—The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Alfred, drove yesterday through the Ballock Buie Wood, and round by Castletown. SEPT. 22.—Her Majesty, the...

FROM TICE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPT. 24. Bankruplcia Annulled. — William

The Spectator

Gohegan Coombs, St. Peter's-hill, Doctors'- commons, City, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, merchant—Joseph Levy, Finsbury - pave- ment, City, general dealer. Bankrupts.—WIlllam Brown,...


The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Friday. 93 :Bank Stock, 10 per Cent 931 !India Stock, 101 per Cent 9111 Exchequer Bills, Id. per diem ... 91flExchequer Bonds, 5001 :India...


The Spectator

MADRID, Sept. 26. The Iberia of this evening says : "A rumour is current that Baron Tecco, the Italian Minister, is on the point of breaking off diplomatic relations with the...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Timm has not been much demand for money this week, notwithstand- ing the approach of - the end of the quarter, but to-day the inquiry has been...


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Subscriptions to the "OVERLAND FRIEND OF INDIA," will be received by Mr. A. E. Galloway, at 1, Wellington-street, Strand. Terms : Per Annum, payable in advance Postage free.

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THE PAPACY LET LOOSE. R OME is eternal, and so it would almost seem is the Roman question. Twenty-seven months have elapsed since the peace of Villafranca cheered the heart of...

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A S we are daily threatened with a new regime of Tory Government, it would be well if we could ascertain what Tory Government in foreign policy—especially Italian policy —will...

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T HIS week we have to chronicle a devoted and daring deed of heroism and liberality. In the presence of a large body of Orangemen from Liverpool and the neighbour- hood, who...

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I T is high time that the working of the registration system I should be carefully discussed. Originally intended to secure to voters a simple and easy mode of putting them-...

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The meaning of the Russian despatch, and of the sentence we have quoted, seems patent enough, and there is no par- ticular reason to doubt that the obvious is also the real in-...

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I T is most important that the public should arrive at an accurate judgment on the merits and defects of the British Admiralty. Mere censure, however acute, never yet...

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IT has often been observed of the words of the greatest writers, like those of St. Paul, Augustine, and Luther, that they seem to have a life of their own, that they have "hands...

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T HERE is a book yet to be written about England, which will be more valuable to the historian than any collection of State papers, or any number of biographies, and that is the...

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Teta to till iktar.

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London, 27th September, 1861. Sin,—In your last week's number was a review of the poem The Prophet Enoch, which the author would not have noticed had it. not contained certain...

fira 3rtg.

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STAINED GLASS. ONE can scarcely enter any of the village churches with which this country is so numerously studded without coming on one or more new-looking, brilliantly, and...

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LIFE WORK.* Mosv people who concern themselves with philanthropic action at all have heard of the " Missing Link," the little book which de- scribed how a new kind of...

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NOTICE TO QUIT.* Tins is a novel of remarkable power

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of a strange and rather larid kind. The strength of the book does not consist in the delinea- tion of character, which is strong and masculine in outline, but does not go nearly...

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THE expedition of which this volume is a narrative, so far, at least, as about half the voyage is concerned, was originated by the Arch- duke Ferdinand Maximilian,...

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THERE is probably no one article of commerce for which the demand is so rapidly exceeding the supply as timber. Vast regions of earth are still described as covered with trees ;...

AN ORIGINAL HISTORICAL TRAGEDY.* THE anonymous author of this work

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prefixes to it a significant in- terrogatory to the public, which we think we can help the public to answer. It is as follows : " To THE PUBLIC. " Time has long made an...

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tiers, Mr. Shirley Brooks paints a woman who forges filth

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while she talks auti-nomianism, and Mr. Dickens has made a mad bride, sitting for years by candlelight amidst rotting finery, the centre of his last tale. Mrs. Wood does not go...

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Mabel's Cross. By E. M. P. In two volumes. London : Tinsley.— This is a story of which the chief scenes are laid in the Highlands of Scotland, aud all the personages are either...

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On the 21st inst.. at 23, Grosvenor-street, the Lady Frederick FitzRoy, prams- turely, of a daughter. On the 22nd inst., at Portledge, near Bideford, the Lady Mary Crosse, of a...

Lectures on Modern History, delivered in Oxford, 1819-61. By Goldwin

The Spectator

Smith, M.A., &c. (J. H. and James Parker.) Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom : a Traveller's Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the American Slave States. By...